
次のスクリプト例を使用すると、ソースのOracle GoldenGateデプロイメント分散のターゲット・アドレスを変更して、Oracle Data Guardロールの移行後の受信側サーバーの新しい場所を反映させることができます。この例では、ソースのOracle GoldenGateデプロイメントがData Guardを使用したMAAアーキテクチャで構成されており、分散サーバーがプライマリ・システムとスタンバイ・システムの間で再配置できることを前提としています。


# change_path_target.sh - changes the target host of a GG Distribution Path 
#   when the target moves between primary/standby systems.
# Example usage:
# ./change_path_target.sh <primary source VIP>:443 <standby source VIP>:443
# <path target VIP> <path name> <deployment name> <credentials file>

SOURCE1=$1      # PRIMARY Distribution Server VIP
SOURCE2=$2      # STANDBY Distribution Server VIP
TARGET=$3       # Distribution path target VIP
DPATH=$4        # Distribution path name
DEP=$5          # Deployment name
ACCESS=$6       # Config file containing the deployment credentials.
                # Example contents:
                # user = "oggadmin:<password>"


#echo "#${i} - `date`:"

result=$(curl -si -K
 $ACCESS https://$SOURCE1/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH
 -X GET| grep HTTP |  awk '{print $2}')

# Will return NULL of nginx not running, 502 if cannot contact server, 200 if 
# contact to server good, and others (404) for other bad reasons:

if [[ -z $result || $result -ne 200 ]]; then  # Managed to access the Distr Server
  echo "`date` - Couldn't contact Distribution Server at $SOURCE1
 Deployment $DEP ****" >> $LOGFILE
else # Try the other source host:
  echo "`date` - Got status of Distribution Server at $SOURCE1 Deployment
 $DEP ***"  >> $LOGFILE

if [ $CONNECT -eq 1 ]; then
# For secure NGINX patch destination (wss)
  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH
 -X PATCH --data '{"status": "stopped"}'

# Set new target for path:
  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH
 -X PATCH --data "$PAYLOAD"
  echo "`date` - Set path $DPATH on $SOURCE deployment $DEP:" >> $LOGFILE

  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH
 -X GET | python -m json.tool | grep uri >> $LOGFILE
  curl -s -K $ACCESS https://$SOURCE/$DEP/distsrvr/services/v2/sources/$DPATH
 -X PATCH --data '{"status": "running"}'
  exit 0
  echo "`date` - ERROR: COULDN'T CHANGE DISTRIBUTION PATH ($DPATH) in Deployement
 $DEP at $SOURCE! ***" >> $LOGFILE

# If here, means we couldn't connect to either Distribution Servers
exit 1