28. Making Queries

28.1 Introduction

In the Securities module of Oracle FLEXCUBE you can query information on:

Whenever you are in the Summary View screen, you can query to see specific information. The Query screen is displayed. Specify the criteria based on which information is to be displayed.

For instance, you may want to know whether a specific external customer, has any accounts in a particular SK location and what is the exposure line. Specify the criteria in the query screen according to the procedure mentioned. This has been described in a later section of this chapter.

28.2 Details of Securities Safe keeping Movements

This section contains the following topics:

28.2.1 Querying Details of Securities Safe keeping Movements

You may want to query on the details of security movements from one SK location to another. You can do so, through the Securities Safe Keeping Movements Summary screen.

You can invoke the ‘Securities Safe Keeping Movements Summary’ screen by typing ‘SESXSKMV’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

To invoke this screen highlight Securities Queries and the SKL Sec Movements option, in the Application browser. The Securities Safe Keeping Movements Summary screen is displayed. Click ‘Query’ button.

To view the movement of securities (from one SK location to another) based on more than one criterion, specify all the relevant criteria. For example, you may want to view details of movement for all securities with the security currency USD, having a Value date 31-JAN-2000, for the SK account ACBNK4.

To make such a query, choose SCY under Fields, Equal To under Operator and USD under Value. Click ‘Accept’ button. Then click on the ‘Add’ button. Repeat the procedure with the criteria value date and SK account number clicking on ‘Accept’ button and ‘And’ button after specifying the value date and account number respectively. The query will be displayed in the Query screen.

To query for more than one SK account (the other two criteria being the same) click ‘Or’ button and specify the next account number.

Check it for correctness and click ‘Ok’ button. The SK Movements Summary screen will display only those securities in USD for the account ACBNK4 with a Value date equal to 31-JAN-2000.

To view the details of a particular SK location highlight the SK location code and double click on the selected record. The details of securities lodged/withdrawn in that particular location will be displayed.

If you want to view the latest details click ‘Refresh’ button. .

28.2.2 The Other Query Screens

Similarly you can query on the following:

28.2.3 Ordering

You can view a display of the fields in the Summary View, in the ascending or descending order.

Suppose in the Portfolio Balances Summary screen you want to see the Security ID for all the portfolios in a descending order. Highlight the field Security ID from the Fields list and click on it. In the Operator option list, choose Order By.

The Value list contains the options:

Click the option of your choice, say, Descending.

Click ‘Accept’ button. The following is displayed in the Ordering screen:


Click ‘Ok’ button. The details of securities in their respective portfolios will be displayed in the descending order, in the Portfolio Movements Summary screen.

If you decide to cancel the ordering you have specified, click ‘Clear Order By’ button. The screen clears and you can specify a new order.

28.3 Viewing Portfolio Securities Movements

You can view the portfolio securities movements in the 'Portfolio Securities Movements Summary' screen. You can invoke this screen by typing 'SESXPFMV' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

If you are allowed to query, then system displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:


For more information on the Query option please refer to the chapter on queries in the Common Procedures manual of Oracle FLEXCUBE.