Internal Charge Number

Prerequisites for Internal Charge Numbers

Internal Charge Number functionality provides guests with a unique, internal charge number for their reservation that enables them to charge directly to their hotel folio. This is a convenience that enables the guest to use one method of payment throughout the property and any other associated locations during their stay. The Internal Charge Number can be used before the reservation is checked in and after checking out. The unique charge numbers are generated automatically. Hotel staff can view guest postings for research and audit purposes. Guests can use the assigned charge card number for purchases made at the hotel, as well as other integrated locations throughout the resort or theme park.

Internal Charge Number functionality provides the following benefits.

The guest can:

  • Use one charge card for purchases at the property and related locations such as theme parks, spa facilities, and restaurants.

  • Receive one bill for all related purchases in one folio at the hotel.

Hotel staff can:

  • Configure charge card numbers in a variety of ways, including adding prefixes and suffixes to the number using property information, guest identification numbers, and so on.

  • Ensure that all new reservations are automatically provided with an internal charge card number at the time a confirmation number is generated.

  • Search for postings by charge card number in the Posting Journal when the third-party system is configured to provide this information.