15. Reports

Information on the Islamic LCs processed and the static maintenance done for the module is available in the form of reports. These reports can be generated with information on many parameters -commissions, closed or expired Islamic LCs with outstanding items, Islamic LCs with un-replied tracers, etc.

The selection options that you specified while generating reports are displayed at the beginning of each report. These reports can be printed, spooled on to a disk file or displayed on the screen.

You can generate the following reports related to Islamic letters of credit:

15.1 Expired LCs with Outstanding Items Report

As the name suggests, this report lists all the expired LCs having still have some outstanding items. These outstanding items could be the liability amount, cash collateral and outstanding commission and charges. A commission or charge will be considered outstanding when they are debited from a receivable GL of the bank and not from a customer account.

This report is generated to check if there are outstanding items against an LC. This is done at the time of releasing the cash collateral or while inquiring whether an LC is to be extended, etc.

You have an option to close the LCs that has expired. Once an LC is closed, it will not be reported in this report even if it still has outstanding items. Instead these LCs will be reported in the Closed LC with Outstanding Items report.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPEX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.1.1 Selection Options

You can specify that the report should contain details of expired LCs associated with all LC products or a specific product. To generate the report for a specific product, select the appropriate Product Code from the option list.

15.1.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch and branch date, user id, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

This report contains details of:



Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the system.

Event Sequence Number

This is the event sequence number


This is the customer identification number

Customer Name

While you are processing an LC, you would have given the CIF ID of one party, in the main screen of the LC Contract On-line function. Typically, it would be the applicant for an import LC while it would be the beneficiary or the issuing bank for an export LC.

The short name of this customer will be shown here.

Customer Type

This is the party type of the customer whose short name is reported.


This is the country code.

Expiry Date

This is the date on which the LC expired.

Closure Date

This is the date on which the LC is due for closure.


This is the currency in which the LC was opened.

Contract Amount

This is the Maximum LC amount, when the LC was first input and authorized. This amount does not take into account the amendments that were made subsequently to the LC.

Outstanding Liability

This is the amount available for availment against the LC, as of the date on which the report is generated.

This amount is the outstanding amount after all the amend­ments made to the LC during its lifecycle.

Original Liability

This is the liability amount of the LC, when it was first input and authorized. This amount thus does not take into account the amendments that were made subsequently to the LC.

Current Availability

This is the liability amount due to the LC as of the date on which the report is generated. This amount is the outstanding amount after all the amendments made to the LC during its lifecycle.

OS Item

This is the outstanding item. It could be cash collateral, commis­sion or a charge which has not been liquidated.


The description of the currency in which the outstanding item is represented.

Outstanding Amount

This is the amount for which the item is outstanding.

15.2 LCs Due to Expire Report

This report lists the details of the LCs that are due to expire for the period that you specify.

The report provides a kind of warning related to the LCs that is due to expire in the future, so that you can take the appropriate action extending the expiry date, if it is required.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPDUE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.2.1 Selection Options

You can configure this report to be triggered automatically as part of the batch processes run at EOD or you can generate the report at any time in the day from the Reports Browser.

If the report is generated as part of EOD, the report will by default list all the LCs that is due to expire, on the date the report is generated.

If you generate the report outside the EOD, you can specify preferences for the generation of the report. On selecting this report, indicate the period (from and to dates) during which LCs that is due to expire. The system will report all LCs due to expire whether they have outstanding items or not. The details are listed in the order of the expiry date of the LC.

15.2.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you selected while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Contract Refer­ence No

This is the reference number assigned to the LC that is due to expire.

Customer Name

While you are processing an LC, you would have given the CIF ID of one party in the main screen of the LC Contract On-line function. Typ­ically, it would be the applicant for an import LC while it would be the beneficiary or the issuing bank for an export LC.

The short name of this customer will be shown here.

Customer ID

This is the Customer Identification number or code.


This is the country code.

Expiry Date

This is the date on which the LC is due to expire.

Closure Date

This is the date on which the LC is due for closure.

Collateral Cur­rency

The description of the currency in which the LC amount is expressed.

Original LC Bal­ance

This is the Maximum LC amount, when the LC was first input and authorized. This amount does not take into account the amendments that were made subsequently to the LC.

Outstanding Amount

This is the amount of the outstanding item.

OS Item

This is the outstanding item. It could be cash collateral, commission or a charge which has not been liquidated.


This is the currency in which the outstanding item is represented.

Collateral Amount

This is the amount for which the LC was opened.

Amount Tag

This is the amount tag


This is the currency in which the amount is displayed


This is the amount

15.3 LCs Due to be Closed Report

This report lists the details of the LCs that are due for closure, during the period that you indicate.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPCOLC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.3.1 Selection Options

You can configure this report to be triggered automatically as part of the batch processes run at EOD. You can also generate the report at any time in the day from the Reports menu.

If the report is generated as part of EOD, the report will by default, list all the LCs that is due to be closed, on the date the report is generated.

If you generate the report outside the EOD, specify the period for which the report has to be generated. On selecting this report, you can indicate the period (from and to dates) during which LCs that are due to be closed should be reported. The system will report all LCs due to be closed, whether they have outstanding items or not.

15.3.2 Contents of the Report

The report options that you selected while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The details of the report are listed on the basis of the closure date of the LC. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Contract Ref­erence Num­ber

This is the reference number assigned to the LC that is due to be closed.

Customer Name

While you are processing an LC, you would have given the CIF ID of one party in the main screen of the LC Contract On-line function. Typi­cally, it would be the applicant for an import LC while it would be the beneficiary or the issuing bank for an export LC.

The short name of this customer will be shown here.

Customer ID

This is the Customer Identification number or code.


This is the country code.

Expiry date

This is the date on which the LC expired or is due to expire.

Closure Date

This is the date on which the LC is due for closure.

OS Item

This is the outstanding item. It could be cash collateral, commission or a charge which has not been liquidated.


This indicates the collateral


This is the currency in which the outstanding item is expressed.


This is the amount of the outstanding item.

15.4 Commission Due Report

This report prints the details of the periodic commissions that are due to be collected, for a specific period in time.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPCODU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.4.1 Selection Options

You can specify that this report should contain details of the commission that is due to LCs for a specific period in the future or for all dates. The selection options that you can indicate for the generation of the report are:

The sequence in which the details will be reported is next collection date (from earliest to latest) and then LC reference.

On selecting this report, you can specify the period for which the periodic commissions due to LCs should be reported. For the purposes of reporting, the system takes the next calculation date as the date of collection for LCs. This is for the LCs which you specified that commission should be collected in arrears.

15.4.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you indicate while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (user Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The details of this report are sorted on the basis of the collection date (earliest to latest). The report contains information on:



Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number of the LC against which com­mission is due.


This is the commission component that is due against the LC.


This is currency in which the commission is applied.

Commission Amount

This is the commission amount that is to be collected.

Calculation Method

This is the method of the calculation of commission.

Due Date

This is the due date of the commission.

15.5 Commission Activity Report

The Commission Activity report prints details of all the LCs for which commission was liquidated or calculated, as of the date the report was generated.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPCAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.5.1 Selection Options

You can configure this report to be triggered automatically as part of the batch processes run at EOD, or you can generate the report at any time in the day from the Reports menu.

If the report is generated as part of EOD, it will byf default list all the LCs for which commission was liquidated or calculated as of the current date (the date on which the report was generated).

If you generate the report outside the EOD, you can indicate the date for which you want the activity reported. You also have the option to indicate the activity for which you want details.

You can specify the following options:

15.5.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you indicate while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time and the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains the following details:



Sequence Number

This is the sequence number

Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the system.


This is the commission component for which there was an activ­ity.


This is the Code that identifies the event, during which the com­mission component is being reported.

Component Currency

This is the currency of the commission component that had an activity.

Component Amount

This is the commission amount that was involved in the activity..

Start Date

This is the start date of the period for which the commission component is being reported.

End Date

This is the end date of the period for which the commission com­ponent is being reported.

Debit/Credit Indicator

This indicates whether the transaction was a debit or credit

Debit Branch

This is the branch to which the debit account belongs.

Debit Account

If the activity reported is collection, this is the account number or GL to which the commission amount is debited.

15.6 Report on Open Ended Islamic LCs

This report lists all the open ended Islamic LCs that has outstanding items. An open ended LC is one for which you have not defined an expiry date.

The details in the report are sorted by product. The sequence of the report is based on the LC issue date and the LC reference number.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPOPN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.6.1 Contents of the Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The header carries the title of the report, the branch, Branch Date, the User ID, the date and time, the module and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The details of the report include the following:



Product Code

The code of the product that you have associated with the LC.

Issue Date

This is the date on which the LC was processed. It is the issue date for an import or clean LC and guarantee, and is the date of advise or pre-advise (whichever is earlier) for an export LC.

Contract Refer­ence Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the system.


While you are processing an LC, you would have given the CIF ID of one party in the main screen of the LC Contract On-line function. Typically, it would be the applicant for an import LC while it would be the beneficiary or the issuing bank for an export LC.

The short name of this customer will be shown here.

Customer Num­ber

This is the Customer Identification number or code.

Country Code

This is the country code.

Os Liability

This is the outstanding liability amount as of the date the report was generated.

Current Availa­bility

This is the current availability under the LC.

Contract CCY

This is the currency of the LC contract.

Outstanding Item

This is the description of the type of outstanding item to which, the currency and amount shown on the same line relate. It could be cash collateral, commission, or charges, which have not been liqui­dated.


This is the description of the currency in which the outstanding item is expressed.


This is the amount of the outstanding item.

15.7 Un-replied Tracers Report

This report provides the details of LCs against which there are some tracers that are yet to be replied by the concerned party.

Items are listed on this report only after the three statutory tracers have been generated and there has been no response. It is listed ten days after the last tracer was sent. A tracer is taken to have been responded, to when you indicate that its generation should be stopped.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPUNTR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.7.1 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (user id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Product Code

This is the code of the product involved.

Contract Reference Num­ber

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the sys­tem.

Reason for follow-up

This is the reason for which the tracer was sent. It can be acknowledgment, confirmation or outstanding charges.

Last Tracer Date

This is the date on which the last tracer was sent.

Max Tracers

This is the maximum number of tracers that can be gener­ated.

Customer Name

This is the name of the customer.

Customer Reference Number

This is the reference number of the customer.

Tracer Party

This is the party to whom the tracer is addressed. The first 15 characters of the name of the party to whom the tracer has been addressed are displayed. This is taken from the LC contract.

Last Tracer Date

The last tracer date

15.8 Confirmed LC Report

This report lists all the LC that has been confirmed.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRFNREP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.8.1 Selection Options

You can configure this report to be triggered automatically, as part of the batch processes run as part of EOD or you can generate the report at any time, in the day from the Reports menu.

If the report is generated as part of EOD, the report will by default list details of the LCs that have the confirming bank, as a party.

If you generate the report outside the EOD process, you can specify preferences for the generation of the report. On selecting this report, you can indicate whether the report should contain details of all the banks that are involved as confirming banks or of a selected bank. You need to select the bank code from the adjoining option list.

15.8.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (the User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Customer Number

This is the Customer Identification number or code.


This is the short name of the CIF.


This is the currency of the LC.


This is the code of the product involved in the LC.

Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC contract by the system.

Contract Status

This is the current status of the LC contract.

Contract Amount

This is the amount for which the LC was issued.

Maximum IL Amount

This is the LC amount plus the positive tolerance speci­fied for the LC.

Current Availability

This is the current outstanding liability amount, as of the date the report was generated.


The total of contract amount, maximum IL amount and current availability

LCY Equivalent

The total of contract amount, maximum IL amount and current availability in terms of LCY

15.9 LC Overrides Report

A contract can be saved, with certain exception conditions that were encountered, be given an override. This report lists the overrides that were encountered for contracts, on the date the report was generated.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPOVD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.9.1 Selection Options

You can generate this report to contain details of all the overrides that occurred during the day or to list the overrides that were encountered, while processing a single LC contract. If you indicate that the report should contain details of the overrides that were encountered in the processing of a single LC, you should also indicate the Reference number of the LC. Also, you need to indicate whether the override report should contain details of all product codes or for a specific product code.

15.9.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Product Code

This is the code of the LC product that is involved in the LC.

Product Description

This is a short description of the product.

Product Type

This is the type of LC product

Reference Number

This is the reference number of the LC during the processing of which, an override occurred.

Contract Currency

This is the currency of the contract

Contract Amount

This is the amount for which the LC was opened.

Expiry Date

This is the date on which the LC is due to expire.


This is the customer identification number

Customer Type

This is the customer type

Customer Name

This is the name of the customer

Event Sequence Num­ber

This is the event sequence number

Issue Date

This is the issue date

Event Code

This is the Code that identifies the event, during which the override was encountered.

Event Date

The date of event

Event Description

This is the description of the event.

Maker ID

The user ID of the maker of the record

Checker ID

The user ID of the authorizer of the record

Override Sequence Number

This is the sequence number of the override

Error Code

This is the error code for which the override was encoun­tered.


This is the description of the error that was encountered.


This is the override parameters

15.10 Daily Activity Report

This report gives the details of LCs daily activity journal report. You can initiate the necessary follow up activities after generating this report.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRLYREP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.10.1 Selection Options

On selecting this report, you can indicate whether the report should contain details of all the events or single event. If you indicate single event, then you need to select the event code from the option list. Also, you have to select the date on which the report should be generated.

15.10.2 Contents of the Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The header carries the title of the report, the branch, Branch Date, the User ID, the date and time, the module and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Event Code

This is the code of the event


This is the description of the event.

Product Code

This is the code of the product involved in the LC.


This is the description of the product code involved in the LC.

Contract Currency

This is the currency in which the LC amount is expressed.

Contract Reference Num­ber

This is the Contract Reference number of the LC.

Customer Number

This is the Customer Identification number or code.

Customer Name

The short name of the Customer maintained in LC will be displayed here.

Operation Code

This is the operation code of the LC.

Issue Date

The date on which the LC was issued.

Expiry Date

This is the date on which the LC expired.

Islamic LC Amount/ Avail­ment Amount

This is the amount for which the LC was opened.

Total for currency

This is the sum of all the LC amount and currency involved in the LC.

15.11 Accruals Control Report

This report lists all the LCs that was accrued. Such LCs may require follow-up action. The information given by this report will be as of the day on which the report is generated.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPACCR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.11.1 Selection Options

You can specify the date of the accrual.

You need to specify the accrual type. You have the following options:

15.11.2 Contents of Report

The report options that you indicate while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time and the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains the following details:



Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the system.


This is the component for which there was an accrual.

Event Sequence Number

This is the sequence number of the event.


This is the currency of the accrued amount.

Current Accrued Amount

This is the current accrued amount, as of the date the report was generated.

Amount Accrued To Date

This is the accrued amount, as of the date the report was generated.

Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the system.


This is the component for which there was an accrual.


This is the currency of the accrued amount.

Current Accrued Amount Total

This is the sum of all the accrued amount, as of the date the report was generated.

Accrued Amount To Date Total

This is the sum of all the accrued amount, as of the date the report was generated.

15.12 Commission Activity Report

This report prints the details of the periodic commission activity. The information given by this report will be as of the day on which the report is generated.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPCACT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.12.1 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time and the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains the following details:



Sequence Number

This is the sequence number

Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number assigned to the LC by the sys­tem.


This is the code of the component for which there was an commission activity.

Event Code

This is the code of the event.

Component Currency

This is the currency of the component.

Component Amount

This is the component amount for which there was an com­mission activity.

Start Date

This is the start date of the commission activity.

End Date

This is the end date of the commission activity.

Account Branch

This is the branch with which the account is maintained

Account Number

This is the account number

Debit/Credit Indicator

This indicates whether the transaction was a debit or credit

15.13 Process Exception Report

You can generate process exception report by using the ‘Letters of Credit Process Exception Report’ screen. This report lists the process exceptions that were encountered for contracts, on the date the report was generated.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘LIRPEXP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

15.13.1 Selection Options

Select the process ID from the option list.

You need to indicate whether the process exception report should contain details of all types of activities or a single activity.

15.13.2 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Contract Refer­ence Number

This is the reference number of the LC for which the process excep­tion report is generated.


While you are processing an LC, you would have given the CIF ID of one party in the main screen of the LC Contract On-line function. Typically, it would be the applicant for an import LC while it would be the beneficiary or the issuing bank for an export LC.

The short name of this customer will be shown here.

Error Code

This is the error code for which the process exception report is gen­erated.

Error Descrip­tion

This is the description of the error that was encountered.

Event Code

This is the event code

Date Time

This is the date and time on which the exception has been raised

15.14 Confirmed LI Outstanding Report

You can generate confirmed Islamic LC outstanding report by using the ‘Confirmed LI Outstanding’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPCNFR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Booking Date

Specify the booking date of the Islamic LC. The system will generate the report for the records booked on the selected date.

15.14.1 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the Report

The report contains information on:



Contract Reference Number

This is the reference number of the LC

Booking Date

This is the contract booking date

Issuing bank ID and Name

The Bank code and the name of the issuing bank

Applicant Name

The name of the person who applied for the LC

Beneficiary Name

The name of the beneficiary


The currency of the LC


The amount of the LC


The tenor of the LC

Issuing Bank Reference

The reference code at the issuing bank side

Issue Date

The issue date of the LC

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the LC

Line Code

The line code

15.15 Expired Export Islamic Letters of Credit Report

You can generate a report with the details of the expired Islamic LC outstanding report by using the ‘Expired Islamic Letters of Credit Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPEXRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Product Group

Select product group from the option list. The system will generate the report for the records that belong to the selected product group.

From Date

Specify the start date of the report date range.

To Date

Specify the end date of the report date range.

15.15.1 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Expiry Date

The expiry date of the contract

Contract Reference

The LC contract reference number

Book Date

The date of booking of the LC

Issuing Bank ID

The ID of the issuing bank

Issuing bank Name

The name of the issuing bank


The currency of the LC


The amount of the LC

Customer ID

The ID of the customer

Customer Name

The name of the customer

Operation Code

The operation code

15.16 Guarantees Due for Closure Report

You can generate a report with the details of the guarantees that are due by using the ‘Guarantees Due for Closure Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPGUCL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Product Code

Select product code from the option list. The system will generate the report for the records that are associated with the selected product code.

Customer ID

Select the customer ID from the option list. The system will generate the report with the details of the records of the selected customer.

From Date

Specify the start date of the report date range.

To Date

Specify the end date of the report date range.

15.16.1 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Expiry Date

This is the expiry date

Contract Reference Number

The reference number of the contract

Branch Code

The branch code


The identification of the counter party

Customer Name

The name of the customer

Register Date

The date as in the register

Book Date

The date of booking


The currency of the contract


The amount

RM Code

The relationship manager code


The tenor

Closure Date

The date of contract closure

15.17 Outstanding Guarantees Report

You can generate a report with the details of the guarantees that are outstanding by using the ‘Outstanding Guarantees’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPOGRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Product Code

Select product code from the option list. The system will generate the report for the records that are associated with the selected product code.

Customer ID

Select the customer ID from the option list. The system will generate the report with the details of the records of the selected customer.

Booking Date

Select the booking date from the calendar. The system will generate the report with the details of the records booked on the selected date.

15.17.1 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



Contract Reference Num­ber

The reference number of the contract

Book Date

The book date of the contract

Register Date

The register date

Branch Code

The branch code


The currency of the contract


The amount

Customer ID

The ID of the customer

Customer Name

The name of the customer


The tenor

RM Code

The relationship manager code

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the LC

15.18 Reimburse Bank Report

You can generate a reimbursing bank report. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPREBK’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

From Date

Specify the start date of the report date range.

To Date

Specify the end date of the report date range.

15.18.1 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the Report

The report contains information on:



Booking Date

The date of contract booking

Contract Reference

The LC contract reference number

Reimbursing bank ID and Name

The ID and name of the reimbursing bank

Applicant ID and Name

The ID and name of the applicant of the LC

Beneficiary ID and Name

The ID and name of the beneficiary of the LC

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the LC


The currency of the LC

Local Currency Amount

The LC amount in terms of the local currency

Advising bank ID and Name

The ID and name of the advising bank

15.19 Suspense Charges Account Receivable Report

You can generate suspense charges account receivable report. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPSCCR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

From Date

Specify the start date of the report date range.

To Date

Specify the end date of the report date range.

15.19.1 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



GL Code

This is the general ledger code for which the details are displayed

Contract Reference

The reference number of the contract

Book Date

The booking date of the contract

Value Date

The value date of the contract

Event Code

The event code

Issuing Bank Id and Name

The ID and name of the issuing bank

Applicant Id And Name

The name and ID of the applicant

Beneficiary Id And Name

The name and ID of the beneficiary

Advising Bank And Name

The name and code of the advising bank


The currency of the contract

Foreign Currency Amount

The amount in terms of foreign currency

Local Currency Amount

The amount in terms of local currency



The reference number of the liquidation

Customer Number

The customer identification number

15.20 Transferred Islamic Letters Of Credit Report

You can generate a customer-wise report of the Islamic letters of credits transferred. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPTRDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.


Select the customer ID from the option list. The system will generate the report for the selected customer ID.

Issue Date

Specify the issue date of the LC.

15.20.1 Contents of Report

The report options that you select while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:



From Reference Details

Contract Reference

The contract reference number

Issue Date

The date of issue of the LC

Issuing Bank Reference Number

The reference number of the LC at the issuing bank

Issuing Bank ID And Name

The ID and name of the issuing bank

Beneficiary Name

The name of the beneficiary of the LC

Original Currency

The original currency of the LC

Original Amount

The original LC amount


The tenor of the LC

To Reference Details

Contract Reference

The reference number of the contract

Transfer Date

The date of transfer

Transferee ID

The identification number of the person to whom the LC is transferred

Transferee Name

The name of the person to whom the LC is transferred

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the LC

Transfer Currency

The transfer currency

Transfer Amount

The amount transferred

Outstanding Liability

Information on the outstanding liability

15.21 Suspense Charges Account Receivable Report

You can generate a report of suspense charges account receivable for a specific period. To invoke the screen, type ‘LIRPSCCR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

From Date

Specify the start date of the report date range.

To Date

Specify the end date of the report date range.

15.21.1 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the user who generated the report (User Id), the branch, branch date, the date and time, the page number and module of the report.

Body of the Report

The report contains information on:



Contract Reference

The reference number of the contract

Book Date

The booking date of the contract

Value Date

The value date of the contract

Event Code

The event code

Issuing Bank Id and Name

The ID of the issuing bank and its name

Applicant Id And Name

The ID of the applicant and the name

Beneficiary Id And Name

The ID of the beneficiary and the name

Advising Bank ID And Name

The ID of the advising bank and its name


The currency

Foreign Currency Amount

The amount in terms of foreign currency

Local Currency Amount

The amount in terms of local currency



The reference number of the liquidation

Customer Number

The customer identification number