Managing Accounts Receivables Accounts

Creating Accounts Receivables Accounts

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Click I Want To . . . and select Create Account.

  3. Search for and select the Profile. If none exists, click I Want To . . . and select a profile type to create and then select the newly created profile.

  4. On the Account Setup screen, do the following:
    • Primary Account: Select to make this the primary Accounts Receivables account for this profile. A profile can have multiple Accounts Receivables accounts at the same property, however, only one of those accounts can be designated as the primary account for that property. The primary account is used as the default, for example, when the profile has multiple accounts and an account is listed on a screen or appears in a report.

    • Permanent Account: Select the Permanent Account check box if this account is to be a permanent Accounts Receivables account. As long as this check box is selected, the account cannot be deleted.

    • Month End Calculation: Select the check box to have OPERA calculate the Payment Due Date by beginning with the last day of the month for the Bill Generation Date and add the number specified in the Payment Due Days field to determine the Payment Due Date that appears on the folio.

    • Include In Batch Statements: Select to include the account when running batch statements. You might not want to include certain accounts such as internal accounts or credit card accounts in batch statements.

    • Property: Enter or select the required property.

    • Account Type: Select an Account Type. Account Types help you to categorize your accounts receivables accounts for searching and reporting. Account types are also used to determine the statement format to be used when printing statements for each account and the reminder cycle for that account.

    • Account Number: Enter an Account Number according to the format specified in the Account Picture OPERA Control  - link: c_opera_controls_accounts_receivables.htm.

    • Credit Limit: Specify the maximum amount of credit available to this account, or the amount of the letter of credit provided by the account holder. You can change this amount if necessary. If you attempt to settle to direct bill and the transaction would exceed the credit limit for the account, a warning message prompts you to indicate whether you wish to proceed with the action.

    • Contact: Enter the name of the AR account contact. If you enter a contact here, the contact is used for AR purposes only (for example, for statements and reminder letters).

    • Payment Due Days: Enter a number between 0-999 that indicates the number of days until the payment is due for the AR account. Note: When you create an AR Account for a Profile that already has the Payment Due Days configured, the number automatically populates in this field. But if you create an AR Account for a Profile that does not have the Payment Due Days already configured, the number entered here does not get copied back to the Profile.

    • Address, Phone, Email: By default, these fields are populated with the primary address from the profile associated with this account. Change this information if AR information is to be directed to a different address. If you enter an AR address, the address is used for AR purposes only such as for statements and reminder letters,  and the address recorded in the profile cannot be changed. The same also applies if an address is updated for the Profile, the AR Address cannot be updated.

Editing Accounts Receivables Accounts

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Search for and select the account that you want to edit. Click I Want To... option, which is located on the grid next to the account, click Account Setup.
    1. Restricted: Select restricted to prevent additional invoices created in Accounts Receivable, or additional invoices to be Direct Billed to the account from the Front Desk.

    2. Restricted Reason: Select a reason from the list.

  3. To edit information about the Account Setup, click Edit in the Account Setup panel.

  4. Edit the required information and then click Save.

Deleting Accounts Receivables Accounts

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Search for and select the required account that you want to delete. Click I Want To... option, which is located on the grid, next to the account, select Delete Account.

AR accounts cannot be deleted in the following scenarios:
  • You cannot delete an AR account if it is a non-zero balance. To delete all no-balance accounts of a specific account type, or all no-balance accounts having account numbers in a specific range, use the AR Account Search screen search criteria to filter the accounts.

  • You cannot delete an AR account if the account is a Permanent Account. If you need to delete a permanent account, you must first un-select the Permanent Account check box on the Account Setup screen.

  • You cannot delete an AR account if there are window routing instructions on the reservation that routes charges to that account for the current business date or for a future date. This restriction applies even if there are no charges posted to that AR account.