1. Preface

1.1 Introduction

This User Manual is prepared to familiarize you with the Savings module of Oracle FLEXCUBE. The manual gives you an overview of the module and explains all the maintenances required for its smooth functioning. It also takes you through the different types of transactions that may be handled through this module.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for your Branch Tellers, Vault Operators and Branch Supervisors to provide quick and efficient service to customers and prospects of your bank.

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

This manual is organized into the following chapters:



Chapter 1

Preface - Gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Chapter 2

Savings - An Overview provides a snapshot of the features of the entire module.

Chapter 3

Transaction Workflow - Describes the role of the Workflow engine in transaction processing.

Chapter 4

Common Operations - Details the common operations that you can per­form when processing transactions in this module.

Chapter 5

Data Replication – Details replicating host data in the branch.

Chapter 6

Maintenances for Savings - Details the various maintenances (E.g. Account opening instructions, TC Denomination details Reconciliation details etc.) for the module.

Chapter 7

Maintaining Passbook - Details the maintenances needed for the issu­ance of passbook at the Bank parameter and account class level

Chapter 8

Cash Transactions - explains all the cash-based transactions that can be performed through this module.

Chapter 9

Instrument Transactions - Describes the various instrument-based trans­actions that can be performed in this module.

Chapter 10

General Ledger Transaction - Explains miscellaneous debit and credit transactions GL transactions.

Chapter 11

Time Deposit Transactions - Explains the various types of transactions in this category.

Chapter 12

Credit Card Payments – Explains the various types of payments in this category

Chapter 13

Vault Operations - Explains the different types of Vault operations availa­ble in branch.

Chapter 14

Balancing Operations - Explains the balancing operations available in this module.

Chapter 15

Batches - Details the various automatic processes applicable for the module.

Chapter 16

Branch Deployment Options - Details various branch deployment options.

Chapter 17

Batches - Details various batch operations done in this module.

Chapter 18

Reports - provides a list of reports that can be generated in this module and also explains their contents.

Chapter 19

Function ID Glossary - has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Abbreviations used

The following acronyms/abbreviations are used in this User Manual:




General Ledger




Foreign Currency


Local Currency




Retail Teller


Data Entry


Traveler’s Cheque

1.6 Related Documents

1.7 Glossary of Icons






Add row


Delete row


Option List