Generating Auto Folio Settlement Folios

The Auto Folio Settlement option prints all folios of auto settlement guests having the specified auto folio settlement type associated with their profiles.

The Batch Folios screen includes three steps: Folio Options, Reservation Selection, and Billing Options. When an auto folio settlement is processed, this is followed by the Auto Folio Settlement Summary screen.

Folio Options

The Folio Settlement Type field includes a multi-selection tool to specify the types of settlements to process. The Use Days on Reservation check box is selected by default. This check box specifies that the system should use the check-out date on each reservation when processing the settlement. Deselect this check box to use a specific date or number of days to process automatic folio settlements.

After clicking Next, the system returns a list of reservations meeting the selected conditions.

Reservation Selection

In the Search section of this panel, you can search for profiles, travel agents, companies, and groups associated with the reservation, room numbers, rate codes, and so on. You can include and exclude VIP levels and Specials in your search. The Departures Only check box allows you to limit your search to only departing reservations. To limit your search results to only checked-out reservations with an open folio balance, select Checked Out for the Reservation Status and select the Open Balance option. Clicking Search updates the search results with applicable reservations.

After selecting one, several, or all reservations and clicking Next, the process continues to the Billing Options panel.

Billing Options

In this panel, you have several options for how to process an automatic folio settlement:

  • Payment Types: Only payment methods that are enabled in OPERA Controls are available for selection.

  • Minimum Window Balance: When an amount is provided in this field, a billing window must have a balance greater than this amount to be included in the auto settlement process. If the balance is less than this amount, the window is skipped. If left blank, all windows are included.

  • Include Credit Balance: Select this check box if billing windows with credit balances are to be included in the settlement. If the check box is not selected, these billing windows are skipped from processing altogether.

  • Print Folio: Select this check box to print all folios that are being settled as a part of the automatic process.

  • Billing Windows: Select the desired Billing Windows that are to be considered for Auto Folio Settlement. By default, only window 1 is selected. A payment method icon appears for each billing window to indicate the window’s payment type.

  • Auto Folio Settlement Types: This filter refers to the Folio Settlement Type value from Payee Profiles connected to the billing window, not the reservation itself. You can select all, none, or specific Folio Settlement Type values to process eligible reservations.

After making selections for billing options, you can select Folio Style to choose from a list of predefined folio styles, and Generate Batch Folios to process the settlement and proceed to Auto Folio Settlement Summary screen.

Auto Folio Settlement Summary Screen

This screen shows a table including all selected reservations and the processing status of each billing window. Selecting the plus sign to expand a row in the table shows more information for each billing window included in the settlement process. A red X icon indicates that a billing window was not processed successfully. A green check icon indicates that billing windows were successfully settled for the reservation. Each billing window record shows the window number, the balance of the window after settlement process and any errors or reasons that the billing window was not settled.

There are three options for viewing records:

  • Default: shows all reservations and all billing window records for each reservation.

  • Failed: shows all reservations with at least one failed billing window. When expanded, only the billing window records with an error are displayed.

  • Success: shows all reservations with successfully processed billing windows.

This screen also provides a Print button to generate a report, which includes all results showing on the screen at the time of report generation. This report can be generated only from this screen, and includes columns for Name, Room, Arrival, Departure, Window, Posted Amount, and text from the Status field.

The OK button completes the settlement process and closes the Auto Folio Settlement Summary page.

Generating Auto Folio Settlement Folios

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and then select Batch Folios.
  2. Select or confirm the Property name.
  3. From the Select a Batch Folios Option section, select Auto Folio Settlement.
  4. Select one or more Folio Settlement Types.
  5. Select the Use Days on Reservation check box or enter the Date Since Last Auto Settled.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Reservation Selection panel, select reservations matching your Folio Options and click Select. You can use search to refine your search results.
  8. On the Billing Options panel, select Settlement Options. You can also select the Billing Windows to Settle or Transfer Settled Windows to Window 8.
  9. Click Folio Style to select the display style of the folio or click Generate Batch Folios to print.