Configuring Property and Template Roles

A property role is always based off a template role and these roles can be applied to one, multiple, or all properties.

When creating a new property role in Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), the name of the role must be the same as the template role in OPERA Cloud.

An administrator can remove tasks from a property role; however, tasks cannot be added to a property role if the template role does not already them. The benefit of a template role is to maintain the same privileges across multiple properties.

Adding a Property and Template Role

  1. From OPERA Cloud Role Manager, select Manage Property Roles. The Manage Property Roles screen is divided into three sections: Search panel, Template Roles, and Property Roles.

  2. Enter or select an Organization (Property) and click Search to view all configured Template Roles and Property Roles for the property.


    When a Property Role is created in Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), it appears at the bottom panel with a red triangle and exclamation mark to indicate the role does not yet exist in OPERA Cloud.

  3. Click the vertical ellipsis button for the property role you want to add and select Create Property and Template Role.

  4. From the Available Tasks panel, select the Tasks you want to assign to the role and click Save.


    You can select a category from the Main Tasks panel to load its tasks for selection under the Available Tasks panel.

Assigning Tasks to a Role

Once you add a chain role, the next step is to assign tasks to the role. See Assigning Tasks to a Role for details.