3 Developing a SIP Charging Application

This chapter describes how to develop a SIP application that receives charging requests from Oracle Communications Service Controller and sends charging responses to Service Controller.

About Charging Solution Architecture

Service Controller can request a SIP charging application to allocate a quota. The application can send a response that contains a required amount of units.

A charging solution architecture requires the following components:

  • SIP application

  • Service Controller

  • MSC

Figure 3-1 shows a SIP charging application that interacts with the MSC through Service Controller.

Figure 3-1 Architecture for Interacting with an MSC

Architecture for Interacting with an MSC

The application communicates with Service Controller using a Service Controller's SIP interface provided by an IM-ASF interworking module. An MSC uses a Service Controller's CAP interface provided by an IM-SCF CAP interworking module.

About Call Monitoring Methods

The way Service Controller communicates with the MSC depends on the method of monitoring the call. You can use one of the following methods:

  • Internal monitoring, which means the call is monitored by Service Controller. In this case, Service Controller counts the used quota, generates credit reservation requests, and sends them to the charging application.

  • External monitoring, which means the call is monitored by the MSC. To trigger the MSC to begin to monitor the call, Service Controller sends an ApplyCharging operation to the MSC. The MSC counts the used quota and sends an ApplyChargingReport operation to Service Controller. Based on the ApplyChargingReport, Service Controller generates credit reservation requests and sends them to the charging application.

The monitoring method and the way how Service Controller generates credit reservation requests (when the call is monitored by Service Controller) is determined by the configuration of the IM-SCF. For more information, see the discussion on configuring IM-SCF CAP in Service Controller Modules Configuration Guide.

About the Methods of Communication with Service Controller

A SIP application can send to, and receive charging information from, Service Controller using one of the following methods:

Exchanging Charging Information Using a Charging Info Body

A Charging Info body carries a XER representation of request-related and response-related data within a SIP message. The contents of a Charging Info body is generated by the IM-SCF and SIP application.

The IM-SCF adds to the Charging Info body information about requested and used units. To generate a Charging Info body, the IM-SCF uses the information received from the MSC, results of the call monitoring (when the IM-SCF monitors the call), and the IM-SCF configuration settings.

The SIP application adds to the Charging Info body information about granted units.

SIP Messages that Carry a Charging Info Body

The following SIP messages can carry a Charging Info body:





  • SIP 200 OK (on SIP INVITE or SIP Re-INVITE only)

  • SIP 183 Session In Progress (on SIP INVITE or SIP Re-INVITE only)

Communicating with Service Controller

When an application communicates with an MSC, the flow works as follows:

  1. The MSC sends to Service Controller a CAP InitialDP.

    A first charging request can be also triggered by an Initial DP oTermSeized or oAnswer depending on the configuration of the IM-SCF.

  2. After receiving a CAP InitialDP, Service Controller generates a SIP INVITE with a Charging Info body. The Charging Info body contains a request for allocating an initial quota as defined in the IM-SCF configuration. The Content-Type header of the Charging Info body is set to "application/charging-info".

  3. The application adds a response to the received Charging Info body. The response contains information about granted units. Then the application sends the SIP message back to Service Controller.

  4. Service Controller does one of the following:

    • When the call is monitored internally, Service Controller begins to monitor the call by itself.

    • When the call is monitored by the MSC, Service Controller sends an Apply Charging to the MSC.


    Service Controller begins to monitor or sends an ApplyCharging to the MSC as defined in the configuration of the IM-SCF. Depending on how the IM-SCF is configured, the beginning of the monitoring or sending of the ApplyCharging might not occur immediately after receiving a response from the application with the granted quota.

    For more information on IM-SCF configuration, see the discussion on configuring IM-SCF CAP in Service Controller Modules Configuration Guide.

  5. One of the following happens during the call:

    • If the call is monitored internally, Service Controller sends an additional request in the Charging Body of a SIP INFO after the quota is exhausted.

    • If the call is monitored externally, the MSC sends an ApplyChargingReport to Service Controller. This triggers Service Controller to send to the application an additional request in the Charging Body of a SIP INFO.

Figure 3-2 show an example call flow for exchanging charging information using a Charging Info body when Service Controller monitors the call.

Figure 3-2 Using Charging Info Body with Internal Monitoring

Using Charging Info Body with Internal Monitoring

Figure 3-3 show an example call flow for exchanging charging information using a Charging Info body when the MSC monitors the call.

Figure 3-3 Using Charging Info Body with External Monitoring

Using Charging Info Body with External Monitoring

Exchanging Charging Information Using XER

A SIP application can perform CAP charging operations by attaching a XER formatted body to a SIP message. The XER body is an XML representation of the CAP charging operation to be performed.

For example, an application may instruct Service Broker to send a CAP FurnishChargingInformation to the MSC by sending to Service Broker a SIP INFO message that includes an XML representation of CAP FurnishChargingInformation carried by the message body.


Service Controller is provided with a set of XSD files that define how you should represent CAP operations in the XER format. The XSD file for each CAP phase is stored in the directory with the corresponding name in the /protocols/inap/ directory in /samples/service_controller.samples.zip. For example, the XSD file that defines the structure of CAP phase 4 operations is stored in /protocols/inap/cap4/ directory.

Depending on the phase of the CAP, the application needs to set the Content-Type header of the body that carries the CAP message to one of the following:

  • application/cap-phase1+xml

  • application/cap-phase2+xml

  • application/cap-phase3+xml

  • application/cap-phase4+xml


Some of the charging operations, such as ApplyCharging, can be used only by a full call control application, while others, such as FurnishChargingInformation, can be used by an initial call control application as well.

Performing FurnishChargingInformation Operation

To perform a CAP FurnishChargingInformation operation, the application sends a SIP INFO message through the SIP dialog created by Service Broker. The application attaches a XER representation of FurnishChargingInformation operation to the SIP INFO body.

Figure 3-4 shows a SIP initial call control application that performs a CAP FurnishChargingInformation operation.

Figure 3-4 Initial Call Control Application Performs CAP FurnishChargingInformation

Initial Call Control App: CAP FurnishChargingInformation

Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6 show a SIP full call control application that performs a CAP FurnishChargingInformation operation.

Figure 3-5 Full Call Control Application Performs CAP FurnishChargingInformation

Performing FurnishChargingInformation

Figure 3-6 Full Call Control Application Performs CAP FurnishChargingInformation (cont'd)

Performing FurnishChargingInformation

Performing FurnishChargingInformation in an Application Initiated Call

To perform a CAP FurnishChargingInformation operation, the application sends a SIP INFO message through the SIP dialog created by the application. The application attaches a XER representation of the FurnishChargingInformation operation to the SIP INFO body.

When performing CAP FurnishChargingInformation in an application initiated call, the application should perform the following steps:

  1. To set a SIP INVITE sent to Service Broker (for creating a new leg) with an x-wcs-cps header that holds the value of "start".

  2. To receive a SIP 183 SESSION PROGRESS message from Service Broker

  3. To send a SIP INFO message (carrying the CAP FurnishChargingInformation) and set the SIP INFO with an x-wcs-cps header that holds the value of "stop"

The application uses the x-wcs-cps header (with the value of "start") to instruct Service Broker to avoid continuing call processing towards the MSC immediately after the CAP InitiateCallAttempt is sent and instead, to consider the SIP INFO sending CAP FurnishChargingInformation. The CAP ContinueWithArgument is sent by Service Broker only upon receiving an x-wcs-cps header that holds the value of "stop".

Figure 3-7 shows an application that performs a CAP FurnishChargingInformation operation in an application initiated call.

Figure 3-7 Application Performs CAP FurnishChargingInformation in an Application Initiated Call

CAP FurnishChargingInformation in Application Initiated Call

Performing SendChargingInformation Operation

To perform a CAP SendChargingInformation operation, the application sends a SIP INFO message through the SIP dialog created by Service Broker. The application attaches a XER representation of the CAP SendChargingInformation operation to the SIP INFO body.

Performing ApplyCharging Operation

To perform a CAP ApplyCharging operation, the application sends a SIP INFO message through the SIP dialog created by Service Broker. The application attaches a XER representation of ApplyCharging operation to the SIP INFO body.

The following example shows a XER representation of the CAP phase 4 ApplyCharging operation.


Receiving a Charging Report from an MSC

A SIP application that performs an ApplyCharging operation expects to receive a report when, for example, the allocated call duration expires.

Service Broker sends the report by sending a SIP INFO message. Service Broker attaches a XER representation of an ApplyChargingReport operation to the SIP INFO message and sends this message through the dialog created by Service Broker.

The following example shows a XER representation of the CAP phase 4 ApplyChargingReport operation.

  A014A003 810101A1 0380012F 820100A5 05A20381 0101

The CAP phase 4 ApplyChargingReport operation includes a parameter called legActive that indicates whether or not the call is active at the time when the report is sent. If at the time when Service Broker is sending the report the call is still active, the application may allocate additional quota that allows the call to continue. In this case, several ApplyCharging and ApplyChargingReport operations are exchanged between the application and Service Broker.

Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 show a SIP full call control application that performs a CAP phase 4 ApplyCharging operation.


In the example shown on Figure 3-8, the application reserves quota for the call. When the first quota is exhausted, Service Broker sends a report towards the application which reserve an additional quota.

Figure 3-8 Full Call Control Application Performs CAP ApplyCharging

Full Call Control Application: CAP ApplyCharging

Figure 3-9 Full Call Control Application Performs CAP ApplyCharging (cont'd)

Full Call Control Application: CAP ApplyCharging

Performing CallInformationRequest Operation

To perform a CAP CallInformationRequest operation, the application sends a SIP INFO message through the SIP dialog created by Service Broker. The application attaches a XER representation of the CAP CallInformationRequest operation to the SIP INFO body.

The following example shows an XML representation of the CAP phase 4 CallInformationRequest operation.


Receiving a Report

A SIP application that performs a CallInformationRequest operation expects to receive a report holds the charging related information. Service Broker sends a report by sending a SIP INFO message. Service Broker attaches a XER representation of the CallInformationReport operation to the SIP INFO message and sends this message through the dialog created by Service Broker.