Managing Rate Code Approval

Rate Code Approval is a workflow for the review, approval and "publication" of rate codes. 

Users are able to create and edit rate codes (with packages, pricing schedules, restrictions, channel, etc.) and another user, with rate code approval authority, must review the new / changed rate code configuration and either approve or reject the changes.

The result is that rate codes in UNAPPROVED, CHANGED UNAPPROVED or REJECTED status are not displayed or available for sale in OPERA Cloud (directly or via Availability requests to OPERA Cloud). 

Business Events are only triggered for rate codes when changed to APPROVED status or updated once in APPROVED status.

A user with the Rate Code Approval task assigned to their roles is able to configure rate codes immediately in APPROVED status.

A user without the Rate Code Approval task assigned to their roles can:
  • Create rate codes in New Unapproved status.

  • Edit Unapproved or Rejected rate codes.

  • Edit Approved rate codes - status will update to Changed Unapproved.

  • Create, edit or delete approval notes; this can be a free form notes to act as a communication method between rate creators and users with authority to approve the rate.

  • Submit changes on Rejected rate codes for approval.

Approving Rate Codes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Property: Enter or select the Property.

  3. Approval Status. Select a approval status from the list (New Unapproved, Changed Unapproved).

  4. Enter other criteria.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the rate code, click Vertical Ellipse and select Edit.

  7. Click I Want to... and select Approve Rate Code.

  8. To add Approval notes, see Managing Approval Notes below.

Rejecting Rate Codes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Property: Enter or select the Property.

  3. Approval Status. Select a approval status from the list (New Unapproved, Changed Unapproved).

  4. Enter other criteria.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the rate code, click Vertical Ellipse and select Edit.

  7. Click I Want to... and select Reject Rate Code.

  8. To add Approval notes, see Managing Approval Notes below.

Updating Rejected Rate Codes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Property: Enter or select the Property.

  3. Approval Status. Select a approval status from the list (New Unapproved, Changed Unapproved).

  4. Enter other criteria.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the rate code, click Vertical Ellipse and select Edit.

  7. Update the configuration of the rate code

  8. To add Approval notes, see Managing Approval Notes below.

  9. Click Save.

Managing Approval Notes

Adding Approval Notes
  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Property: Enter or select the Property.

  3. Approval Status. Select a approval status from the list (New Unapproved, Changed Unapproved).

  4. Enter other criteria.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the rate code, click Vertical Ellipse and select Edit.

  7. Click Approval Notes.

  8. Click New and enter approval notes.

  9. Click Save or Click Save and Continue to add another note.

Editing Approval Notes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Property: Enter or select the Property.

  3. Approval Status. Select a approval status from the list (New Unapproved, Changed Unapproved).

  4. Enter other criteria.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the rate code, click Vertical Ellipse and select Edit.

  7. Click Approval Notes.

  8. Select the approval note, click Vertical Ellipse and select Edit.

  9. Update notes.

  10. Click Save.

Deleting Approval Notes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Property: Enter or select the Property.

  3. Approval Status. Select a approval status from the list (New Unapproved, Changed Unapproved).

  4. Enter other criteria.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the rate code, click Vertical Ellipseand select Delete.

  7. Click Delete to confirm.