Room Features

A feature is a characteristic of the room which does not significantly affect the rate or the demand on the room. Room Features functionality makes it easier for you to search and assign rooms according to guest preferences.

You can think of a feature as being any aspect of the room for which a specific availability does not need to be kept. For example, room features can be rooms near an elevator, rooms on a high floor, rooms with accessibility facilities, rooms with a fireplace, rooms with air-condition, or rooms with a specific view. Obviously, there are some cases where features need to be considered a room type. In a property that has a limited amount of rooms with a fireplace which are specifically requested by the regular guests, then an availability must be kept and in result, the fireplace rooms would have their own room type. If the bed type is not directly related to the rate, then bed type can be considered a feature rather than a separate room type. During check in time or when pre-assigning rooms, OPERA can search for rooms by feature as well as by room type.

Mapped Preferences: Multiple guest preferences can be mapped to a room feature (Available when the AI Room Assignment OPERA Control is active).