Item Availability Report (rep_item_availability.rep with rep_item_availability.fmx)

The Item Availability report is useful for catering equipment planning and ordering. It provides a detailed list of all equipment booked on a daily basis with the number of items in inventory, items booked, and items still available. External items are marked as external, enabling you to order the items well in advance.

Report Parameters

Property. The property for which the report should be printed.

Event Date From. Filter the report by selecting an Event From date range.

Event Date To. Filter the report by selecting an Event From date range.

Event Status. From the multi-select list of values, select the event statuses you want the report to display.

Responsible Department. Filter the report to only show items linked to the selected departments.

Daily/Weekly. If you select Daily, a page break occurs after each date. If you select Weekly, the report prints in date order, but continuously with page breaks.

Print External Only. Select the check box to print only for externally ordered items.

Report Data

The report is sorted in date order as first sort. Within each date, a list of booked items print in alphabetic order by item name and time booked. If an item is booked for different time slots on the same day, it prints as many times as it is booked.

The time booked, account name, resort name, business block ID, event status, event name, and function space name prints for each item. For external items, the assigned vendor name prints if it is defined.

Account information appears according to the following profile type hierarchy:
  • If a company profile is attached to the business block, the report displays the company profile name.

  • If a company profile is not attached to the business block, but a travel agent is attached, the report displays the travel agent profile name.

  • If neither a company profile nor a travel agent profile is attached to the business block, and a source profile is attached, the report displays the source profile name.

The Inventory field is pulled from the configuration for that item. Numbers are populated in the Internal and External fields only for events that are in an inquiry, non-deduct, or deduct from inventory status. The Total field is populated with the internal + external quantities booked.

Only internal items are taken off the number of items in inventory. When the value in the Internal field is No, it indicates the item was not configured with a quantity.

This report also print items from events in a Return to Inventory status.


When Custom Items are included in this report, the word “Custom” prints in the Available field.