2. Oracle FLEXCUBE – Mantas Integration

Money Laundering is the process of moving illicit funds through the banking system so as to disguise the origin of the funds. Anti money laundering applications, based on the data from the banking system, tracks and identifies patterns in the banking transactions to trace any possible fraud or money laundering involved. AML systems also attempt to detect money laundering activities by analyzing the changes in specific customer/account information and the transactions performed on an account.

Mantas is an AML system which monitors the money flowing into and out of the banking system to detect possible money laundering.

An interface between Oracle FLEXCUBE and Mantas enables data hand-off from Oracle FLEXCUBE to Mantas. To perform AML monitoring, Mantas requires reference data relating to the customer, accounts etc. as well as transaction details related to customer accounts.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Details for Data Hand-Off to Mantas

This section contains the following topics:

You need to maintain the following details to enable the data hand-off to Mantas:

2.1.1 Maintaining Mantas Installation Parameters

You can capture the details specific to the Mantas installation in the ‘Mantas Code Parameters’ screen.

You can capture the following details in this screen:

Mantas Code

Specify the Mantas Code which identifies the Mantas instance to which the Oracle FLEXCUBE physical instance is mapped.


Specify the description for the Mantas installation.

File Write Destination

Specify the pre-defined destination, where Oracle FLEXCUBE will place the hand-off file. Mantas will pick up the hand-off file from this destination.

File Write Batch Name

Specify a pre-defined name for the file batch which will be a part of the hand-off file name.


This pre-defined string should be unique across all Mantas codes to which the bank is handing-off files.

Base Currency

Select the base currency into which the amount involved in a transaction has to be converted to be sent to the hand-off files.


There can be only one base currency associated with a Mantas Code.

Rate Code

The rate codes are maintained by Oracle FLEXCUBE for a base and reporting currency pair. Select the Rate Code to be used for the base and reporting currency conversions.

Rate Code Type

Select the Rate Code Type that specifies if it is a Buy rate, Sell rate, or Mid rate. This will also be used in the base and reporting currency conversions.

2.1.2 Viewing the Mantas Code Parameter Details

You can view the Mantas code parameter details in ‘Mantas Code Parameters Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘IFSMTSCDI’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can query based on any combination of the following fields:

After specifying the parameters for the query, click ‘Search’. The system displays all the records matching the parameters specified.

2.1.3 Maintaining Data File Parameters

You can maintain the file parameters for the following types of data:

These parameters can be captured using the ‘Mantas File Parameters’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Mantas File Parameters' screen by typing 'IFDMTSFP' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


You can capture the following details here:

Bank Code

The Bank Code will be defaulted from the Bank maintenance.

Source ID

Specify the Source ID, which is a unique identifier representing the Oracle FLEXCUBE instance which hands-off data to Mantas.


The Source ID can be only three characters long. Specifying Reference Data File Parameters

Reference data file parameterization provides the bank an option to include or exclude a particular data file in the data hand-off.


You can capture the following details here:

File Name

This provides a list of all the reference data files.


You can specify whether you want to include or exclude a particular data file for the data hand-off. Specifying Transaction Data File Parameters

Transaction data file parameterization provides the bank an option to choose the type of transactions to be included in the transaction hand-off files.


You can specify the following details here:

Transaction Type

The different transaction types with the corresponding modules, which qualify for hand-off, are listed out.


You can specify whether you want to include or exclude a particular transaction type for the hand-off. Specifying Change Log File Parameters

Change Log file consists of modified data of specific fields relating only to Account, Account Address, Customer, and Account to Customer entities. Change Log parameterization provides the bank an option to include or exclude an entity in the Change Log hand-off file.


You can specify the following details here:


The list of the entities which qualify for hand-off, are displayed.


You can specify whether you want to include or exclude a particular entity for the hand-off.

2.1.4 Maintaining Frequency and Hand-Off Type Parameters

Frequency and hand-off type parameterization provides the bank the option to choose the frequency and the type of hand-off. This option is available only for the hand-off files related to Reference Data.


Frequency and/or hand-off type parameterization will not be available for Change Log and Transaction hand-off files.

You can specify these details in the ‘Mantas Handoff Parameters’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Mantas Handoff Parameters' screen by typing 'IFDMTSFH' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


You can capture the following details in this screen:

Bank Code

The Bank Code is defaulted from the Bank maintenance.

File Name

This is the name of the hand-off data file. All the hand-off files related to Reference data type are displayed.


This is the handoff frequency type. The frequency value will be displayed as ‘As Needed’ for the Country and AccountCustomerRole files. All the other files will have the frequency set as Daily.

Extract Type

Specify the type of extract for the handoff, indicating whether a file is to be sent as Full or Incremental.

For files with frequency specified as “As needed”, the extraction type will always be Full. A Full extraction takes place only if any modification happens to the data. If there are no modifications for a day, no file will be handed off for that day. For all other frequencies, an empty file would be handed off for the day, if there is no data for hand-off.

2.1.5 Maintaining Branch Parameters

Every branch of a bank extracts the reference and the transaction data for itself and writes the data into a data store, as one of its mandatory pre-EOD programs. Only one branch will be designated to write the hand-off file on behalf of all the other branches and itself, for a particular Mantas code. The Extraction and the File Write roles can be assigned to the branches using the ‘Mantas Branch Parameters’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Mantas Branch Parameters' screen by typing 'IFDMTSBR' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button..


You can specify the following details in this screen:

Branch Code

The Branch Code will be defaulted from the logged in branch.


The description for the branch is also defaulted from the Branch maintenance.

File Write Role

Check this option to specify that file write role should be designated to write the extracted data on behalf of all the other branches and itself..

Mantas Code

Select the Mantas Code corresponding to the branch, from the option list provided.

2.1.6 Specifying the Data Extraction Details

In the ‘Data Extraction Monitor’ screen, you can specify details pertaining to data extraction. To invoke this screen type ‘IFDMTSEM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details:

Branch Code

Select the branch code which has got the file write role from the list of options.

Click ‘Refresh’ button to view the extraction status pertaining to the branch. The status will be ‘C’ or ‘N’ which indicates the ‘completed’ and ’not completed’ status of data extraction.


2.1.7 Maintaining UDF-s

Specific attributes related to a Customer, Account and Oracle FLEXCUBE User need to be provided to Mantas in the corresponding files. The following User defined fields will be maintained for Account, Customer and Oracle FLEXCUBE user:

The extraction will pick up these values from the Customer, Account, and User maintenances and provide the same in the corresponding field for the relevant file.

2.2 Country Information

The country location involved in a transaction is crucial for Mantas to analyze the transactions. The following input screens in Oracle FLEXCUBE have been modified to capture the country information.


This information capture is only for Mantas handoffs and will not have any other impact.

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Maintaining Customer Account

You need to capture the country information of the customer account in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Maintaining Customer Accounts’ in the Core Entities User Manual.

2.2.2 Maintaining Ultimate Beneficiary Details

You need to capture the country location of the ultimate beneficiary in the ‘Ultimate Beneficiaries’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Maintaining ultimate beneficiary details’ in the Settlements User Manual.

2.2.3 Instrument Transaction Details

You need to capture the country location of the remitter in the ‘Instrument Transaction Details’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Entering Instrument Transactions’ in the CASA User Manual.

2.2.4 Funds Transfer Transaction Details

You need to capture the country location of the ordering customer, the ultimate beneficiary and the account with institution in the ‘Funds Transfer Contract Details’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Invoking the FT Contract Detailed Screen’ in the Funds Transfer User Manual.

2.2.5 Clearing Transaction Details

You need to capture the country location of the remitter and the beneficiary in the ‘Clearing Transaction Input’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Entering Clearing Transactions’ in the Clearing User Manual.

2.2.6 TD Redemption/Renewal

You need to capture the country location where a check is issued in the ‘TD Redemption/Renewal’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Maintaining details for redeeming term deposits’ in the Core Entities User Manual.

2.2.7 PC Transaction Input

You need to capture the country location of the customer and the counterparty in the ‘PC Transaction Input’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Capturing the details of payment/collection transactions’ in the Payments and Collections User Manual.

2.2.8 Settlement Instructions

You need to capture the country location of the following parties in the ‘Settlement Instructions’ screen.

For more details, refer to the section ‘Capturing Settlement Preferences for a Customer’ in the Settlements User Manual.

2.3 Data Hand-Off

The extraction of the data at the various branches and the writing of the hand-off file data are handled through batch processes. The data files handed off to Mantas can be broadly classified as follows:

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Reference Data

Reference Data consists of the details related to the following entities.

2.3.2 Transaction Data

Transaction data consists of details related to the following:

2.3.3 Change Log

Change log consists of the details of the changes in specific fields related to Account, Account Address, Customer, and Account to Customer entities. Any modification happening to these fields needs to be sent as a part of the change log file.

2.3.4 Extracting the Batch Data

The data extraction routines will run on the Oracle FLEXCUBE database for each branch of the bank. This happens during pre-EOD where both reference and transaction data for the branch is extracted as per the Branch parameterization and the Frequency and hand-off type parameterization. The extracted data is written to a common data-store. For data extraction, IFMNTSEX batch needs to be maintained at post EOFI level in the function id EIDMANPR.


The extraction should be maintained as a mandatory program as part of the branch’s End of Cycle activity.

2.3.5 Writing the Batch Data

The branch designated as the ‘File Write’ branch for a particular Mantas code, also will extract data for itself during pre-EOD and then write the hand-off file to the File Write destination specified in the Mantas Code maintenance. The files would be picked up by Mantas from this location. For file write, IFMNTFWR batch needs to be maintained at post EOFI level in the function id EIDMANPR.


The File Write program should be maintained as a mandatory program as part of the file-write branch’s End of Cycle activity.

2.4 File Naming Convention and File Formats

The hand-off file name will be generated as <Datafile>_<FileWriteDate(YYYYMMDD)>_<BatchName>_<n>.DAT (n=1)


The files generated on 30th March 2007, will be named as follows:

2.5 Data Types

Table given below explains the various data types in the data hand-off.

Data Type



These fields would be as per the length specified for the field.



These fields will contain digits(0-9) and a decimal separator(.)

The number of digits following the decimal separator would be driven by the currency maintenance of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Numbers without decimals

These fields will contain only digits (0-9).

Numbers with decimals

These are number fields which are not amounts (e.g. exchange rates). These fields will contain only digits (0-9) and a decimal separator(.).


Date fields will be represented in the format YYYYMMDD. For instance, 30th March, 2007 would be represented as 20070330.