Configuring Distance Type Codes

Use Distance Types to define multiple units for distances (kilometers, miles, inches).
  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, select Cashiering Geographic Management, and then select Distance Types.
  2. Click New to open the Manage Distance Type screen.
  3. Create a Code and a Description for the new Distance Type code.
  4. Click the Manage Translations link if you want to enter the description in additional languages.
  5. Enter a Sequence number to position the Distance Type code in a list.
  6. Click Save. Or, click Save and Continue to create another code.

Editing and Deleting Codes:

  1. From the Distance Type main screen, select the Distance Type Code and/or enter the codes Description.

  2. Click Search.

  3. From your search results, locate the Distance Type code and click the vertical ellipsis.

  4. Select either Edit or Delete.

  5. If editing the code, make your changes to the Description field and/or Sequence number and click Save.

  6. If deleting the code, click Delete when the confirmation screen appears.