Scheduling a Checkout

Ensure that the guest folio balance is zero before you schedule a checkout.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select Departures. Or click the Departures Expected figure on the Departure tile on your dashboard.
  2. Enter the room number or the name of the reservation for which you want to schedule a checkout and click Search.
  3. Select the reservation in result and click Checkout.
  4. If the folio has been settled, you have the option to schedule checkout for the reservation. Click Schedule Check Out. If the folio has not been settled and a balance exists, you cannot schedule checkout for the reservation.
  5. Schedule the time for the checkout by entering the checkout date and time.


    The Schedule Check Out option is only available for Departure reservations. A scheduled checkout does not complete if a charge is posted to the reservation and the charge is not settled.
  6. To view reservations scheduled for checkout, from the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, Front Desk Workspace and then select Scheduled Checkout Departures.