Upgrading Reservation Offers

Upgrades are not available for Reservations with the following conditions:
  • Shared Reservation

  • Checked In Reservation

  • Block Reservation

  • Multi-leg Reservation

  • Multi-rate Reservation

  • Reservations with reserved room type <> room type to charge (RTC)

  • Suppress Rate Reservation

Reservation upgrade functionality provides you with the functionality to display upgrade offers for a new or existing reservation, indicating the available room type and the amount for each offer. Agent upgrade conversion performance is tracked in OPERA Cloud and the details available on the reservation upgrade report. See Reservation Upgrade Rule Configuration for details on setting up the Reservation Upgrade feature.

  1. View Available Offers: Available upgrade offers will be displayed if applicable as link on the reservation.

  2. Select Offer: Room Type, Room Rate, and the fixed-rate flag will change after applying an upgrade to a reservation.

  3. Upsell Activity: Once an upgrade has been applied to a reservation, the reservation will show a reservation indicator Upgrade. On click on the indicator Upgrade, a pop-up will show the details of the applied upgrade along with the user and date the upgrade was applied by/on.

  4. Remove/Cancel Offer : An applied upgrade can be removed from a reservation until the reservation has been checked in. The upgrade indicator on an upgraded reservation will also show the option to "Remove Upgrade" from the reservation

  5. Impacts of reservation changes on offer applied:
    1. Reservation changes on the Reservation Presentation will prompt the user to select from available action options, depending on what was changed.

    2. Reservation changes via Look to Book (Change stay details) will remove the applied upgrade offer and show available upgrade offers for the changed reservation details on the Book Now screen.


Offers are included in the confirmation letter and/or reg-card as there is currently no mechanism to include upgrade offers in confirmation letters or reg cards.

Creating New Reservation Flow

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings,  select Reservations,  and then select Look to Book Sales Screen

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the Room Type and Rate

  4. If selected room type eligible for upgrade, click Upgrade

  5. Upgrade screen displays with clear information and Price > Apply Upgrade refresh the Book Now screen with upgraded Room Type and Rate Information

  6. Enters the required details and creates the reservation.


    If the upgraded Room Type is eligible for another Upgrade, then the Upgrade offer is displayed on Reservation Presentation.

Alternate Flow

  1. Navigates to Look to Book screen.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the Room Type and Rate

  4. If selected room type eligible for upgrade, click Upgrade

  5. The user proceeds to Book Now Screen without availing Upgrade, Book Now Screen displays Upgrade offer as information Messages on top of the Screen.

  6. Enters the required details and creates the reservation.

  7. The user selects Upgrade offer from Reservation Presentation screen. Reservation details are updated with Upgrade Offer.

Changing the Length of Stay for Upgraded Reservation

When the user changes the LOS from Stay Details/ Daily Details, OPERA will validate Refresh Rates For Extension Dates Only parameter and display the following options:


  1. The following options are available:
    1. Honor the upgrade rate for Additional Nights: Reservation will be extended with upgrade Rate.

    2. Recalculate the Rate for the Entire stay based on the previous Room Type: Reservation will be updated to the previous Room Type and the Actual Room rate of the previous Room Type will be applied.

    3. Recalculate the Rate for the Entire Stay Using Current Room Type: Upgrade Rate will be retained for existing nights and the actual Room rate will be applied for the extended Nights.

  2. For Checked In Reservations, the following options are available::
    • Honor the upgrade rate for additional Nights: Reservation will be extended with upgrade Rate

    • Recalculate the rate for the extended Nights+ Using Current Room Type: Upgrade Rate will be retained for existing nights and the actual Room rate will be applied for the extended Nights


  1. The following options are available:
    1. Honor the upgrade rate for Additional Nights: Reservation will be extended with upgrade Rate.

    2. Recalculate the Rate for the Entire stay based on the previous Room Type: Reservation will be updated to the previous Room Type and the Actual Room rate of the previous Room Type will be applied.

    3. Recalculate the Rate for the Entire Stay Using Current Room Type: Upgrade will be removed and Actual Room Rate of current Room Type will be applied.

  2.  For Checked In Reservations, the following options are available::

    • Honor the upsell Rate for Additional Nights: Reservation will be extended with upgrade Rate.

    • Recalculate the Rate for the Remaining Nights Using Current Room Type: Upgrade will be removed and Actual Room Rate of current Room Type will be applied for the Remaining Nights.

  3. Look to Book: When the user selects change stay details. The user is redirected to Look to Book screen and the following message is displayed:

    Your Reservation was previously upgraded. The Upgrade may be removed if you continue. Applicable upgrade options will display on the Book Now screen after the changes. Do you want to proceed?

Changing the Number of Adults for Upgraded Reservation

  • When Upgrade price is less than the Actual Room Rate, the following message is displayed:

    Your Reservation was upgraded.  The Changes will affect the Rate , do you want to proceed?.

  • When Upgrade price is greater than the Actual Room Rate, the following message is displayed:

    Your Reservation was upgraded. Based on the changes, the upgrade Room Rate will be greater than the Actual Room Rate. if you proceed?

  • When the user selects Change stay details > OPERA will redirect the user to Look to Book screen along with the following message:

    Your Reservation was previously upgraded. The Upgrade may be removed if you continue. Applicable upgrade options will display on the Book Now screen after the changes. Do you want to proceed?

Changing the Room Type/ Rate Code  for Upgraded Reservation

  1. When the user changes the Room Type, the following message is displayed:

    Your Reservation was upgraded,  The Upgrade will be Removed based the changes. do you want to proceed?

  2. When the user changes the Rate Code, the following message is displayed:

    Your Reservation was upgraded,  The Upgrade will be Removed based the changes. do you want to proceed?

  3. When the user changes the RTC, the following message is displayed:

    Your Reservation was upgraded,  The Upgrade will be Removed based the changes. do you want to proceed?

  4. When the user selects Change stay details > OPERA will redirect the user to Look to Book screen along with the following message:

    • Your Reservation was previously upgraded. The Upgrade may be removed if you continue. Applicable upgrade options will display on the Book Now screen after the changes. Do you want to proceed?.