Configuring Room Pool Mapping

Room Pools allow you group room types together into more generic categories. Often the physical room types are too specific than what is required by sales agents creating inquiry (leads) blocks; room pools provide a way to enable a way to simply this. For example, you might create a Room Pool for STD: Standard and then map all the physical rooms type that fit this description, say Kings and Doubles, to room pool of "STD". When a sales agent books five STD rooms in a block, they actually book five rooms that are either Kings or Doubles.

Mapping Room Types to Room Pools

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select  Accommodation Management then select Room Pool Mapping.

  2. Confirm the property and click Search.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. For each room type listed enter the following details:
    1. Room Pool: Select a Room Pool from the list.

    2. Sequence: Defines the sequence of the Room Pools when displaying in the Room Grid.

  5. Click Save.