Direct Bill Transfer

Prerequisites for Direct Bill Transfer

Direct Billing is a process in which guest charges are transferred to an Accounts Receivables account for payment. Typically, when a guest uses direct billing, an invoice is sent directly to the guest's company or other sponsoring organization.

Direct bill transfer enables authorized guests to send all or part of their bill to an AR account where charges are accumulated. The property then periodically invoices the person or organization responsible for payment of the AR account. The direct bill check out option is often used by guests whose company has special arrangements with the property, or whose business requires frequent stays at the property.

For a guest to use direct bill as a payment method at check out or settlement, the profile attached to the guest reservation (individual, company, travel agent, source or group) must have a valid AR account number.

If only part of the guest's expenses should be handled by direct bill, you may want to move those transactions to a separate Billing screen window using the Routing Instructions, and you may then process payment for this window using the direct bill payment method.