12. Vault Operations

12.1 Introduction

This chapter details the various Vault Operations that can be performed through this module.

This chapter contains the following sections:

12.2 Transferring Cash from Vault

You can transfer cash from vault using the ‘Transfer cash from Vault’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9007’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:


Select the currency to be transferred from Vault.

Transfer Amount

Specify the total amount to be transferred.

Preferred Denomination

Specify the preferred denomination.


The system displays the total amount transferred.

External Reference

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

12.2.1 Capturing denomination details

You have to specify the following details for the cash being transferred:

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are decremented for outflow transactions like cash transfer. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

After entering these details, you need to click save icon. The specified amount will flow from vault and gets updated.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.3 Transferring Cash to Vault

You can transfer cash to vault using the ‘Transfer cash to Vault’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9008’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency

Select the currency to be transferred to Vault.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be transferred.

Preferred Denomination

Specify the preferred denomination.


The system displays the total amount transferred.

External Reference

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

12.3.1 Capturing denomination details

You have to specify the following details for the cash being transferred:

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are incremented for inflow transactions like cash transfer. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

After entering these details you need to click save icon. The specified amount will flow into the vault and gets updated in the branch.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.4 Buy Cash from Central Bank

This section contains the following topics:

12.4.1 Buying Cash from Central Bank

You can buy cash from central bank using the ‘Buy Cash from Central Bank’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9009’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency

Select the currency to be bought from the Central bank.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be transferred.


Enter remarks about the transaction.

External Reference

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

Enrichment Stage

In this stage some additional details need to be captured on the screen. The screen displayed is as below:

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

12.4.2 Specifying Denomination Details

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code

The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are incremented for inflow transactions like cash purchase. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

12.4.3 Specifying the MIS Details

You can specify the details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen.

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host. Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE Host User manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this section:

Cost Center

The MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the transaction is displayed here.

Account Officer

The MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction is displayed here.

Contract in Various Currencies

Explanation required from Dev/testing team.

Standard Industrial Code

The MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer belongs is displayed here.

12.4.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can specify the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Field Name

The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product in the Host.

Field Value

Specify the value for the required UDFs.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.5 Sell Cash to Central Bank

This section contains the following topics:

12.5.1 Selling Cash to Central Bank

You can sell cash to central bank using the ‘Sell Cash to Central Bank’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9010’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency

Select the currency to be sold to Central bank.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be sold.


Enter description of the transaction.

External Reference

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

In this stage some additional fields are displayed like Exchange rate.

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

12.5.2 Specifying Denomination Details

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code

The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are decremented for outflow transactions like cash sale. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

12.5.3 Specifying MIS Details

You can capture the details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen:

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host. Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE host user manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this screen:

Cost Center

The MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the transaction is displayed here.

Account Officer

The MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction is displayed here.

Standard Industrial Code

The MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer belongs is displayed here.

Contract in Various Currencies

12.5.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Field Name

The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product in the Host.

Field Value

Specify the value for the required UDFs.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.6 Buying TCs from Agent

You can buy TCs from Agent using the ‘Buy TCs from Agent’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9011’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code

Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.


Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted.

12.6.1 Specifying TC Details

The following details have to be maintained:


Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the denomination for the specified description.


The system displays the currency.


Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.


Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count

The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list. Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number

Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number

The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount

The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.7 Buying TCs from Head Office

You can buy TCs from Head office using the ‘Buy TCs from HO’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9015 in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code

Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.


Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted.

12.7.1 Capturing TC Details

The following details have to be captured:


Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the denomination for the specified description.


The system displays the currency.


Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.


Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count

The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list. Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number

Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number

The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount

The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.8 Selling TCs to Head Office

You can sell TCs from Head office using the ‘Sell TCs to HO’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9016’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code

Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.


Enter remarks about the transaction, if any.

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted.

12.8.1 Capturing TC Details

You have to maintain the following information in this section:


Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the denomination for the specified description.


The system displays the currency.


Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.


Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count

The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list. Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number

Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number

The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount

The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.9 Buying TCs from Vault

You can buy TCs from Vault using the ‘Buy TCs from Vault’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9017’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code

Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.


Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted.

12.9.1 Capturing TC Details

You have to capture the following details of the TC:


Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the denomination for the specified description.


The system displays the currency.


Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.


Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count

The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list. Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number

Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number

The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount

The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.10 Returning TCs to Vault

You can return TCs to Vault using the ‘Return TCs to Vault’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9018’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code

Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.


Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted.

12.11 Capturing TC Details

You have to specify the following details of a TC:


Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the denomination for the specified description.


The system displays the currency.


Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.


Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count

The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list. Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number

Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number

The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount

The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User Manual for further details.

12.11.1 Viewing TCs available with Vault

You can view TCs available with vault using the ‘Display TCs available with Vault’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9020’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Branch

The current branch is displayed here.

Issuer Code

Select the issuer code of the instrument from the option list available.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency in which the transaction is carried out, from the option list available. After entering the above details, click ‘Ok’ button on the screen to view all the TCs available with vault. The system displays the following details:

To view the details in a vault in other branch, click ‘Reset’ button. After this you can enter the appropriate values and click ‘Ok’ button.