Communication Methods

The Communication Type defines how the interface receives and sends messages. If there is a multi-property setup Communication Methods are available for each property. Check and verify if the settings are set for each property. Communication Types can be configured at Global (Chain) or Property levels. When there is a configuration available at Property level, a communication happens with the configured details for that particular property. If not, the communication happens with the configured details at the Global level.

The communication method has to be set up for each interface before it can be activated.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange menu, select Interface Setup and then select Communication Methods from the drop down list.
  2. On the Communication Methods screen, select a location.
    1. Select the Global option to utilize this communication method for all properties in a Multi-Property setup.
    2. Select the Property option to utilize this communication method for a specific property in a multi-property setup.
  3. Search and select the Interfaces and then click Search. You have an option to select multiple interfaces.
  4. Data Flow represents the outbound or inbound data. Communication Mode represents Client or Server for the interface. In search results, select a data flow, click the vertical ellipse and then click Edit. If you edit at a Global level configuration and then change it to Property level and save, it creates Property level communication method. When you edit a Property level configuration and then switch to Global level and save, it deletes the property specific configurations.
  5. The screen opens to the Configure Communication URL and Credentials. You can change the Global or Property options.
  6. In the Communication Mode panel, select a protocol HTTP(S)/Client or Server.
    • Select Client in case the Exchange Interface Processor is expected to take the responsibility to connect to the external system and send or receive the OXI XML messages with the provided external system URL and credentials.

    • Select Server in case the Exchange interface processor is expected to act as a Server and external system takes the responsibility of Sending/Receiving the messages from OPERA Cloud Exchange based on the OPERA Cloud Exchange processor URL and credentials provided to the external system.

    1. Select HTTP(S)/Client . The HTTP/S protocol is a request/response protocol if the information is to be sent from OPERA Cloud to the External System. In the DETAILS panel, based on the dataflow, a default URL is displayed. Enter the User Name and Password.
    2. Select Compress Data and Use Client Certificate check boxes.
    3. Enter Sleep Time(minutes). This is a user definable field in Minute format where the interface rests between waking up and doing POST and GET functions. If the interface continues to receive messages, then it does not sleep. This field accepts decimals for times smaller than the (1) minute time. Time entered with a dot (.1) is read as seconds (10 seconds).
    4. Enter Timeout(seconds). This is a user definable field in (Second) format where the interface tries to establish a connection before treating it as (timed-out) and creating a log entry. At this time it goes into the (Sleep Time) before attempting again. The error can be seen from the System Error Log located in the Interface Status menu. Timeout can handle three numeric value, such as 999.
    5. Click Save.
  7. Select the Server option, if the information is posted from the External System to OPERA Cloud.
  8. Click Save.