2. Oracle FCUBS - Payments Integration

The integration between the Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking System (FCUBS) and Oracle FLEXCUBE Payments (PM) allows you to trigger notification during creation, modification or authorization of Customer, Customer Account, Currency Rate, GL Code and Transaction Code. The integration also allows you to provide response to the external system request on exchange rate lookup and utilization, de-utilization of an FX contract.

The integration allows FCUBS modules to request the External payment System for outgoing payment processing SWIFT Payment Message (Customer Transfer and Bank Transfer) generation, Foreign Currency Instrument issuance and Stop Payment message generation..

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Scope

This section describes the scope of the integration with respect to FCUBS and PM.This section contains the following topics:

2.1.1 Generating Notifications for External Systems

You can generate notification to an external system if the following details are created, modified or authorized in FCUBS:

2.1.2 Exchange Rate Lookup and Utilization/De-utilization of FX Contract

You can process exchange rate lookup and utilization or de-utilization on an FX contract linked to an external payment system. The system hands over the process response along with the exchange rate details to the external system.

2.1.3 Integration with External System for Outgoing Payment

FCUBS modules interfaces with External Payment System for outgoing payment processing and SWIFT Payment Message (Customer Transfer and Bank Transfer)

2.1.4 Integration with External System for International Instruments (DD/BC)

Branch instrument screens involving International Instrument (Demand Draft /Bankers Cheque) will interface with External System for ‘MT110 - Advice of Cheque(s)’ and ‘MT111 - Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque’ message generation.

2.2 Prerequisites

Set up Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Application and Oracle FLEXCUBE Payments Application.

Refer the ‘Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Installation’ manual.

2.3 Integration Process

This section contains the following topic:

2.3.1 Notification Handoff to External System

Notification framework in FCUBS is used to communicate the business event in FCUBS to external systems. Depending on the event an XML message is send to external system queues.

You can trigger notification message to an external system when the following details are created or modified on authorization:

The system generates a notification when the above created or modified details are authorized.

2.3.2 FX Linked to External Payment System

You can process exchange rate lookup and utilization or de-utilization request if an FX contract is linked to an external payment system.

Processing Exchange Rate Lookup Request

Processing Utilization Request

Processing De-utilization Request

2.3.3 Integration with External System for Outgoing Payment and Message Generation

The integration allows FCUBS modules to request External Payment System for outgoing payment processing and SWIFT Payment Message (Customer Transfer and Bank Transfer) generation. The integration also allows FCUBS Branch instrument screens to request External Payment System for ‘MT110 - Advice of Cheque(s)’ and ‘MT111 - Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque’ message generation.

Maintaining External System

You can capture the details of external payment system in External System Maintenance screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘IFDEPSMT’ in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following details in this screen:

External System

Specify the name of the External Payment System.


Give a brief description on External Payment System specified.

Inter System Bridge GL

Specify the Bridge GL account for Inter System Accounting. Alternatively, you can select the Inter System Bridge GL from the option list. The list displays all valid options.

Source System

Specify the name of the source system.

Entity ID

Specify the entity ID. Current Entity value is defaulted and this value can be changed

External System Type

Select the type of external system from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:

Read Time Out (In Seconds)

Specify the web service read time out in seconds.

Connection Time Out (In Seconds)

Specify the web service connection time out in seconds.

Archival Days

Specify the number of archival days required.

Service Code

Select the service code from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:

The options GenPayMessage, GenInstrIssue and GenDDMessag can be selected only if the External System Type is selected as ‘Payments’.

Service Name

Specify the web service name.

Operation Code

Specify the web service operation code.

Web Service User Option

Select the web service user option from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Web Service User

Specify the web service user ID. This field is applicable only if ‘Web Service User Option’ is selected as ‘Predefined User’.

Rest/Web Service URL

Specify the Rest/web service URL.

You can view the external payment system maintenance details in ‘External Payment System Summary’ screen. You can invoke the summary screen by typing ‘IFSEPSMT’ in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking adjoining arrow button.

External Payment System Queue

You can view the details of payment request sent or to be send to an external payments system through ‘External Payment System Queue’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘IFDEPSQU’ in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Queue Reference Number

Specify the queue reference number and click ‘Execute Query’ to view the details of payment request sent to external payment system.

Process Status

The system displays the process status. The list displays the following options:

Process Status


Not Authorized

Contract initiated and the payment request is unauthorized

Un Processed

Payment request pending for processing

Web Service Con­nection TimeOut

Web service call, timed out during payment request processing

Payment Approved

Payment request initial validation is successful and request is accepted

Payment Rejected

Payment request initial validation is failed and request is rejected

Payment Pro­cessed

All payment processing is completed and request is successfully processed


Payment request moved to repair queue due to exception in payment life-cycle

Contract Cancelled

Contract initiated and the payment request is reversed

Future dated

Payment contract not yet initiated. Future value dated payment request.

Payment Cancelled

Payment contract cancelled from one of the queue in external payment system

Acknowledgement Received

Acknowledgment (ACK) received from payment network

Negative Acknowl­edgement Received

Negative acknowledgment (NACK) received from payment network

Click ‘Error Information’ button to view Error Information screen.This screen displays the error or warning codes and messages received as response for the payment request.

Click ‘Notifications’ button to view the notifications screen.This screen displays the notification details received from the external payment system

Process Status

The system displays the process status. The drop-down list displays the following options:

Process Status


Un Processed

Notification is pending for processing


Notification processed successfully

Processing Failed

Notification processing failed due to unex­pected failure

Improper Notification

Notification received is not in proper format

Empty Notification

Empty notification received

FCUBS-OBPM Integration Maintenance for Outgoing Payments and Message Generation

Oracle FLEXCUBE supports integration with Oracle Banking Payments (OBPM) for outgoing payments and message generation. You have to maintain the following details in FCUBS for integrating with OBPM for outgoing payments and message generation:

The following scheduler jobs configured for the integration should be run during the integration:

For maintenance required for OBPM, please refer the Oracle Banking Payments Manual ‘Co-deployed Setup User Guide’.

External Payment System Queue History

You can view the details of external payment request in ‘External Payment System Queue History’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘IFDEPSQH’ in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Click ‘Enter Query’ to view the archived records along with the archival date.