Property Availability

Property Availability provides a comprehensive view of rooms available and sold at your property.

You can view availability and other details for the House and each Room Type.


Selecting all view options for both HOUSE and ROOM TYPE will impact performance when loading this page.

Certain values that appear (for example, out of order) provide a hyperlink to access more detailed information when clicked.

The following details are available for Property Availability:

Table 5-1 Property Availability View Options

View Options Description

Max Available Rooms

Maximum Rooms Available to sell (Physical Rooms - Rooms Sold - Out of Order – Deduct Rooms Sold + Sell Limit*).

Available Rooms with Non-deduct

Minimum Rooms Available to sell (Physical Rooms - Rooms Sold - Out of Order + Sell Limit* - Non-deduct Rooms Sold).

Deduct Rooms Sold

Number of Deduct Rooms Sold (actual number of Rooms Sold in Deduct status).

Non-deduct Rooms Sold

Number of Non-deduct rooms sold (actual number of Rooms Sold in Non-deduct status).


Canceled Reservations (number of Arrival reservations canceled for that date).

Occupancy %

Forecast Occupied Rooms (Rooms Sold / (Physical Rooms - Out of Order + Sell Limit*) x 100).

Occupancy with Non-deduct %

Forecast Occupied Rooms (Rooms Sold + Non–deduct Rooms Sold) / (Physical Rooms - Out Of Order + Sell Limit*) x 100).

Availability %

Forecast Available Rooms ((Available Rooms / (Physical Rooms - Out Of Order + Sell Limit*) x 100).

Availability with Non–deduct %

Forecast Available Rooms (Available Rooms - Non–deduct Rooms Sold) / (Physical Rooms - Out Of Order + Sell Limit*) x 100).

Physical Rooms

Physical number of rooms configured for the property.

Out of Order Rooms

Number of rooms set to Out of Order status.

Out of Service Rooms

Number of rooms set to Out of Service status.


A flag indicates that one or more restrictions exist for this date.

Non-deduct Rooms Available (Blk)

Number of rooms available in non-deduct group blocks.

Deduct Rooms Available (Blk)

Number of rooms available in deduct group blocks.

Non-Deduct Rooms Picked Up (Blk)

Number of rooms picked-up in non-deduct group blocks (reservation made).

Deduct Rooms Picked Up (Blk)

Number of rooms picked-up in deduct group blocks (reservation made).

Arrival Rooms

Number of Arrival rooms.

Departure Rooms

Number of Departure rooms.

Arrival Persons

Number of Arrival persons.

Departure Persons

Number of Departure persons.

Rooms Sold Persons

Number of persons.

Day Rooms

Number of Day Use Rooms.

Day Persons

Number of person in Day Use Rooms.

Non-Deduct Rooms Available (Blk)

Number of rooms available in non-deduct group blocks.

Deduct Rooms Available (Blk)

Number of rooms available in deduct group blocks.

Non-Deduct Rooms Picked Up (Blk)

Number of rooms picked-up in non-deduct group blocks (reservation made).

Deduct Rooms Picked Up (Blk)

Number of rooms picked-up in deduct group blocks (reservation made).

Arrival Rooms

Number of Arrival rooms.

Departure Rooms

Number of Departure rooms.

Arrival Persons

Number of Arrival persons.

Departure Persons

Number of Departure persons.

Rooms Sold Persons

<TBA> - functional

Day Rooms

Number of Day Use Rooms.

Day Persons

Number of persons in Day Use Rooms.

Sell Limit Rooms

Number of rooms with a set Sell Limit (number of rooms that increase (overbook, positive sell limit) or decrease (under book, negative sell limit*) the allowable rooms available to sell).

* If the Sell Limit is negative, then subtract it in the equation. For example, if the Physical rooms is 155 and the Sell Limit is -8, then the calculation for Physical rooms + Sell Limit would be 155 - 8.