Generating Reports

You can use the ribbon on the Run Reports screen to configure a New Report or Configuring Report Groups.
  1. From OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, and then Run Reports.
  2. On the Run Reports screen, enter or confirm the Property Code. If you are logged in at the hub level, you will have the option to view either Global reports or Property reports.
  3. Enter a report name and/or select a Report Group from the drop-down menu, and then click Search.
  4. Select a report from the search result. From the result you can generate a report (with default parameters) by following these steps:
    1. To print the report, select a printer from the Select Printer drop down list, this lists any email addressable printers. For more information, see Configuring Printers. Click the Print button to print report to selected printer.
    2. To download the report, click Download As button, select a file format and then click Download. Formats available are HTML, RTF, XML, Delimited, and Delimited Data.
    3. To email the report, click the Email button. Enter the email address or addresses of the recipient/recipients and then click Email tab. You can enter separate email addresses for multiple recipients with a comma (,) or semi-colon (;).
    4. To preview the report, click the Preview button. A PDF file is generated and displayed in a separate browser window. To Print the PDF, select the print icon or press [CNTRL][P] to launch the print dialogue for your browser. To download the PDF to your workstation click the download option in your browser.
    5. To edit the report parameters, click the Edit Report Parameters button. On the Report Parameters page, edit the report parameters as required.
      • Select a report destination and format per the above steps to generate the report.

      • Click Cancel to return to report search page.