6 Setting Up IM-SCF WIN Phase 1

This chapter describes how to set up an IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 interworking module.

About IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 Setup

The process of IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 setup requires the following:

  1. Adding an IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 to your Oracle Communications Service Controller deployment. You can add as many modules of type IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 as you need. See "Adding an IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 to the Service Controller Deployment" for more information.

  2. Configuring the IM-SCF WIN Phase 1. See "Configuring an IM-SCF WIN Phase 1" for more information.

Adding an IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 to the Service Controller Deployment

To add an IM-SCF WIN phase 1:

  1. In the domain navigation pane, expand the OCSB node.

  2. Expand the Processing Tier node.

  3. Expand the Interworking Modules node.

  4. Select IM Management.

  5. On the bottom of the IM Management pane, click New.

  6. In the New window, fill out the fields as follows:

    • In the Type list, select IMSCFWIN1.

    • In the Version list, select the required version.

    • In the Name field, enter a name for this module as it should appear in the list of modules. In this field, you can only use lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). If you attempt to use a character which is not allowed, Service Controller displays the error message and prompts you to enter a different name.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the notification window that reminds you to commit the changes, click OK.

  9. To add the new IM-SCF WIN phase 1 to your deployment, in the Change Center pane, click Commit.

    A new module of type IM-SCF WIN phase 1 is now added to your Service Controller deployment. The new module is displayed in the domain navigation pane under the Interworking Modules node.

Configuring an IM-SCF WIN Phase 1

To configure an IM-SCF WIN phase 1:

  1. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. In the domain navigation pane, under the Interworking Modules node, select the newly added IM-SCF WIN phase 1.

    The IM-SCF WIN phase 1 configuration pane contains the subtabs described in Table 6-1.

    Table 6-1 IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 Configuration Subtabs

    Subtab Description


    Enables you to configure general parameters for an Interworking Module instance.

    See "Configuring General Parameters" for more information.

    Call Handling

    Enables you to define the way that IM-SCF handles calls.

    For more information, see "Configuring Call Handling Parameters".

    Media Resources

    Enables you to set up the media resources that Service Controller uses to play announcements.

    For more information, see "Configuring Media Resources Parameters".


    Enables you to set up the TCAP layer of the IM-SCF.

    For more information, see "Configuring TCAP Parameters".


    Enables you to define how Runtime MBeans and notifications operate.

    For more information, see "Configuring Monitoring Parameters".

Configuring General Parameters

The General subtab displays the protocol variant that is used to encode / decode SS7 messages and enables you to specify an alias for an Interworking Module instance.

Table 6-2 describes the configuration parameters on the General subtab.

Table 6-2 General Parameters

Name Type Description



Specifies an alias of the IM instance.

Using this alias, the SS7 SSU recognizes the instances of the IMs to which incoming messages should be routed. For more information on how the SS7 SSU uses aliases and how to configure incoming routing in the SS7 SSU, see the discussion on configuring the SS7 Signaling Server Unit for SIGTRAN in Service Controller Signaling Server Units Configuration Guide.



Specifies the protocol variant used over the SS7 interface. It informs the IM which plug-in (class) to use to encode / decode SS7 messages.

Configuring Call Handling Parameters

The Call Handling subtab enables you to define how IM-SCF handles calls.

Table 6-3 describes configuration parameters on the Call Handling subtab.

Table 6-3 IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 Call Handling Parameters

Name Type Description

OE Reaction Interval in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds during which the IM-SCF waits for the OE to respond to SAL messages.

When this timer expires, IM-SCF decides how to handle existing session (Continue or Release) according to the configuration settings.

Default value: 100

Body Encoding Format


Specifies the method that the IM-SCF uses to encode IN parameters in the body of a SAL message.

Possible options:

  • BER

  • XER

  • None

Default value: None

In an IN mediation solution, when IM-SCF is coupled with IM-SSF, this parameter must be set to XER.

CCDIR Interval in Seconds


Specifies the interval in seconds between two invocations of CCDIR operations.

CCDIR Waiting Interval


Specifies the interval in seconds that IM-SCF waits for CCDIR response.

The value defined in CCDIR Waiting Interval must be less than the value of CCDIR Interval in Seconds.

UI Reset Timer Interval in Seconds


Specifies the value, in seconds, of the WIN REST timer.

The timer is first triggered upon invocation of ConnectRersource operation. Whenever the timer expires, IM-SCF invokes the ResetTimer operation towards the MSC (reset SSFT) and triggers the timer again.

Default value: 20

Configuring Media Resources Parameters

The Media Resources subtab enables you to define the media resources that the SSP can connect in order to play announcements.

The table in the Media Resources subtab displays the media resources that are used to play announcements. Each row represents one media resource. When defining a new media resource, you need to specify the fields described in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4 IM-SCF WIN Phase 1 Media Resource Definition Fields

Name Type Description



Specifies a name of the media resource



Specifies a unique identifier that applications use to instruct IM-SCF which media resource to connect in order to play announcements.

Alias is used by IM-SCF to lookup a media resource details in this table.

Aliases are defined in a URI format. For example: mrf.network@domain.com.

Address Digits


Specifies the digits part of the media resource address. The media resource address is used to set up a connection towards the media resource.

Note: when this parameter is not set, the network's session control entity uses a pre-configured media resource to play announcements. In this case, Nature of Address and Address Numbering Plan Indicator should be set to 'None'.

Operation Type


Possible values:

  • Switched_Based: the media resource is internal part of the SSP. CCDIR operation is used to connect the media resource.

  • External: The media resource not a part of the SSP. ConnectResource operation is used to connect the media resource.

Resource Type


Specifies the value to set in the SpecializedResource parameter of the SEIZERES operation.

Possible values:





Private Resource Type


Specifies the value to set in the PrivateSpecializedResource parameter of the SEIZERES operation

SN-IP Configuration


Possible values:

  • SN

    IP and SCP are co-located. When you choose this option, you need to set also the SN Address parameter.

  • IP

    IP and SCP are not co-located

  • None

SN Address


Specifies the value to set in the DestinationDigits parameter of the CONNRES operation. This value is regarded only when SN-IP Configuration parameter is set to SN.

Configuring TCAP Parameters

The TCAP subtab enables you to set up parameters of the IM TCAP layer.

Table 6-5 describes configuration parameters on the TCAP subtab.

Table 6-5 TCAP Parameter

Name Type Description

Class4 Default Timeout in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds that the IM waits for possible REJECT. The timer starts when sending INVOKE for class 4 operations.

Default value: 10000

Reject Timeout in Seconds


Specifies the time period in seconds that the IM waits for possible REJECT. The timer starts when sending INVOKE for class 1-3 operations.

Application Part Guard Timer


Specifies the PSM timer, which is a timer for incoming operations.

The PSM timer defines the maximum time in seconds that the application (TC-User) has to respond to incoming INVOKE messages.

Activate Invoke Alarm in Application Layer


When the TCAP layer receives an INVOKE, it triggers back PABORT if there is no response. The waiting time period for response is configured in the encoding library.

The Activate Invoke Alarm in Application Layer parameter specifies whether or not to activate this timer.

Possible values:

  • True

  • False

Default value: False.

Result Split Length


Specifies the maximum length of the TCAP RESULT message. When the actual length of the message exceeds the specified value, the message is split.

Configuring Monitoring Parameters

The Monitoring tab enables you to define how Runtime MBeans and notifications operate for an IM-SCF. For more information about configuring monitoring, see "Configuring Service Controller Monitoring" in "Monitoring Service Controller Using Runtime MBeans" in Service Controller System Administrator's Guide.