Catering Pace / Progress Reports (Rep_Catering_Progress.Rep with Rep_Catering_Progress.FMX)

Prerequisites for Event Reports

The Catering Pace Progress report displays the catering production for a certain time period compared to budgeted covers and revenue for the same stay date period and another comparison to the production for the same stay date range last year. The produced covers, revenue, and average checks are grouped by stay date periods (either calendar month or fiscal period, depending on the hotel’s configuration).

You can run the report for a limited production period (such as 01 June 2018 to 30 June 2018), which would only show the production during that time frame. Alternatively, you can run the report with the production date range left blank, which would represent catering covers and revenue for the stay date range at the moment of printing (also known as On-the-Books).

The report operates without a defined credit status and therefore only reports on the last status of an event during the production period. For example, if the report is run for production period June 2018, and the property has an event that was created with 100.00 USD food revenue on status TEN on 02 June 2018, turned DEF on 10 June 2018, and became ACT on 20 June 2018, the 100.00 USD food revenue only appears in the column for status ACT, which was the last status this event was on in the reported production period. This is important to note when comparing this report to other catering production reports like the Catering Production report (Rep_Catering_Summary), which operates with a credit status and could therefore count the event twice: once in the defined credit status (usually DEF) and once in the last status (here ACT) if the event passed both statuses in the production period.

Selection Criteria

Property. Select the property for which the report should be printed. When you are logged in at the hub level, the property LOV is multi-select, which allows you to run the report for multiple properties.

Event Period (Event From/Event To). Enter the event start and end date range to filter the events included in this report.

Production Period (Begin Date/End Date). Defines the date range for recording event changes. Each change to an event status or to event revenue is recorded in a specific production change log. The Production Date Range filter scans the entries in the production change log for any event changes that fall under the other criteria selected on the filter form. Due to the nature of the filter, only dates in the past are valid entries, because there cannot be any entries in the event change log after the current business date. To illustrate, an event created on status TEN in April 2018 with the event date in October 2018 can turn to status DEF in June 2018. In this scenario, two entries would appear in the change log for this event: one for the creation of the event on status TEN in production period April 2018, and one for the status change to DEF in June 2018.

Group Each Period by (Market Segment). This field sorts each period by the market segments selected here. When OPERA Sales and Catering Management catering budget information is configured, and the Catering Pace Report (rep_catering_progress) is run without a Market Segment filter, the budget information prints on the report with a variance to the booked numbers. However, when you run the report with a Market Segment filter selected, the budget information does not print.

Event Status 1 and 2. Allows a selection of up to two different status columns to print on the report. This report only reports an event under the last status that it was in the production period. If an event turned DEF and ACT in the selected production date range, it will only be reported in the ACT column, not in both DEF and ACT. The first column of the report always prints the ACT status and the second column is calculated from the ACT column plus values from the status selected in status filter 1. In most set-ups, it makes sense to select the status just prior to ACT in the status filter 1, such as DEF.

Status1 & 2 – Last Year. Allows the selection of up to two different status columns to print for the production in the same production date range and stay date range one year back. It makes sense to select the same status code that was selected for the current production period in order to compare last year’s production to the current production within the same status codes.

Covers – Event Type. Select the Event Types to use for calculating covers and average check.

RevPor. – Rev Type. Select the Revenue Types to use for calculating Revenue per Occupied Room. The figure in the report is calculated by dividing the sum of these revenue types by the number of blocked rooms for those groups. If the business blocks status is in an actual status, the picked-up rooms are used instead of blocked rooms.

Avg Check – Rev Type. Select the Revenue Types that should be used for calculating the Average Check. The figure in the report is calculated by dividing the sum of these revenue types by the number of covers.


When the application parameter Use Forecast Value Only is set to Y and an Event has a Food and Beverage Minimum Rate Code attached, forecasted revenue is not reported or recorded for the Revenue Types that are configured to contribute to the F and B Minimum. If the Rate Code is changed to one that does not require a minimum, and expected revenue has not been added to those revenue types, the forecasted revenue for revenue types configured to contribute to the F and B Minimum is reported.

Variance based on Status 1, 2 or Both. Select the status column for calculating the variance to budget on the report. Typically, the variance would be compared to a combination of DEF and ACT bookings.

Print Exclude from Forecast Event - Both/Yes/No. Select this option to either include or exclude certain events. Select Both to print all qualifying events. When Yes is selected, only events that have had the Exclude from Forecast Reports check box selected print (the Exclude from Forecast Reports check box is accessible on the Revenue Summary Panel. When No is selected, only events that have not been marked as Exclude from Forecast Reports print.

Report Data

The budget figures in this report come from the Budget Forecast module.

The first four columns of the report show the produced catering revenue by revenue type, total catering revenue, covers, average check, and revenue per occupied room by status for each calendar month in the selected stay date range. The first column is hardcoded to always show the ACTUAL produced figures. The second column adds the production of status 1 defined in the report parameter screen to the ACTUAL produced figures and show the total of those two statuses. The third and fourth columns show the production of statuses 1 and 2 as defined on the report order form respectively.

Each event is counted for only one of the selected status codes, namely the last one that it was on at the end of the production period. No event is recorded under the DEF and ACT status columns, even if it passed through the DEF status into the ACT status during the selected production period.

The next two columns of this report represent the budget figures that have been entered for the stay date range that the report is run for, as well as the difference of the current produced figures to the budget figures, depending on which status column has been selected on the filter form for comparison.

The next two columns show the production of the same production period exactly one year back. If the current production period is June 2018 for stays dates June 2018 to December 2018, the last year columns calculate the production in June 2017 for stay dates June 2017 to December 2017.

The following two columns show the budget for last year and the variance of the produced figures versus the budgeted figures last year.

The last column shows the actual figures produced last year.

Forecast figures are calculated as event production for this report if no expected, guaranteed, or actual figures exist for a specific revenue type. For example, if an event had forecasted revenue for 500.00 USD Room Rental, 1000.00 USD for Food and 100.00 USD for Decoration, but only the function space is booked at a rate of 450.00 USD when the event becomes DEF, the revenue recorded in this report as production on the status change will still be 450.00 USD Rental, 1000.00 USD Food and 400.00 USD Decoration.