7. Reports

During the course of the day or at the end of the day, you may want to retrieve information on any of the several operations that were performed in your bank. You can generate this information in the form of reports in Oracle FLEXCUBE. The MIS Profit and Loss report, Pool Codes report and Error report are explained in this section.

This chapter contains the following sections:

7.1 Reports

This section contains the following topic:

7.1.1 Generating Reports

The different report options for each of them are as mentioned below.

Profit and Loss Report

The first parameter based on which you can generate the MIS report can be:

A branch report will always be for the branch to which you are logged on.

A customer report can be generated for a specific customer. You should indicate the CIF ID of the customer. The customer report can also be generated for a specific MIS class, in which case the applicable MIS class should be specified.

Pool Code Report

A pool code report can be generated for a specific pool code. A pool code report can further be sorted on any of the following:

Indicate the sort parameter by highlighting the applicable option. This selection will enable to generate the profitability report based on one of the five parameters given below.

Thus, the following reports for a pool code can be generated:

Error Report

Error reports are generated for details of errors specific to each function and the corresponding unit / reference number.

Specifying the period of reporting

Any type of report has to be generated for a specific period. You should indicate the period for which the report should be generated by specifying the year and the From and To months.

7.2 Print Options Report

This section contains the following topic:

7.2.1 Generating Printing Options for Reports

You can indicate preferences to print a report, while generating a report; however, the preferences are general.

The following are the common preferences you can maintain to print a report:


Select the format in which you want the report to be generated from the options provided in the drop-down list. The following options are available:


Select the output for the report from the options provided. The following options are available:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Specify the name of the printer or select it from the option list provided. All the configured printers are displayed in the list.

This is applicable only if you have specified the output as ‘Print’.

7.3 Management Information System Profit & Loss Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.3.1 Generating MIS Profit & Loss Report

The different report options are detailed below.You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘MIRPRLO’ on the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

7.3.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report will be sorted and break-up figures provided, depending on your selection. The order, in which the report will be sorted for each type of report, is as follows:

Field Name

Field Description

Branch report

Branch code and currency.

Customer report

On customer, pool code, and currency.

Pool code report

Pool code and currency.


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, pool code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated, and the page number of the report.


Field Name

Field Description


This is the branch for which the profitability is being reported.

Event Date

This is the date of the event

Fund Reference

This indicates the fund reference

Security ID

This indicates the security ID


This indicates the security portfolio

Holding From

This indicates holding from

Closing Security Balance

This indicates closing security balance

Position Reference

This indicates the position reference

7.4 Pool Code Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.4.1 Generating Pool Codes Report

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘MIRREFRT’ on the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.


Pool Code

Specify the pool code. Select the appropriate one from the option list.

From Currency

Specify the currency code. Select the appropriate one from the option list.


Specify the year. Select the appropriate one from the option list.


Pool Code

Specify the pool code. Select the appropriate one from the option list.

To Currency

Specify the currency code. Select the appropriate one from the option list.


Specify the year. Select the appropriate one from the option list.

7.4.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name

Field Description

Pool code

This is the Pool Code which is being reported.


This is the MIS currency being reported.

Debit Rate

This is the credit rate applied when the cumulative average balance calculated for the MIS entity is positive indicating funds have been borrowed.

Credit Rate

This is the credit rate applied when the cumulative average balance calculated for the MIS entity is negative indicating funds have been lent.


This the calendar year being reported.


This is specific month of the calendar year being reported.

7.5 Error Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.5.1 Generating Error Report

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘MIRRRRPT’ on the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

7.5.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name

Field Description


This is the function which is being reported.

Unit/Ref No.

This is the corresponding unit/ref no. as against the relevant function being reported.

Error Msg

This is the error message being reported.

7.6 Transaction Force Debited Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.6.1 Generating Transaction Force Debited Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates generation of a report at branch level which lists details of all forced debit transactions processed from the following modules.

This ‘Transaction Force Debit Report’ would be generated for the transactions with ‘Available Balance Check Option’ check box checked at ‘Account Class Preferences’ and ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ levels. Accounts and transactions uploaded from an external system will have respective external system code as source code. The transaction details are grouped based on the Branch, Source, Transaction Code, and Transaction Type.

You can invoke the ‘Transaction Force Debit Report’ screen by typing the code ‘ACRFCDR’ on the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Source Code

Select source code for which you want to generate the report from the options. The following options are available for selection:

If you have selected specific, specify a valid source code for which you want to generate the report, from the adjoining option list.

Branch Code

Select Branch code for which you want to generate the report from the options. The following options are available for selection:

If you have selected specific, specify a valid branch code for which you want to generate the report, from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Code

Select transaction code for which you want to generate the report from the options. The following options are available for selection:

If you have selected specific, specify a valid transaction code for which you want to generate the report, from the adjoining option list.

Module Code

Select module code for which you want to generate the report from the options. The following options are available for selection:

If you have selected specific, specify a valid module code for which you want to generate the report, from the adjoining option list.

7.6.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Transaction Force Debit Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description

Report Name

Indicates Report Name

Bank Code / Bank Name

Indicates Bank code and Bank Name

Branch Code / Branch Name

Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

Report Run Date

Indicates Current Branch Date

Report Run Time

Indicates Current Branch Time

User ID

Indicates User ID of the user generating the report

From Date

Indicates Start date

To Date

Indicates End date

Branch Currency

Indicates Branch Currency

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description


Indicates Transaction source [FLEXCUBE/FLEX­BRANCH/FRCH or External system code]

Branch Code

Indicates the branch code

Transaction Type

Indicates Module Code and Event

Transaction Reference Number


"Contract reference number for transactions in LC,BC,LD,MM,FT,FX,DL,DE,CG,RT

"Account Number for CL

Transaction Code

Indicates Transaction Code

Transaction Description

Indicates Transaction Description


Indicates Module code

Account Number

Indicates Account which is debited beyond the availa­ble balance of the account

Transaction Date

Indicates Transaction Date will be in the date range

Value Date

Value date

Transaction Currency

Transaction currency


Debit Credit Indicator

Transaction Dr Amount

Transaction Amount in transaction currency

Transaction Cr Amount

Transaction Amount in transaction currency

Footer of the Report

The following details are displayed as footer of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Total Debit Amount

Indicates Total Debit Amount

Total Credit Amount

Indicates Total Credit Amount

7.7 Inter Branch Reconciliation Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.7.1 Generating Inter Branch Reconciliation Report

You can generate this report using 'Inter Branch Recon Report' screen. To invoke the screen, type 'CORINTBR' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the report options and click 'OK' button to generate the report.

7.7.2 Contents of the Report

The following content is displayed in the report:


The header of the report contains the title of the report, branch code, branch name, branch date, User ID of the user who generated the report, module code, run date and time of the report and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description


The branch code and the name of the branch

Account Number

The account number whose balance is displayed in the report


The currency in which the balance amount is displayed


The balance amount available in the account

7.8 Maturity Profile for Next Week Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.8.1 Generating Maturity Profile for Next Week Report

You can generate this report using 'Maturity Profile for Next Week (Including Contingents)' screen. To invoke the screen, type 'CORMNPRF' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code

Select the branch code from the option list. The system generates the report of maturity profile for next week for the selected branch.

Specify the report options and click 'OK' button to generate the report.

7.8.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The header of the report contains the title of the report, branch code, branch name, branch date, User ID of the user who generated the report, module code, run date and time of the report and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description


The code that identifies the module


The branch code and the name of the branch

Product Code/Account Class

The product code if the details are displayed for a contract, or the account class if the details are displayed for an account

Description Product/Account

The description of the product code if the details are displayed for a contract, or the description of account class if the details are displayed for an account

Customer Name/Cus­tomer CIF

The customer's name and customer number

Booking Date/Origination Date

The booking date of the contract if the details are displayed for a contract, or the origination date of the account if the details are displayed for an account

Contract Refer­ence Number / Customer Account number

The reference number of the contract if the details are dis­played for a contract, or the customer account number if the details are displayed for an account


The tenor

Original balance

The original balance

Outstanding bal­ance

The outstanding balance

7.9 Maturity Profile for Next Day Report

This section contains the following topics:

7.9.1 Generating Maturity Profile for Next Day Report

You can generate this report using 'Maturity Profile for Next Day (Including Contingents)' screen. To invoke the screen, type 'CORMTPRF' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the report options and click 'OK' button to generate the report.

7.9.2 Contents of the Report

The following content is displayed in the report:


The header of the report contains the title of the report, branch code, branch name, branch date, User ID of the user who generated the report, module code, run date and time of the report and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description


The code that identifies the module


The branch code and the name of the branch

Product Code/Account Class

The product code if the details are displayed for a contract, or the account class if the details are dis­played for an account

Description Product/Account

The description of the product code if the details are displayed for a contract, or the description of account class if the details are displayed for an account

Customer Name/Customer CIF

The customer's name and customer number

Booking Date/Origination Date

The booking date of the contract if the details are dis­played for a contract, or the origination date of the account if the details are displayed for an account

Contract Reference Number / Customer Account number

The reference number of the contract if the details are displayed for a contract, or the customer account number if the details are displayed for an account


The tenor

Original balance

The original balance

Outstanding balance

The outstanding balance