Using the System Utilities

Topics in this part: The following topics describe the utilities available in the system that are typically used only by the System Administrator.

Working with User Exit/Edit Point (WUEP) describes how to call a user program directly from an existing Order Management System program, such as the Order Entry or Authorizations program.

Working with Default Options (WDFT) describes how to work with predefined field or program defaults.

Consolidating Order Billing History (MOBH) describes how to consolidate order billing history.

Working with Inventory Resets describes the options available to reset inventory levels when they become out of synch.

Unlocking a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) describes how to unlock an order or batch that became locked during processing or maintenance.

Resetting the Order Billing History Table (ROBH) describes how to reset the Order Billing History table based on the records in the Order Detail table.

Resetting Customer Sold To Amount On Order (RONO) describes how to reset the On order amount field in the Customer Sold To Order History file so that it matches the amount of any existing open orders for the customer.

Unlock Purchase Order (MUPO) describes how to reset locked purchase orders and reset the on-order quantities for Item Warehouse records.

Work with File Uploads (WUPL) decribes how to upload a file to a specified table in the Order Management System database.

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