9. Reports

During the day, or at the end of the day, you may want to retrieve information on any of the several operations that were performed during the day in your bank. You can generate this information in the form of reports in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

For Over the Counter Options (OTC) module you can generate reports, which give you data about the various events in the life of a specific contract, or across contracts, at a specific point in time. A set of report formats is pre-defined for this module.

This chapter contains the following sections:

9.1 Rate Fixing Report

The Rate Fixing Report lists the rate fixing details of interest rate options.

You can invoke this screen by typing the code ‘OTRPRFIX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Selection options

If you generate the report manually (from the reports Browser) you can specify preferences for the generation of the report. The contents of the report are determined by the preferences that you specify.

You can specify the following preferences for the report:

Product Code

Select the product code of the option product for which you wish to generate the rate fixing report.

From Reset Date

Specify the start date for rate reset or select the same by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon provided.

To Reset Date

Specify the end date for rate reset or select the same by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon provided.

Contents of the Report

The report options that you selected while generating this report are printed at the beginning of the report.


The Header section of the report carries the title of the Report, information on the User who generated the report, the branch code, the date and time and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

Field Name

Field Description

Reset Date

The date on which interest rate was reset

Product Code

The product code of the interest rate option product

Contract Reference

The contract reference number of the interest rate option contract


The component associated with rate reset

Period Start Date

The start date on which the revised rate became effective

Period End Date

The date up to which the revised rate was effective

Interest Currency

The currency associated with the interest component

Revision Rate

The revised rate of interest

Tenor Code

The tenor code of the reference rate

Rate Source

The source of the reference rate

Rate Type

The reset lag of the reference rate, whether forward or backward

9.2 Options Revaluation Report

The Options Revaluation Report lists the details of the option contracts that have been revalued periodically.

You can invoke this screen by typing the code ‘OTRPRVAL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Selection options

If you generate the report manually (from the reports Browser) you can specify preferences for the generation of the report. The contents of the report are determined by the preferences that you specify.

You can specify the following preferences for the report:

Product Code

Select the product code of the option product for which you wish to generate the revaluation report.

From Date

Specify the start date for report generation or select the same by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon provided.

To Date

Specify the end date for report generation or select the same by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon provided.

Contents of the Report

The report options that you selected while generating this report are printed at the beginning of the report.


The Header section of the report carries the title of the Report, information on the User who generated the report, the branch code, the date and time and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

Field Name

Field Description

Product Code

The product code of the option product

Contract Reference

The contract reference number of the option contract

User Reference

The user reference number of the option contract


The identification of the customer

Transaction Date

The date of the revaluation transaction

Revaluation Currency

The currency associated with revaluation

Buy or Sell

The type of the contract, whether buy or sell

Revaluation Level

The level at which revaluation is performed, product or contract

Gain / Loss

The gain or loss that has happened due to revaluation