22 Setting Up R-IM-OCF Ro

This chapter describes how to set up an R-IM-OCF Ro interworking module.

About R-IM-OCF Setup

The process of R-IM-OCF setup requires the following:

  1. Adding an R-IM-OCF to your Oracle Communications Service Controller deployment. You can add as many modules of type R-IM-OCF as you need. See "Adding an R-IM-OCF to the Service Controller Deployment" for more information.

  2. Configuring the R-IM-OCF. See "Configuring an R-IM-OCF" for more information.

Adding an R-IM-OCF to the Service Controller Deployment

To add an R-IM-OCF:

  1. In the domain navigation pane, expand the OCSB node.

  2. Expand the Processing Tier node.

  3. Expand the Interworking Modules node.

  4. Select IM Management.

  5. On the bottom of the IM Management pane, click New.

  6. In the New window, fill out the fields as follows:

    • In the Type list, select RIMOCF.

    • In the Version list, select the required version.

    • In the Name field, enter a name for this module as it should appear in the list of modules. In this field, you can only use lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). If you attempt to use a character which is not allowed, Service Controller displays the error message and prompts you to enter a different name.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the notification window that reminds you to commit the changes, click OK.

  9. To add the new R-IM-OCF to your deployment, in the Change Center pane, click Commit.

    A new module of type R-IM-OCF is now added to your Service Controller deployment. The new module is displayed in the domain navigation pane under the Interworking Modules node.

Configuring an R-IM-OCF

To configure an R-IM-OCF:

  1. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. In the domain navigation pane, under the Interworking Modules node, select the newly added R-IM-OCF.

    The R-IM-OCF Ro configuration screen contains the subtabs described in Table 22-1.

    Table 22-1 R-IM-OCF Configuration Subtabs

    Subtab Description

    Call Handling

    Enables you to define how R-IM-OCF Ro handles calls.

    See "Configuring Call Handling Parameters" for more information.

    Diameter Credit Control Application

    Enables you to configure parameters specific to the R-IM-OCF Ro DCCA interface.

    See "Configuring Diameter Credit Control Application Parameters" for more information.


    Enables you to define how Runtime MBeans and notifications should operate.

    See "Configuring Monitoring Parameters" for more information.

Configuring Call Handling Parameters

The Call Handling subtab enables you to define how R-IM-OCF Ro handles calls.

Table 22-2 describes configuration parameters on the Call Handling subtab.

Table 22-2 R-IM-OCF Ro Call Handling Parameters

Name Type Description

Default Session Type


Specifies how R-IM-OCF Ro marks new sessions internally.

Possible values:

  • Orig

    Stands for an outgoing call

  • Term

    Stands for an incoming call

Default value: Orig

Result-Code AVP Value on Session Disconnection by AS


Specifies the value that R-IM-OCF Ro sets in a CCA Result-Code AVP when a session is disconnected by the charging application.

Note: when the application disconnects a session, R-IM-OCF Ro generates a CCA only as a response to CCR. If R-IM-OCF Ro does not receive CCR to which it can respond in a reasonable time period, R-IM-OCF Ro abnormally disconnect the session.

Result-Code AVP on No Response from AS


Specifies the value that R-IM-OCF Ro sets in a CCA Result-Code AVP in a case when the charging application is not responding (that is a response timer expires).

Default value: 5012

Result-Code AVP on SAL 4XX


Specifies the value that R-IM-OCF Ro sets in a CCA Result-Code AVP when receiving an internal Service Controller SAL 4XX error.

Default value: 4010

This parameter does not apply for 402, 403 and 404. In that case, the Result-Code AVP is set to 4012, 4010 and 5030 respectively.

Result-Code AVP on SAL 5XX


Specifies the value that R-IM-OCF Ro sets in a CCA Result-Code AVP when receiving an internal Service Controller SAL 5XX error.

Default value: 4010

This parameter does not apply for 503. In that case, the Result-Code AVP is set to 3002.

Result-Code AVP on SAL 6XX


Specifies the value that R-IM-OCF Ro sets in a CCA Result-Code AVP when receiving an internal Service Controller SAL 6XX error.

Default value: 4010

Default Result-Code AVP


Specifies the value that R-IM-OCF Ro sets in a CCA Result-Code AVP when receiving an internal Service Controller SAL error and non of the previous parameters apply.

Configuring Diameter Credit Control Application Parameters

The Diameter Credit Control Application tab enables you to configure parameters related to the IM-OCF Ro Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA) interface. The Diameter Credit Control Application tab contains subtabs described in Table 22-3.

Table 22-3 R-IM-OCF Diameter Credit Control Application Subtabs

Subtab Description


Enables you to set up a DCCA dialect.

See "Configuring General Parameters" for more information.


Enables you to specify Attribute-Value Pairs (AVPs) to be set in CCAs.

See "Configuring AVPs Parameters" for more information.

Configuring General Parameters

The General subtab enables you to set up a DCCA dialect. Table 22-4 describes the parameter you can configure.

Table 22-4 R-IM-OCF DCCA General Subtab Parameter

Name Type Description

DCCA Dialect Plugin


Specifies the DCCA dialect that R-IM-OCF Ro should use.

Possible values:


    Standard DCCA dialect

  • BRM

    Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management DCCA dialect

Configuring AVPs Parameters

The AVPs subtab enables you to specify Attribute-Value Pairs (AVPs) to be set in CCAs. Table 22-5 describes the AVPs that you can specify.

Table 22-5 R-IM-OCF DCCA AVPs Subtab Parameters

Name Type Description

Session-based AVPs


Specifies AVPs that IM-OCF Ro place inside CCAs when constructing an SCUR or ECUR CCA.

This parameter is useful when Service Controller is required to accommodate non-standard and vendor specific AVPs when interacting with Diameter CTF entities.

The specification is given in XML format which is described below this table.

Note: AVPs specified by this parameter are given lowest priority. That is, if an AVP is already available inside either:

  • Internal Service Controller SAL message or

  • XML carried on internal Service Controller SAL message or

  • Other IM-OCF configuration

then all the other values prevail the value defined in this XML.

Immediate event AVPs


This parameter is useful when Service Controller is required to accommodate non-standard and vendor specific AVPs when interacting with Diameter CTF entities.

The specification is given in XML format which is described below this table.

Note: AVPs specified by this parameter are given lowest priority. That is, if an AVP is already available inside the following:

  • Internal Service Controller SAL message or

  • XML carried on internal Service Controller SAL message or

  • Other IM-OCF Ro configuration

then all those values have a higher priority than the value defined in this XML.

You need to specify values of the SCUR AVPs, ECUR AVPs and IEC AVPs parameters in an XML format. This format enables you to specify AVPs that R-IM-OCF must place inside CCAs when R-IM-OCF Ro constructs a CCA.

In the XML format in which you specify AVPs, you need to define the following parameters:

  • Command name

  • AVP group

  • AVP

The following XML code shows an example of how you can cause R-IM-OCF Ro to add the CC-Time AVP into CCAs that R-IM-OCF generates.

   <command name="CCA" code="272">
      <gavp name="Multiple-Services-Credit-Control" code="456" vendor-id="0"    type="GROUPED">
         <gavp name="Granted-Service-Units" code="431" vendor-id="0" type="GROUPED">
            <avp name="CC-Time" code="420" vendor-id="0" type="INTEGER">10</avp>

The XML code that you provide for AVPs, must conform to the following XML schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

<xsd:element name="dcca">
      <xsd:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
         <xsd:element ref="command" />

<xsd:element name="command">
         <xsd:element ref="avp" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
         <xsd:element ref="gavp" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="name" use="required" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="code" use="required" />

<xsd:element name="gavp">
         <xsd:element ref="avp" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
         <xsd:element ref="gavp" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="name" use="required" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="code" use="required" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="vendor-id" use="optional" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="type" use="required" />

<xsd:element name="avp">
      <xsd:attribute ref="name" use="required" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="code" use="required" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="type" use="required" />
      <xsd:attribute ref="vendor-id" use="optional" />

<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="code" type="xsd:int" />
<xsd:attribute name="vendor-id" type="xsd:int" />

<xsd:attribute name="type">
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
         <xsd:enumeration value="STRING" />
         <xsd:enumeration value="INTEGER" />
         <xsd:enumeration value="LONG" />
         <xsd:enumeration value="BYTES" />
         <xsd:enumeration value="GROUPED" />

Configuring Monitoring Parameters

The Monitoring tab enables you to define how Runtime MBeans and notifications operate for an R-IM-OCF Ro. For more information about configuring monitoring, see "Configuring Service Controller Monitoring" in "Monitoring Service Controller Using Runtime MBeans" in Service Controller System Administrator's Guide.