Configuring Countries

Country codes provide information you can use for filling out profile mailing addresses and for collecting and reporting statistics.
  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, select Geographic Management, and then select Countries.
  2. Select the Template tab.
  3. Click New to open the Countries screen.
  4. Create a Code to represent the country as it appears on reports and within the profile address.
  5. Enter the full Country Name.
  6. Select the Guest Address Format. The feature provides preset address formats.
  7. Complete the following optional fields as needed:
    1. Country Main Group if the country is grouped with other countries. For more information, see Configuring Country Main Group Codes
    2. Region where with which the country is associated. For more information, see Configuring Region Codes
    3. ISO Code. These codes are established by the International Standards Organization.
    4. ISO Name. Standard country name for the ISO code selected in the ISO Code field
    5. Sequence for establishing the position of the country code in listings.
    6. Report Sequence for establishing the position of the country in reports.
    7. Display Country Flag. Select the check box to include a small image of the national flag associated with the ISO code appear next to the country field and list of values.
  8. Click Save. Click Save and Continue to create another Country code.
  9. Do the following to edit or delete codes:
    1. Select the Template tab.
    2. Enter search criteria and click Search.
    3. From your search results, locate the Country code, click the row-level vertical ellipsis, and select Edit or Delete.

      If editing the code, make your changes, and click Save.

      If deleting the code, click Delete when the confirmation screen appears.