8. Building Branch & Currency Restriction Classes

This chapter contains the following sections:

8.1 Restrictions as Classes

This section contains the following topics:

8.1.1 Maintaining Restrictions as Classes

From the head office of your bank, you can establish certain controls over your branch operations. You can achieve these controls by specifying restrictions. In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can define restrictions of the following types:

A set of restrictions grouped together is referred to in Oracle FLEXCUBE as a Restriction Class. You can maintain several restriction classes of branch and currency and several classes of customer restrictions.

To every product created, you can attach these restriction classes. If restricted, a product can only be used by those branches and offered only in those currencies that you allow. Only those customers that you allow, can avail a service.

For example, suppose that you offer a special portfolio management facility, christened Safe Fast Buck.


Set up:

You can maintain the restrictions as follows:

You can associate these classes (Class_A and Class_B) with the product, Safe Fast Buck.


8.1.2 The Advantage of Defining Restrictions as Classes

By maintaining classes, you give yourself the flexibility of applying the same restriction classes on several services that you offer. You do not have to define restrictions for each service that you offer.

8.2 The Branch and Currency Restrictions Class Screen

You can maintain branch and currency restrictions in the Product Branch and Currency Restrictions Class Maintenance screen, invoked from the Application Browser.

You can invoke the ‘Branch Currency Restrictions Class Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘CSDCBRCL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

A Branch and Currency Restrictions Class, is identified by a unique Code and a Description.

The branch and currency restriction classes that you maintain have to be specific to a module in Oracle FLEXCUBE. This is because a class maintained for one module would be unsuitable for another. For instance, you may choose to allow loan facilities in some branches, but disallow these branches from trading in securities.

8.2.1 Maintaining Branch Restrictions

A branch restriction class identifies a unique list of allowed or disallowed branches. At your head office, you can associate a product that you propose to offer with any Branch and Currency Restriction Class that you have maintained. The branch and currency restrictions defined for the class will apply to the service.


Any product that your bank offers is available to all branches, by default, unless you spe­cifically restrict its availability.

Choosing the List Type

You can specify branch restrictions either in the form of an allowed list, or in the form of a disallowed list.

When you associate a restriction class, defined as an allowed list, with a product, those branches that do not figure in the list cannot offer the service. If you have maintained a disallowed list for a class, branches that do not figure in it can offer the service.

For example, suppose that you have a network of twenty branches. You would like to exclude six branches from trading in securities. You would like all other branches to deal in securities.

Since there are more branches that can offer the facility than those that cannot, you can opt to maintain a disallowed list, and include the six disallowed branches in it.

You indicate whether you are maintaining an allowed or a disallowed list type by choosing the appropriate option.

Specifying a Branch to be Allowed/Disallowed

Under Branch Restriction, click add icon to display the list of available Branch Codes and Its Descriptions through its option list. From this option list you can select the Branch Code to be Allowed/Disallowed.

8.2.2 Maintaining Currency Restrictions

A currency restriction identifies a unique list of allowed or disallowed currencies. When creating a product at your head office, you can associate it with any Branch and Currency Restriction Class that you have maintained. The branch and currency restrictions defined for the class will apply to the product.

Choosing the List Type

You can specify currency restrictions either in the form of an allowed or a disallowed list.

Branches can deal only in products that figure in the allowed list. Branches cannot deal in products that figure in a disallowed list.

Specifying a Currency to be Allowed/Disallowed

Under Currency Restrictions, click add icon to display the list of available Currency Codes and Its Descriptions through its option list. From this option list you can select the Currency Code to be Allowed/Disallowed.

Click ‘Cancel’ to delete your specifications.

8.3 Specifying the Customer Category Restrictions Class

You can group your customers according to the common features that they share. For example, customers can be grouped into:

Each group may be referred to as a customer category. A customer restriction class identifies a unique list of customer categories that can avail a service. When building a service, at your head office, you can associate it with any Customer Restriction Class that you have maintained. The restrictions defined for the class will apply to the service.

8.3.1 The Customer Category Restrictions Class screen

You can maintain a list of either allowed or disallowed Customer Categories in the Customer Category Restrictions Class screen. This screen can be invoked from the Application Browser.

You can invoke the ‘Customer Restrictions Class Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘CSDCUCCL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

A Customer Category Restrictions Class is identified with a unique Code and a Description. The customer restriction classes maintained have to be for a specific module, in Oracle FLEXCUBE. A class maintained, for one module would be unsuitable for another. For instance, you may choose to offer trade finance facilities to certain customer categories but disallow these categories from availing your portfolio maintenance services.

Restriction Type

You can specify customer restrictions in the form of either an allowed list or a disallowed list.

Customer categories that do not figure in an allowed list, cannot avail that service (associated with the customer restrictions class). Customer categories that do not figure in a disallowed list can avail the service.

Exempting Specific Customers belonging to a Category

You can exempt customers, belonging to a particular category, from the allowed or disallowed list.

For example, suppose that you have maintained Financial Institutions as a customer category and you do not want Financial Institutions to avail a service that you offer.

You can maintain a disallowed list, in the Customer Category Restrictions Class screen, and include Financial Institutions in the list.

However, you would like Cavillieri and Barrett Inc., a financial institution, to avail this service.