Loading the Block Room Rate Grid

Use the Load Room Grid action to load the entire block of Room Types with number of rooms and (optionally) rates if rates are the same each night. Even if the rates are not the same, it is recommended that you use this functionality to load the grid and then edit each Date / Room Type as required. Both Core and Shoulder Dates can be loaded.
  1. From the Block Room & Rate Grid, click the Actions link and select Load Room Grid.
  2. Provide the following information:
    1. Date Range. Core/Shoulder Begin/Shoulder End. Available when the Blocks > Shoulder Dates application parameter is set to Y. By default, the Core option button is selected and the block core dates are shown by the Day of the Week and From/Nights/To values.
    2. From. Use the calendar field that defaults to the Start Date of the Block. This field can be changed to start any date within the date range covered by the Block. This allows you to change number of rooms and/or rates for a portion of the period covered by the Block rather than for the entire date range.
    3. To. Use the calendar field that defaults to the End Date of the Block. This is a calculated field determined by on the From Date and block Nights field. You can change this date to any date within the date range covered by the Block.
    4. Grid Type. Use the following options to select a grid type you want to create:
      Available Rooms. This grid is active when the business block is in an open-for-pickup status and displays the number of rooms per type that are available and remaining to be picked up in this block.
      Contract Rooms. Displays the number of rooms you want to record as Contracted for this group. This grid does not deduct from inventory, but is used in conjunction with the Sales Contract and can be manipulated without affecting any other grid.
      Current Rooms. The current number of rooms blocked for the grid and only available, when the business block is in an Open-for-Pickup status.
    5. Day of the Week. By default, all the check boxes for the days within the From/To date range are selected. You can select or deselect the check boxes to make changes to only a specific day or days of the week.
      If you select the View Option to show the grid by Room Types, the Room Types become available for selection.
      If you select the View Option to show the grid by Room Pools, become available for selection.
    6. Increase/Decrease Rooms. Select the check box to enable adding or subtracting rooms as needs arise. When selected, the check box indicates that you want to add or subtract rooms from an existing grid.
      To increase the number of room nights on the grid, select the check box and insert in Occupancy fields the number of rooms by which to increase the block.
      To decrease the number of room nights on the grid, mark this check box and insert a negative number, a number preceded by a minus sign (-), in Occupancy fields.
      To change the number outright, do not mark this check box and insert a positive number in the appropriate Occupancy field.
    7. Number of Room. Enter the number of rooms to block. Enter a rate for each occupancy level: Occupancy 1, 2, 3, 4, Total. Specify the number of rooms per occupancy.
    8. Add Rate. Enter the additional rate to charge for each additional occupant. NOTE: The rate fields will not display, if there is a rate code attached to the block.
    9. Cut Off Date. Every block can have a specific cutoff date, a rolling cutoff date, a fixed number of days before every arrival date or no cutoff date at all. If you enter a cutoff date, the OPERA Cloud night audit program releases the not-yet-picked-up rooms from the block on the night of the cutoff date.
      OPERA Cloud releases the rooms by reducing the number of allotted rooms until it equals the number of picked-up rooms, thereby leaving zero rooms remaining in the block. The original block does not change, so you can see the number of rooms originally blocked even after the cutoff date. The picked-up grid does not change, and the actual blocked grid now equals the picked-up grid. Because the Rooms Available grid is only the difference between actual and picked-up, the rooms available are all zeros after the cutoff date. The rooms are returned to house availability and can be picked up by non- block guests. It is still possible, if desired, to increase the block after the cutoff date has passed.
    10. Cut Off Days. Instead of fixing one date to release all rooms (if they have not been picked up), Cut Off Days sets that fixed number of days in advance of each night to release rooms that have not been picked up for that night only.
  3. Click Save to save the values, or click Save and Continue to load more.