Applying Stop Posting Generates

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.
  2. Search for and select a transaction code.
  3. On your selected transaction code, click the more options icon and select View.
  4. Scroll to the Generates panel.
  5. Select a Generates Code and then click the more options icon.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Scroll to Advance Generate Handling and complete the following:
    Do not post after (n) days. Enter the number of days allowed until generates should stop posting. For example, if you enter 30 in this field, on the 31st day this generate would not post. Entering 0 is the same as leaving this field empty and stop posting is not enabled.
  8. Select one of the following adjustment options:
    During End of Day. Select to automatically adjust postings using this transaction code as the generate on the 31st day during the End of Day Process. When an adjustment is made for this adjustment type, OPERA Cloud automatically inserts a Checkout alert for you. The message indicates an adjustment has been completed for this guest. If the Do Not Post After Days field is set to 30 and the adjustment type is set to During End of Day, the adjustment is only made for postings of that generate within those 30 days. Stopping of generates occurs during the End of Day Sequence on the day after the stop days when the adjustment level type is During End of Day. If the generate indicates Do Not Post After Days of 30, the generate will not post during the End of Day Sequence on the 31st day.
    Prompt at Checkout. If the Checkout button is clicked in the Billing screen or if an Early Departure is performed, you are prompted accordingly. OPERA Cloud also tracks the adjustments that were already made. This way you do not receive the message twice if there is nothing to adjust. During the checkout process when you click the Checkout button, if the generate is marked as Prompt at Checkout, the Adjust Generates screen appears with the following prompt: “The following generates have been evaluated for adjustment. Please select/unselect and press OK to continue.”

    Select the generates you want to adjust in the X column and click OK .

    The adjustment prompt appears before the Payment screen appears and before the checkout process is complete. If the guest bill is 0.00, and there are adjustments, the prompt appears before the guest checkout process starts.

    End of Day. This automatically adjusts any posting with the transaction code used as the generate during the End Of Day process.
    Checkout. When the Checkout or Early Departure options are selected, this prompts you to adjust any outstanding charge posted to the selected Transaction code.
    No Adjustment. The adjustment is not made automatically and you will not be prompted with a message during checkout. This is the default option.
  9. Click Save.