2 Create a Price Change

New price changes can be added to a new price change group or an existing price change group. Creating a new price change group can be done by selecting the Create Price Change Group task from the Task List, or selecting the 'Create' action from the Price Change Group Search screen. Either of these steps create a new Price Change Group into which price changes can be added by following the steps below (starting with step 3). Adding a price change is performed using the Price Change Wizard. There are four potential stops within the wizard:

  • Items Page

  • Locations Page

  • Price Change Page

  • Summary Page

  1. To add price changes to an existing Price Change group, perform a search for the price change group that you want to edit. See Search for a Price Change Group.

  2. From the search results pane of the Price Change Group Search tab, highlight the price change group to which you want to add a price change and select Edit from the Actions menu. The Price Change Group tab appears.

    Figure 2-1 Price Change Group Tab

    price change group tab
  3. From the Item table, select Add from the Actions menu. The Add Price Change Wizard launches. Continue with the Add Items.

Add Items

The initial page in the Price Change Wizard allows you to select the items that you want to add to the price change.

Figure 2-2 Add Price Change Items Page

Add Price Change Items page
  1. From the Add Price Change Items page, enter the items to add to the new price change using the following criteria:

    Table 2-1 Price Change Items Page Fields

    Field Description

    Add Items by

    The Add Items by field allows you to select a category by which you can narrow the list of things to add to the price change. Options are:

    • Item

    • Parent/Diff

    • Item List

    • Upload List


    The Item field is active if you select Item in the Add Items by field. Click the magnifying glass to search for an item to add to the price change.


    When Parent/Diff is selected for 'Add Items by' the display of the screen changes, showing an item field and diff type field as the top row, with a Diffs table directly below. Entering an Item and Diff type will populate the diff table where diffs can then be selected. Combinations of the entered parent item and the selected diffs are added to the Selected Items table when the apply button is selected.

    Diff Type

    The Diff Type field is active if you select Parent/Diff in the Add Items by field.

    Item List

    The Item List field is active if you select Item List in the Add Items by field. Click the dropdown to select a defined list of items to add to the price change.

    Source File

    Source File is active if you select Upload List in the Add Items by field. Click Browse to select the file to upload.

  2. Once you have entered your criteria, click Apply to move entered or selected data for the item selection option to the Selected Items table. In the case of an Item List or Upload List, the items in the list are populated into the Selected Items table. Once all your items are added to the price change, click Next. The Add Price Change Locations page appears. Continue Add Locations.

Add Locations

The Locations page of the Price Change Wizard allows you to define the locations associated with the price change.

Figure 2-3 Add Price Change Locations Page

Add Price Change Locations page
  1. From the Add Price Change Location page, select the location type you want to use for adding locations using the following criteria:

    Table 2-2 Locations Page Fields

    Field Description

    Add Locations by

    The Add Locations by field allows you to select a category by which you can narrow the list of locations to add to the price change. Options are:

    • Zone

    • Location List

    • Store

    • Warehouse

    Note: The Warehouse option is only displayed if the Recognize Warehouses as Locations option is set to Yes.

    Zone Group

    The Zone Group field is active if you select Zone in the Add Locations by field.

    Zone Table

    The Zone Table is active if you select Zone in the Add Locations by field. When a zone group is entered, the Zone Table will be populated with the zones in the zone group.

    Apply Locations within Selected Zones

    The Apply Locations within Selected Zones check box is active if you select Zone in the Add Locations by field. This checkbox allows exploding the zone into stores and warehouses for populating the Selected Locations table. If you have access to one location in a zone, you can use the zone to create events.

    Location List

    The Location List dropdown list is active if you select Location List in the Add Locations by field. Click the dropdown to select from a defined list of locations to add to the price change.


    The Store dropdown list is active if you select Store in the Add Locations by field. Click the dropdown to select from a defined list of stores to add to the price change.


    The Warehouse dropdown list is active if you select Warehouse in the Add Locations by field. Click the dropdown to select from a defined list of warehouses to add to the price change.

  2. From the search results pane, select the location(s) to add to the price change and click Apply.

  3. Once all your locations are added to the price change, click Next. The Add Price Change page appears. Continue with Add Price Change Attributes.

Add Price Change Attributes

The Price Change page of the Price Change Wizard allows you to define the price change itself.

Figure 2-4 Add Price Change Page

Add Price Change page
  1. From the Price Change page, define the information for the price change(s) being added using the following criteria:

    Table 2-3 Price Change Page Fields

    Field Description

    Effective Date

    The date on which the price change is set to take effect. Users have the option to key in a date or select one using the calendar widget.


    The Value field provides the options that derive the new retail price. Users have the option to modify the value. Options are:

    • Change by Percent: A percent is defined in the change value field that is used to calculate the new retail.

    • Change by Amount: An amount is defined in the change value field that adds to (or subtracts from if a negative value is entered) the retail price to determine the new retail.

    • Fixed Price: The item is at a specified retail that is defined in the change value field (rounding rule may impact entered retail).

    • Reset POS Price: The item is recognized on a price change but no change to the retail occurs.

    After selecting the change type, users will enter the actual value for the change. This field is required entry for every change type. The field supports up to four decimal places for Change by Percent value. For Change by Amount and Fixed Price, decimal placement is based on the currency of selected locations.


    The Reason value defines the reason the price change is being created.

    Users have the option to update this field or remove the value in this field.

    Rounding Rule

    The Rounding Rule field provides the ability to smooth retails for an item or location.

    Users have the option to update this field or remove the value in this field.

  2. Once all your price change information is entered, click Next. The Add Price Change Summary page appears. Continue with Review, Submit and Approve.

    If you want to skip the Summary Page, you can double click on Finish or select Submit, or Approve options from the Finish drop down menu.

Review, Submit and Approve

When a price change is added, it must go through a series of checks before it can be applied to an item/location. Depending on your user role, you may not be able to move the retail price change to the next status. A change to submitted or approved status, or from approved back to worksheet, results in a conflict check. A price change may be in any of the following statuses:

Table 2-4 Price Change Status

Status Definition


The price change has been started, but not reviewed or sent out.


The price change has been completed and is pending review. Conflict checking may have occurred (depending on the run for submit system option) for the price change.


The price change has been reviewed and accepted. The price change is communicated to the locations for which the price change is effective.


The new prices established are effective for the item/location.


The price change has been reviewed and declined.


While the price change is being processed through conflict check the status will be listed as Processing.

The Summary page displays the details of the price change before it is added to the Price Change Group.

Figure 2-5 Add Price Change Summary Page

Add Price Change Summary page
  1. Confirm the price change settings and double click on Finish or select Submit or Approve from the Finish drop down menu. You are returned to the Price Change Group screen. Your new price change is listed in the Item table.


    The Summary Page allows individual price changes to be removed before they are added to the Price Change Group.

Update Price Change Status for One or More Price Changes

Users have options to perform status maintenance at Item level for one or many items, at the Item/Location level for one or more Locations tied to an item or they have the option to update for all displayed records using the page level buttons.

Updating Group Level Price Change Status

Perform the following procedure to update the price change status:

  1. Perform a search for the price change group that you want to update. See Search for a Price Change Group.

  2. From the search results pane, select the Price Change Group for which you want to update status. and select Edit from the Actions menu. The Price Change Group tab appears.

    Figure 2-6 Price Change Group Tab

    Price Change Group Maintenance tab
  3. From the Price Change Group tab, use the buttons at the bottom of the page to update the price change group status. Options are:

    • Submit All

    • Approve All

    • Worksheet All (Select from the More Actions button menu.)

    • Reject All (Select from the More Actions button menu.)

  4. After selecting the status change, click Save to save the updated status and remain on the Price Change Group Maintenance tab. Click Save and Close to save the updated status and return to the Price Change Group Search tab.


    If a price change is selected for a status change and the new status is not valid, the status change is ignored and the price change will not be updated.

Update Item Level Price Change Status

Perform the following procedure to update the price change status:

  1. Perform a search for the price change group that you want to update. See Search for a Price Change Group.

  2. From the search results pane, select the Price Change Group for which you want to update status. and select Edit from the Actions menu. The Price Change Group tab appears.

    Figure 2-7 Price Change Group Tab

    Price Change Group Maintenance tab
  3. From the Price Change tab, from the Items table, highlight the item or items for which you want to update status.

  4. With the item highlighted, select the desired status update from the Actions menu.

  5. After selecting the status change, click Save to save the updated status and remain on the Price Change Group Maintenance tab. Click Save and Close to save the updated status and return to the Price Change Group Search tab.


    If a price change is selected for a status change and the new status is not valid, the status change is ignored and the price change will not be updated.

Update Location Level Price Change Status

Perform the following procedure to update the price change status:

  1. Perform a search for the price change group that you want to update. See Search for a Price Change Group.

  2. From the search results pane, select the Price Change Group for which you want to update status. and select Edit from the Actions menu. The Price Change Group tab appears.

    Figure 2-8 Price Change Group Tab

    Price Change Group Maintenance tab
  3. From the Price Change tab, from the Locations table, highlight the location or locations for which you want to update status.

  4. With the location highlighted, select the desired status update from the Actions menu.

  5. After selecting the status change, click Save to save the updated status and remain on the Price Change Group Maintenance tab. Click Save and Close to save the updated status and return to the Price Change Group Search tab.


    If a price change is selected for a status change and the new status is not valid, the status change is ignored and the price change will not be updated.

Review and Resolve Conflicts

If you approve a price change, then before it can be approved, Pricing will validate that it doesn't conflict with any other price event — regular price change or clearance — that was previously created and approved. Conflict checks can also occur if you are making an update to an approved price change. This includes moving it back to a worksheet status or, depending on your system configuration settings, when the price change is submitted or updates are made to a previously submitted price change.

If you are the one that made the update that initiated the conflict check, then you will see your event moved to a Pending or Processing status. This is an indication that conflict checking is happening in the background. After it completes, if there were no issues, then the updates will be saved. However, if there was an issue you will receive a notification that a conflict exists. Click on the notification icon on the Pricing toolbar to see details on which group had the conflict, along with a hyperlink to access the group to see the details.

Price Change Conflict Notification List

In the Price Change Group page, the existence of a conflict is identified by an exclamation point icon ( Conflict Exclamation Point Icon). The exclamation point can be next to the group description in the page heading, or in the conflicts column of the items table or locations table. To review a conflict, click the icon in the conflicts column; the Conflicts page opens. If you click the icon in the header level of the Price Change Group page, then all conflicts for the group will be displayed in the Conflicts page. If you click on the icon in the item table, then all conflicts for the item in that group will be displayed in the Conflicts page. If you click on the icon in the Locations table, then only the conflict for that item/location in the group will be displayed in the Conflicts page.

Figure 2-9 Price Change Conflicts

Price Change Conflicts Screen

The conflicts table displays all the price event information associated with the event that has the conflict. Highlight one of the detail rows to display the Conflict Details contextual report, which provides further details on the conflict. If the Conflict Details contextual report does not automatically display, click the collapsible arrow on the right side of the window. The Item Details contextual report is also available for the item in the highlighted row.

Figure 2-10 Conflict Details Contextual Report

Conflict Details Contextual Report

The Current Event section of the Conflict Details report includes the details on the event prior to the update or status change that was attempted, including the change type and amount, effective date, and status.

The Conflict section provides a business description of the conflict to help provide guidance on how to resolve the issue.

The Attempted Updates section shows you the action that was taken that initiated conflict checking and raised the errors. Usually, this will be changing the status of the price change. However, if you were updating an already approved event, it could also show you the value or effective date for the event, if those updates are what caused the issue. Only the information related to the error will be displayed. For example, if there is an approved event with a 10% price increase scheduled for 31-Dec, and you have tried to change just the effective date, if a conflict is raised, the only data appearing in the Attempted Updates section would be the Effective Date.

The Conflicting Event section will show you the event that caused the conflict, which could be another price change or a clearance event. In some cases, a conflict can occur that doesn't involve another price change or clearance event. For example, if the initial price of an item is $5.00 and later a price change for an amount off of $6.00 is attempted, a conflict will be raised as the resulting retail would be negative. But, as there isn't another event involved, No Data Found will appear in the Conflicting Event section.


If you subsequently made updates to either the event with the conflict or the event that caused the conflict without re-running conflict checking, you may see that some of the values here have changed.

Once you have reviewed the details of the conflict, you can take action by making the appropriate adjustments to the price change that has the conflict or conflicting event. Then, retry your update or status change to re-run conflict checking.

Use Quick Create

The Price Change Quick Create feature is designed as a key entry path for users to create a regular price change. The Quick Create feature supports grouping multiple price changes for different items and locations into a single Price Change Group. Mass maintenance can then be performed on this group later in the workflow through the Price Change Group Maintenance workflow.

Use the following procedure to quick create a price change:


The Quick Create feature is available in the left pane menu and can be opened at any time regardless of what screens are open.
  1. From the Pricing tab Tasks list, click the Quick Create icon.

    Figure 2-11 Quick Create Icon

    Quick Create icon

    The Quick Create pane appears.

    Figure 2-12 Quick Create Pane

    Quick Create pane
  2. From the Quick Create pane, select Price Change from the Quick Create drop down list.

  3. From the Quick Create pane, enter information for the following fields:


    Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Fields marked with a double asterisk means that one of the fields needs to be populated.

    Table 2-5 Price Change Quick Create Fields

    Field Description

    Group Description

    This field allows for entry of a description that can be used on a new Price Change group. This description may then be used to search for the price change or price change group for maintenance purposes.


    The Item field allows for entry of a parent item or transaction level item. Users may enter a single item or multiple items. If multiple items are entered a semicolon is used to separate values. The field will accept up to 4000 characters.


    The Diff field allows for entry or selection of a single Diff Value. Users have the option to use the list of values to search on Diff Type to find the Diff value.


    The Zone field allows for entry of one or more zones within a single zone group If multiple zones are entered a semicolon is used to separate values.

    Note: Either a Zone(s) or Location(s) must be entered, but not both.


    The Location field allows for entry of a location. The user may enter a single location or multiple locations. If multiple locations are entered a semicolon is used to separate values. The field will accept up to 4000 characters.

    Note: Either a Zone(s) or Location(s) must be entered, but not both.

    Effective Date

    The Effective Date is the date when the price change will go into effect. Users have the option to key in a date or select one using the calendar widget.

    Change Type

    The Change Type field provides the options that will derive the new retail price. Options are:

    • Change By Amount – An amount is defined in the change value field that either adds or subtracts from the retail price to determine the new retail. Users should enter a minus symbol (-) prior to the value to subtract from the retail.

    • Fixed Price – The item is at a specified retail that is defined in the change value field (rounding rule may impact entered retail). Selecting this option enables the Selling UOM field. Users have the option to enter or select a UOM value however the field is not required.

    • Reset POS Price – The item will be recognized on a price change but no change to retail will occur. Reset POS Price is hidden unless the user has emergency price change security privilege.

    • Change by Percent – A percent is defined in the change value field that either adds or subtracts from the retail price to determine the new retail. Users should enter a minus symbol (-) prior to the value to subtract from the retail.

    Change Value

    The Change Value field contains the change by percent, change by amount, or fixed price value depending on the change type selected.

    • Change by Amount – the amount entered in this field is added or subtracted from the current retail when the price change takes effect

    • Fixed Price – the amount entered in this field is the new retail on the effective date.

    • Reset POS Price – Change value is null and disabled when Reset POS Price is selected.

    • Change by Percent – the amount entered in this field is the percentage that the current retail will be changed by to come up with the new retail (support up to four decimal places for percent value). The field displays a percent sign to the right of the right of the field before the per label

    Rounding Rule

    The Rounding Rule field allows the user to associate a specific rule with a price change record. Users are allowed to enter a single Rounding Rule. A rounding rule helps users create a uniform pricing strategy.


    The Reason field value defines the reason the price change is being created.

  4. Once you have entered all information for the newly created price change record, click Apply, Submit, or Approve. The new price change is created.


    If you select locations (or zones) with multiple currencies, you can only choose to create a price change by percent or to reset the point of sale (POS) price. You cannot create price changes by amount or for a fixed price across multiple currencies.