4. Message Formats

4.1 Introduction

Data exchanged between Oracle FLEXCUBE and the external systems will be in the form of XML messages. These XML messages are defined in FCUBS in the form of XML Schema Documents (XSD) and are referred to as ‘FCUBS formats’. An XML Schema is uniquely identified by its Namespace and its Root Element (root node).The root node for XSDs of gateway messages will be generated as per the following pattern:

<MESSAGE_EXCHNAGE_PATTERN> is a combination of message patterns. The <MESSAGE_EXCHNAGE_PATTERN> available in FLEXCUBE is shown below:

Non-Query Formats

For example, consider the Operation ‘CREATECUSTACC’. The root node of messages under this operation will be as under:

Query Formats

For example, consider the Operation ‘QUERYCUSTACC’. The root node of messages under this operation will be as under:

This chapter contains the following sections

4.2 Oracle FLEXCUBE Envelope

This section contains the following topics:

A standard gateway message in the Oracle FLEXCUBE Envelope contains two main components namely:


The tags under FCUBS HEADER have been described below:


This indicates the name of the External system that is the source of the message.


This indicates the Oracle FLEXCUBE component of the message - whether FCIS or FCUBS


This unique ID identifies each message – incoming or outgoing in Oracle FLEXCUBE. Every message will have a distinct message ID.


This is the id using which any system which has sent a request to FC UBS can correlate to the response. In the External system maintenance, the Correlation Pattern can be configured for each external system. It can be maintained that either the ‘MSGID’ or the ‘CORRELID’ of the request message is returned back as the ‘CORRELID’ in the response message. Depending on this maintenance, Oracle FLEXCUBE will set either the ‘MSGID’ or the ‘CORRELID’ of the request message in the response message.


For request messages, this ID is used to submit message requests. Oracle FLEXCUBE will process this request using this id.

For response messages, the value of this will be ‘null’.


This indicates the Oracle FLEXCUBE Branch Code where the request message needs to be processed. If the BRANCH is missing in the header, request message will be transmitted and processed in Head Office branch.


This indicates the module ID.


This provides details on the various services of Oracle FLEXCUBE. For every incoming message in Oracle FLEXCUBE, the service name is mandatory.


This indicates the functional operation.


This indicates the functional operation as registered in Oracle FLEXCUBE.


This is the User ID with which the request message was invoked from the SOURCE.


For incoming messages, the destination will be Oracle FLEXCUBE. For response messages, system will populate the SOURCE of the request message as DESTINATION.


This is a unique id which indicates overrides.


This indicates the Oracle FLEXCUBE Function ID


This indicates whether the transaction is a SUCCESS or FAILURE.


This is used to send additional parameters i.e. parameters not available in Oracle FLEXCUBE.


The FCUBS_BODY will contain the actual payload to perform the respective transaction. The contents of the payload will vary for each operation.

The following snapshot shows a sample FCUBS_BODY of QUERYCUSTACC operation.

FCUBS_BODY will contain additional nodes for error response and warning response. A diagrammatic representation of the Error response is as shown below: FCUBS_ERROR_RESP

The error response message will be sent from Oracle FLEXCUBE when errors are raised in a transaction. The error response will have another tag ‘ERROR’ within it.


The ‘ERROR’ node will have tags for error code and error description. The ‘ERROR’ node will be generated for each error raised by FCUBS. FCUBS_WARNING_RESP

The warning response message will be sent when overrides are raised in a transaction. The Warning response will have another tag ‘WARNING’ within it.


This node will have tags for warning code and warning description. The ‘WARNING’ node will be generated for each override raised by FCUBS.


The notification messages are generated in a standard format. The notification messages will consist of two main components:

FCUBS_NOTIF_HEADER – This forms the header portion of a notification message. This contains a standard set of tags that can identify a notification. These tags are constant across all notification messages.

FCUBS_NOTIF_IDENTIFIER – This will identify the maintenance records based on the information provided under this node. The contents of this node will vary for each notification.

A diagrammatic representation of FCUBS NOTIFICATION is as shown below:



The tags under FCUBS NOTIFICATION HEADER have been described below:


This indicates the name of the External system or the source of the message.


This is the unique reference number generated by Oracle FLEXCUBE.


This unique reference number identifies each notification message generated in Oracle FLEXCUBE.


This indicates the branch in which notification has been triggered.


This indicates the code for the notification that has been triggered.


For incoming messages, the DESTINATION should be Oracle FLEXCUBE. For response messages, system will populate the SOURCE of the request message as DESTINATION.

Refer ‘Service-Documentation’ available under ‘Gateway’ for details about each message.