Managing Event Posting

You can post event charges directly from the Event Posting screen when the OPERA Controls for Event Posting is active. The Event Posting screen displays events with dates and time, an indicator for revenue not posted or only partially posted, and a link to the Event.
The Event Posting screen includes a column for Resource Name. When revenue is posted at the Resource Level, the resource name appears in the Resource Name column. When revenue is posted at the Event Level, the event name appears in the Resource Name column since the revenue is posted by Revenue Type instead of by individual resources.

Posting Charges

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and then select Event Posting.

  2. Select or confirm the Property name, enter optional search criteria, and click Search.

  3. From search results, select an event with revenue to post. The charges assigned to the event appear in the Event Posting area of the screen.

    1. To verify or change the transaction code assigned to the charge, click the Transaction Code magnifier icon. If the Transaction Code by User Role function is active, you are restricted to the transactions codes available for selection.

  4. Select the posting record(s) and click Post.


    The Post button becomes active only if the group has a valid checked-in posting master. If Cashier Sign In is required, you are prompted to enter your Cashier ID and PIN.
  5. If you want to open the event posting master, view the PM account, and post additional charges to the posting master, click the I Want To . . . action and select Billing.

  6. To print a Banquet Check, click the I Want To . . . action and generate the Banquet Check.

    1. When the default folio style opens, enter values in the mandatory fields and in any optional fields.

    2. Use the optional From Date and To Date fields to specify the time period within the block to appear in the Banquet Check.

  7. Click Process.

Editing Posted Amounts

Posted event charges appear in the event’s Revenue Summary panel. If you post charges incorrectly, you can open the event from the Event Posting screen, correct the billed amount, and return to the Event Posting screen for posting the adjusted difference. To correct posting amounts after posting:

  1. From the Event Posting screen, click the event number on the event tile.

  2. When the event opens, scroll to the panel and click Edit and then click Save.

  3. Click the Back to Event Posting hyperlink.