6 Next Steps

This chapter provides a concise overview of the essential steps you need to perform after successfully deploying Oracle Communications Service Controller.

After completing the procedures described in the previous chapters, the initial configuration of the Service Controller deployment is complete. You can now configure the functional and operating behavior of the Service Controller, additional features, and advanced topologies.

These are the key steps to perform after installing Service Controller:

  • Start the SS7 process if your deployment requires connectivity to the SS7 network

  • Perform additional setup tasks required for your particular Service Controller product implementation

  • Complete the security configuration for the system

  • Configure SNMP

Starting the SS7 Process

If your deployment requires connectivity to an SS7 network, then you need to start the SS7 process on the signaling servers.

After you added a signaling server to a domain, you can start the SS7 process on this server. If a domain contains several servers, you need to start the SS7 process on each server individually.

See the discussion about starting the SS7 process in Service Controller System Administrator's Guide for more information.

Performing Additional Setup Tasks for Service Controller Products

You might need to perform additional setup tasks for specific Service Controller product deployments.

See the Service Controller implementation guide applicable to your system for specific setup steps.

When you deploy and configure components in the signaling tier and processing tier as required for the sub-product that you installed and for your specific solution, use Service Controller Signaling Server Units Configuration Guide for information about configuring SSUs, and Service Controller Modules Configuration Guide for information about deploying and configuring IMs, SMs, and the OE.

Completing Security Configuration for the System

It is recommended that you complete the security configuration for the system, for example, by importing the security certificates that allow secure communications with remote telecommunication network.

See the discussion on configuring security in Service Controller System Administrator's Guide and in the Service Controller Security Guide.

Configuring SNMP

Configure SNMP settings for sending SNMP traps to external management systems.

See SNMP and other monitoring information in Service Controller System Administrator's Guide.