4. Reports

Information on the contracts liquidated and the static maintenance done for the liquidation module is available in the form of reports. These reports can be generated with information on many parameters - outstanding items, unreplied tracers, etc.

These reports can be printed, spooled on to a disk file or displayed on the screen.

You can generate the following reports for the LQ module:

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Liquidation Daily Activity Report

This section contains the following topics:

4.1.1 Generating the Liquidation Daily Activity Report

The Liquidation Daily Activity Report provides information on all liquidation events or a particular event which took place on a specified date. You can set the preferences for generation of the report via the ‘Liquidation Daily Activity Report’ screen.

To invoke the ‘Liquidation Daily Activity Report’ screen, type ‘LQRPDLY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Report Options

You can set the following preferences for report generation in this screen.

All Events/Single Event

Choose whether you want a report on all liquidation events or a single event.

Event Code

Specify the Event Code of the liquidation event which you wish to view as a report.

Value Date

Specify the value dates for which the report must be generated.

Once you have specified the necessary, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Here, you can set your preferences as to printing the report. Click OK button to print the report.

4.1.2 Contents of Report

The contents of the report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following liquidation event details in the body of the report.



Liquidation Event Code

Specifies the Liquidation Event Code

Liquidation Currency

Specifies the liquidation currency

Maker Date Stamp

Specifies the date on which the record was made by the Maker

Liquidation Reference

Specifies the Liquidation Reference Number

Liquidation ESN

Specifies the Liquidation event sequence number

Contract Reference

Specifies the contract reference number

Latest ESN

Specifies the sequence number of the latest event

Liquidation Status

Specifies the Liquidation status

Authorization Status

Specifies the liquidation authorization status

Maker Id

Specifies the ID of the maker of the record

Checker Id

Specifies the ID of the checker of the record

Checker Date Stamp

Specifies the date on which the checker had authorized the record

Liquidation Account

Specifies the liquidation account code

Liquidation Branch

Specifies the Liquidation Branch

Liquidation Value Date

Specifies the value date of the liquidation

Liquidation Transaction Code

Specifies the liquidation Transaction Code

Liquidation Amount

Specifies the liquidation amount

Total Amount

Specifies the total liquidation amount

4.2 Outstanding Items Report

This section contains the following topics:

4.2.1 Generating Outstanding Items Report

The Outstanding Items report provides the details of all outstanding liquidation records in both receivable and payable accounts, across the modules in Oracle FLEXCUBE. This report also helps you retrieve the details of open ended letters of credits. This report generates the details based on AR/AP code or CIF/counterparty.

You can set the preferences for generation of the report using the ‘Outstanding Items Report’ screen. This report will list all the outstanding item that are booked under receivable.

To invoke the screen, type ‘LQRPOS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Report Options

You can set your preferences for report generation on this screen.

Activities – All/ Single Module

You can generate this report for a specific module or all the modules in the system. If you select ‘Single Module’, you need to specify the module code in the field below.

Branches – All/Current Branch

Specify whether the report should with regard to all branches or in the current branch.

Once you have specified the necessary details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Here, you can set your preferences as to printing the report. Click OK button to print the report.

From Date

Specify a valid date from when you need to generate the report. If not maintained, then the system generates all the outstanding records prior to ‘To Date’.

To Date

Specify a valid date till when you need to generate the report. If not maintained, then the system generates all the outstanding records after ‘From Date’ till the current date.

Customer No

Specify a valid customer number you need to generate report for. The adjoining option list displays all valid customer numbers maintained for AR-AP. You can choose the appropriate one.

AR-AP Code

Specify a valid ARAP code you need to generate report for. The adjoining option list displays all valid AR-AP codes. You can choose the appropriate one.


4.2.2 Contents of Report

The contents of the report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:



Party CIF ID

The CIF ID of the counter party

Party Name

Name of the counter party

Party Type

The type the counterparty belongs to

Account Currency

The currency in which the party’s account is maintained


The module for which the record belongs to

Amount Tag

The amount tag

Contact Reference

Specifies the contract reference number


Gives a brief description of the contract

Event Code

Specifies the event code

Booking Date

Specifies the booking date of the contract

Receivable Account Number

Specifies the account number of the receivable account

Account Branch

Specifies the branch where the account is held


Specifies the amount in the outstanding item

Value Date

Specifies the value date of the record.