Tax Generates

Generates are used to automatically calculate additional charges, such as service charges and taxes, that are auto-posted to a guest bill when you select particular transaction codes for package or AR invoice postings. For example, a room charge might always generate a room tax (VAT) charge. You can set up a room tax charge in the following ways:
  • Percentage of the room charge

  • Flat amount that posts each time the room charge posts

  • Formula that you can configure

  • Tax type rules that refer to the specific reservation or profile to determine the charge amount to generate

The Generates Inclusive Y/N option on each sales transaction code determines if the generates are posted separately to the base sale amount or included in the base amount. This depends on whether amounts are posted inclusive or exclusive of tax and service charges.

You can set up generates for individual transaction codes, all transaction codes within a transaction subgroup, or all transaction codes within a transaction group. If all revenue is subject to the same tax and tax rate, then the generate can be configured on the transaction groups and inherited by all transaction codes linked to the transaction group via subgroups. If tax only applies to some revenue, then the tax generate can be configured on sub-groups or individual transaction codes. When a generate is configured at the group level and a different generate is configured on a subgroup, the transaction codes linked to subgroup inherit both the generates.

You can add as many generates to a transaction code, transaction group, or transaction subgroup as necessary. Furthermore, you can use the result of one generate calculation as the basis for calculating subsequent generates. For example, assume you want to calculate a tax based on the total that results from the posted charge plus a service charge. In this scenario, the total posted amount resulting from the addition of the service charge can be stored in a subtotal "bucket" for calculation of the tax. If you plan to use subtotals in this way, the order in which you create generates are important to ensure subtotals from one generate calculation are available for the next calculation.

Three subtotal "buckets" are available: Subtotal 1, Subtotal 2, and Subtotal 3. To store the result of a generate calculation in one of these buckets for use in a later generate calculation, select the appropriate Subtotal options. The value of a specific Subtotal bucket is cumulative if the following generate calculations also store their results in the same Subtotal bucket. The base amount of the posting is held in each bucket that has been flagged to include the transaction amount. If the bucket has not been flagged to include the transaction amount, the starting amount for that bucket is zero.

When assigning a generate to a group or subgroup, the generates always post for each transaction code within that group or subgroup.