1. Preface

1.1 Introduction

This document is designed to help acquaint you with the interface among various Oracle FLEXCUBE products, viz; Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Solutions (FCUBS), Private Banking (FCPB), and Direct Banking (FCDB).

This manual explains the maintenances required for the exchange of data and the type of data being transferred between;

This User Manual explains the extensibility features and provides insight into the design guidelines and principles for external parties to leverage and develop the required extensions in a non invasive way to the primary features and functionality of the application.

Besides this User Manual, while maintaining the interface related details, you can invoke the context sensitive help available for each field. This help encapsulates the purpose of each field within a screen. You can obtain this information by placing the cursor on the relevant field and striking the <F1> key on the keyboard.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:



Back office data entry Clerks

Input functions for maintenance related to the interface

Back office Managers/Officers

Authorization functions

End of day operators

Processing during end of day/ beginning of day

Implementation Partners

Provide customization, configuration and implementa­tion services

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

This manual is organized into the following chapters:



Chapter 1

About this Manual gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Chapter 2

Oracle FCUBS- FCPB Interface deals with the maintenances required for the interface and its further processing.

Chapter 3

Oracle FCPB – FCUBS Interface deals with the maintenances required in FCPB to exchange information between FCUBS and FCPB

Chapter 4

Oracle FCPB – FCDB Interface deals with the maintenances required in FCPB to exchange information between FCPB and FCDB

Chapter 5

Oracle FCDB – FCPB Interface deals with the maintenances required in FCDB to exchange information between FCDB and FCPB

Chapter 6

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking - Direct Banking Integration explains the prerequisites required for the integration of FCUBS and FCDB. It also describes various types of information that are in the scope of integration and the channels through which such information are processed.

Chapter 7

Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking - Universal Banking Notifications con­tains the list of notifications.

Chapter 8

Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations




Unless and otherwise specified, it shall always refer to Oracle FLEX­CUBE Universal Banking Solutions system


Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Services


Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking


Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking


End of Day


The LICENSEE is the Financial Institution, Application Services Pro­vider or the Bank which has licensed the Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking application and shall rollout the solution to its customers as an internet and / or mobile banking channel


The IMPLEMENTER is the Implementation Partner, Vendor, Application Service Provider or the LICENSEE themselves who is responsible for rolling out, configuring, extending or developing on Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking


Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking – Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Bank­ing


Single Sign On

1.6 Terminology

The following terms and terminology is used within the documents to explain underlying processes, components, actions, actors etc.



Business Service

A Business Service or a Transaction Service is a coarse grained compo­nent that delivers a particular service contract. The Service Interfaces and that make up the contract are each implemented by their particular Service Endpoints.


A Plain Old Java Object (POJO) is exactly what it says. The term is used to differentiate these simple objects from more specific or complex types such as EJB classes.

For example, when creating an EJB, a specific class must implement the Session Bean interface. However, that class will often delegate much of its functionality to one or more POJOs to aid maintainability and reuse of func­tionality.

Service Implemen­tation or Service Endpoint

A Service Implementation is a concrete implementation of a Service Inter­face.

Service Interface

A Service Interface is a cohesive set of Service Methods that are grouped together in the anticipation that they will be commonly used together by a consumer.

For example, the Service Interface for the Funds Transfer Service would contain a set of Service Methods that perform different types of immediate money transfer between two accounts.

Service Method

A Service Method takes the form of a Java method implemented by the Service Implementation and the Service Delegate. The consumer of the service will invoke one or more Service Methods to help perform part of a business process.

Extension Schema

The Extension Schema is a term used for the separate database schema as deployed by Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking to allow IMPLEMENT­ERS to extend the Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking application as per their needs.

1.7 Glossary of Icons

This user manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.






Add row


Delete row


Option List