Daily Menu Item List (rep_menuitem.rep with rep_menuitem.fmx)

Prerequisites for Daily Menu Item List

This report provides a list of menu items with numbers expected, guaranteed, and actual separately for each day of the selected date range. This is an ideal report to use as a forecast and guide for the kitchen in preparing food orders for the future.

If ordered for the past, it is a good indication of the more popular versus the less popular food items sold.


Property. Select the property for the report you are printing.

Data Range From/To Date. Includes menu items sold on days included in the date range.

Business Block. Select Business Blocks for this report.


When selecting a Master Block ID in the Bus. Block filter, OPERA Cloud also includes the Sub Block IDs linked to that Master. The report then prints all events linked to the Master and its Sub Blocks. If a Sub Block ID is selected, only events linked to that sub Block will be printed.

Event Type. Select event types for this report.

Event Status. Select event statuses for this report.

Department. You can select (single or multi select) the department responsible for a menu item. If an item is assigned to several departments, it prints in each department section.

Menu Class. Allows filtering of the configured items by the selected menu classes.


The report is grouped by responsible department and then sorted in date order. Within each date, the menu name is printed with the menu items listed below it in alphabetical order. If an item is configured with several responsible departments, it prints in the sections of all departments it is assigned to.

Data printed for each menu item is: Menu item name (alphabetically), numbers expected, guaranteed, set and actual, Unit Price, Total Price, Unit Cost, and Total Cost. A sub-total is displayed at the end of each menu entry per date, and a grand total is displayed for each responsible department.