34. Reports

34.1 Introduction

All activities that are performed in the Securities module are recorded. The inputs you have made for different securities, portfolios and deals can be viewed in the form of meaningful reports as and when you may require them. The various report programs and reporting features available under the Securities module are explained in this chapter.

You can generate the following reports for the Securities module:

This chapter contains the following sections:

34.2 Corporate Action Tracking (Coupon EXDATE)

To generate the Corporate Action Tracking (Coupon EXDATE) report, invoke the related screen by typing ‘SERCPDUE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You may set the following options for report generation in the above screen:

All Branches/Specific Branch

You can either choose to view in the report all corporate action records of the securities in all the branches or in a specific branch.

If you choose ‘Specific Branch’, specify the branch in the field below it.

Report From and Report To Dates

You can specify here the from and to dates for the report. The report displays all the corporate action records of the securities between those dates.

34.2.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch name, branch code, branch date, the Date & Time, the User ID of the user, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

This report contains details of:

Field Name

Field Description

Branch Code

This shows the Branch Code of the branch for which the report is generated.

Portfolio ID

This is the Portfolio ID

Portfolio Description

A brief description of the portfolio

Security Id

This identifies the security involved

Security Description

A description of the security involved

Interest Component

Specifies the interest component involved

Record Date

Date of creation of the record

Counterparty Details

Specifies the details of the counterparty

Issuer Currency

Security Currency

Currency of the issuer and of security

Basis Quantity

Specifies the basis quantity of the security involved

Interest Rate

Specifies the rate of interest charged

No of Days

Number of days

Interest Amount

Specifies the Interest Amount calculated

Portfolio Total

Specifies the total number of portfolios held

34.3 Coupon Flipping

The Coupon Flipping report gives the details of the previous coupon and the next coupon for a particular security.

To generate the Coupon Flipping report, invoke the related screen by typing ‘SERCPFLP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and then clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You may specify the Coupon Event Date in the above screen. Once this is set, the report will display the previous coupon details and next coupon details based on the event date.

34.3.1 Report Options

You may specify the following option before you generate the report:

34.3.2 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch name, branch code, branch date, the Date & Time, the User ID of the user, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

This report contains details of:

Field Name

Field Description

Internal Action ID

Specifies the ID for internal action

Security ID

Specifies the Security ID

Security Description

Briefly describes the security involved

Security Currency

Specifies the currency of the security

Previous Coupon

Prev Coupon Date

Specifies the date of the previous coupon

Next Coupon Date

Specifies the date of the next coupon

Period Type

Specifies the period type of the coupon

Next Coupon

Prev Coupon Date

Specifies the date of the previous coupon

Next Coupon Date

Specifies the date of the next coupon

Period Type

Specifies the period type of the coupon

34.4 Securities Activity Report

This report provides details of security activity. To generate the report, type ‘SERACTVT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button. The system will display ‘Print Options’ screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click ‘OK’ button.

For field wise explanation of the ‘Print Options’ screen, please refer to the chapter ‘Retrieving Information in Oracle FLEXCUBE’ in Reports user manual.

34.4.1 Contents of Report

The contents of securities activity report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Deal Reference

The reference number of the deal

Buy Leg Type

The type of buy leg


The version of the security activity


Indicates the event code


Indicates the account Number


Indicates the currency of transaction

Amount Tag

Indicates the amount tag


Indicates the amount


Indicates whether the transaction is pay or receive

Sell Leg Type

The type of sell leg

Settlement Sk

The settlement safe keeping

Security Code

The unique code that identifies the security

Security Description

A brief description of the security

Market Code

Market code for the security

Deal Quantity

The total quantity of the deal

Trade Date

The date of trade

Dstl Date

The deal settlement date

34.5 Backdated Deals Report

This report provides details of security for backdated deals. To generate the report, type ‘SERBKDDL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button. The system will display ‘Print Options’ screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click ‘OK’ button.

For field wise explanation of the ‘Print Options’ screen, please refer to the chapter ‘Retrieving Information in Oracle FLEXCUBE’ in Reports user manual.

34.5.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Deal Reference

The reference number of each deal


The version number

Settlement Date

The settlement date of the deal

Trade Date

The date as of which the trade would take place

Transaction Date

The date on which the transaction would take place

Security Description

The description of the security

Security Ccy

The currency attached to the security

Security Code

The unique code that identifies the security

Deal Value

The total value of the deal

Deal Quantity

The quantity of the deal

Adjusted Deal Price

The adjusted deal price

34.6 Corporate Action Tracking (Ex-Date) Report

You can generate corporate actions (Ex-Date) report by using ‘Corporate Action Tracking (Ex-Date) Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERCADUE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Corporate Action Type

Select the corporation action type from the drop-down list. The following are the options available:

Selected Branch

Select the branch for which you want to generate the report.

Report From

Specify the date from when you want to generate the report.

Report To

Specify the date to which you want to generate the report.

34.6.1 Contents of Report

The contents of corporate actions (Ex-Date) report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Branch Code

The branch code

Portfolio ID

The portfolio ID

Portfolio Description

The description of the portfolio

Security Type

The type of security

Security ID

Security Description

The security ID and description

SK Location

SK Account

The SK location and SK account

Issuer Currency

Security Currency

The issuer and security currency

Basis Quantity

The basic quantity

Record Date

Corporate Action Date

The record date and the corporate action date

Dividend Rate

The rate of the dividend

Dividend Amount

Resultant Security

The dividend amount

34.7 Corporate Action Pending

You can generate corporate action pending report by using ‘Corporate Action Tracking (Ex-Date) Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERCAPEN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Select Event

Select the event from the drop-down list. The following are the options available:

Corporate Action Type

Indicate the action type. The following options are available:

Report As On

The date on which the report is generated is displayed here.

34.7.1 Contents of the Report

The contents of corporate action pending have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Branch Code

The branch code

Corporate Action Type

The corporate action type

Portfolio Description

The description of the portfolio


The portfolio

Security Type

The security type

Security ID

The security ID , description and the initial component


The description

Record Date

The record date

Counterparty Account

The counterparty account

Counterparty Loca­tion

The counterparty location

Issuer Currency

The issuer currency

Basis of Corporate Action

The basis of corporate action

Dividend Rate

The dividend rate

Rights/Warranty Ratio

The Rights/Warranty Ratio

Security Resultant

The Security Resultant

Security Currency

The Security Currency

Corporate Action Dues

The Corporate Action Dues

Initiation Status

The initial status

Collection Status

The collection status

Liquidation Status

The liquidation status

34.8 Confirmed/Unconfirmed Report

You can generate confirmed/unconfirmed report by using the ‘Securities – Confirmed/Unconfirmed Deals Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERCUCDL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details.


Indicate whether the reports should be generated for a single customer or for all customers in a portfolio.


Specify the details of the counterparty.


Specify the counterparty from which the transactions are initiated.


Specify the counterparty to which the transactions are targeted.


Specify the details for the portfolio.


Specify the portfolio from which the transactions are initiated.


Specify the portfolio to which the transactions are targeted.

34.8.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the modules covered in the report, the customer of transactions covered in the report and portfolio of transactions covered in the report.


The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Security ID

Security Name


The security ID, Security name and portfolio to which the deal belongs to

Deal Type

Deal Price

The type of deal and price of deal


Customer of the deal

Security Currency

Currency in which the security is issued

Deal Reference

Reference number of the deal

Interest Amount

Interest amount applicable on the deal


The nominal

Confirmation Indicator

Whether the deal is confirmed or not

34.9 Security Disposition Report

You can generate security disposition report by using the ‘Disposition Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERDISRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details.

Deal Settlement Date

Specify the settlement date for the deal from the adjoining calendar.

34.9.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the modules covered in the report and deal settlement date.


The report is sorted by the transaction leg. The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Deal Reference Number

Reference number of the deal

Leg Reference Number

Reference number of the transaction leg

Leg Type

Type of transaction – buy or sell

Security Code

Security code


Description of the security

Portfolio ID

The portfolio ID

Deal Quantity

Quantity of security traded

Face Value Per Unit

Face value of the traded unit of security

Settlement Details

Details of deal settlement

Tag Currency

This is tag currency


The account used for deal settlement

Amount Tag

This indicates the amount tag for the account.

34.10 Deal Settlement Report

You can generate security deal settlement report by using the ‘Settled Deals’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERDLSTL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details.

Deal Settlement Date

Specify the settlement date for the deal from the adjoining calendar.

34.10.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the modules covered in the report and deal settlement date.


The report is sorted by the deal reference number. The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Deal Reference Number

Reference number of the deal

Security Id

The security Id

Security Description

Description of the security

Interest Amount

Interest applicable on the deal

Face Value of Deal

Face value of the deal

Leg Reference Num­ber

Reference number of the transaction leg

Leg Type

Type of transaction – buy or sell


The deal counterparty

Counterparty Name

Name of the deal counterparty

Portfolio Id

The portfolio ID

Portfolio Description

Description of the portfolio

Leg Reference Num­ber

Reference number of the transaction leg

Leg Type

Type of transaction – buy or sell


The deal counterparty

Counterparty Name

Name of the deal counterparty

Portfolio Id

The portfolio ID

Portfolio Description

Description of the portfolio

34.11 Securities with Short Positions Report

You can generate the securities with short positions report by using the ‘Securities with Short Positions Report’ screen.

To invoke this screen, type ‘SERSHSEC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

34.11.1 Selection Criteria

By indicating From and To security IDs, you can generate the securities with short positions report.

34.11.2 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the Report, information on the branch code, the branch date, the user id, the module name, the date and time at which the report was generated and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:

Field Name

Field Description

Portfolio Id

Portfolio Name

This is the Internal Security Id for which Security Portfolio has been maintained.

This is the name of the portfolio.

Security Id

Security Name

This is the identification of the security.

This is the name of security.

Security Currency

Deal Reference

This is the currency of security.

This is the reference number of deal.

SK Location

Deal Type

Indicates SK location in which the deal settlement has taken place.

This indicates the type of deal.

Trade Date

Settlement Date

This is the date on which the deal is transacted.

This indicates the date on which the money was settled.


This indicates the net consideration of the deal.

34.12 Portfolio To Portfolio Deals Report

You can generate the portfolio to portfolio deals report by using the ‘Portfolio To Portfolio Deals Report’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘SERTPDL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

Refer the Reports User Manual for details about fields on this screen.

34.12.1 Contents of Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the Report, information on the branch code, the branch date, the user id, the module name, the date and time at which the report was generated and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The report contains information on:

Field Name

Field Description

Deal Reference

This is the reference number of the deal.


This is the latest version number.

Security Code

This is the security code.

Security Description

This is the description of Security Identification.

Security Currency

This is the currency of the security.

Deal Quantity

This indicates the quantity of security that is traded.

Deal Value

This is the total value of the deal.

Trade Date

This is the date on which the deal is transacted.

Transaction Date

This is the date on which the deal was first processed in the system.

Settlement Date

This is the date on which the various components associ­ated with the deal get settled.

Adjusted Deal Price

This is the price of interest bearing instruments exclusive of the interest component.

Interest Amount

This is the amount of accrued interest to be paid or received.

Reference Number

This is the reference number.

Buy Sell

This is Buy/Sell.

Portfolio Id

This is portfolio Id.

Portfolio Description

This is portfolio description.

34.13 Matched/Unmatched Confirmation Message Report

You can generate this report using the ‘Matched/Unmatched Confirmation Messages’ screen.

You can invoke this report screen by typing ‘SERPMTCH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Selection Options

If you generate the report manually (from the reports Browser) you can specify preferences for the generation of the report. The contents of the report are determined by the preferences that you specify.

You can specify the following preferences for the report:


Select the date from the option list provided.

Matching Type

You can select any one of the following radio buttons:

Messages Filter

You can filter the messages selecting any one of the following radio button:

Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the branch details, information on the, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the modules covered in the report and deal settlement date.

Body of the Report

Field Name

Field Description

Swift Message Type

The swift message type

Leg Reference Number

The leg reference number

Deal Reference Number

The deal reference number

Message Reference

The message reference

34.14 Forward Profit and Loss (PnL) Accrual Report

You can generate forward profit and loss accrual report by using the ‘Forward Profit And Loss Accrual Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERFWPNL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

34.14.1 Selection Options

You may specify the following option before you generate the report:

Memo Accrual

Check this box to indicate the memo accrual should be used for the report

Accrual Processing Date

Select the accrual processing date.

34.14.2 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description


The portfolio of the deal

FPL Accrual Currency

The currency of the forward profit and loss accrual


The security involved in the deal

Forward P&L Accrued

The total forward profit or loss accrued amount

Deal Type

Leg Reference

FPL Accrued To date

The type of the deal, reference number of transac­tion leg and interest accrual amount till date

Security Quantity

Accrual From Date

The quantity involved in the security and the interest accrual from this date.

Accrual To Date

The forward profit or loss accrued up to this date

Deal Price

FPL Accrued

The deal price of the security and forward Profit or loss accrued is the difference between deal price and the spot price. It is calculated from the spot date of the deal to its settlement date

Fpl Accrued Till date

Forward profit or loss till the system date

Spot Price

The spot price involved in the deal

34.15 Securities Maturity Report

You can generate securities maturity report by using the ‘Securities Maturity Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERMATRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

34.15.1 Selection Options

You can specify the Redemption/Expiry Date before you generate the report.

34.15.2 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Security Id

The Security Id

Security Description

Brief description of the security involved

Issue or Tear off Date

The issue date

Redemption Or Expiry Date

The expiry date of the security

Security Currency

The currency attached to the security

Current Position/Holdings as of

Position Reference

The reference number

Portfolio Id

The Portfolio Id

SK Location Id

The code that identifies the safekeeping location

SK Location Account

The account corresponding to the safekeeping location

Current Position

The position of the security as of the date

Current Holding

The holding of the security as of the date

34.16 Securities Contracts Overrides Report

You can generate securities contracts overrides report by using the ‘Securities Contracts Overrides Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SEROVDRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Refer the Reports User Manual for details about fields on this screen

34.16.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, branch date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Leg Reference Number

The reference number of the transaction leg

Security Code

The security id

Security Description

Brief description of the security involved


The message


The parameters of the security


The counterparty involved in the security

Portfolio Id

The Portfolio Id

Portfolio Description

The description of the portfolio

Maker Id

The maker Id

Checker Id

The checker Id

34.17 Securities Exception Report

You can generate securities maturity report by using the ‘Securities Exception Print Form ‘screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERXCPT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

34.17.1 Selection Options

You can specify the Redemption/Expiry Date before you generate the report.

34.17.2 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch name, branch code, branch date, the Date & Time, the User ID of the user, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Branch Date

This is the branch date

Contract Reference

This is the reference number of the contract


This is the module name.

Event Code

This is the event code.

Error Code

This is the error code.


This is the message.

Security Id

This is the security identification code.

Security Description

This is the security description.

Portfolio Id

This is the portfolio id.

Portfolio Description

This is the portfolio description.

34.18 Securities Activity Report

You can generate securities activity report by using the ‘Securities Activity Report‘screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘SERACTVT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

34.18.1 Contents of Report

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch name, branch code, branch date, the Date & Time, the User ID of the user, the page number of the report and the module for which the report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed:

Field Name

Field Description

Deal Reference

This is the deal reference.


This is the version.

Buy Leg Type

This is the buy leg type.

Sell Leg Type

This is the sell leg type.

Settlement SK Location

This is the settlement SK location.

Security Code

This is the security code.

Security Description

This is the security description.

Market Code

This is the market code.

Deal Quantity

This is the deal quantity.

Trade Date

This is the trade date.

D STL Date

This is the D STL date.


This is the event.


This is the account.

Account Currency

This is the account currency.

Amount Tag

This is the amount tag.


This is the amount.


This is the pay/receive.