Held Order by Reason Code Report

Purpose: This report list held orders in your company.

How to print: Complete the Print Held Orders Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.

Contents: This report page breaks on system hold reason. Within system hold reason, the system sorts held orders in ascending ship via priority, user hold, pay type hold, SH hold, and order number sequence.

Selection Criteria: The selection criteria you selected at the Print Held Orders Report Screen, if any.

- Reason Code: The reason code you selected. ALL displays if you did not select a reason code.

- Pay Type: The pay type you selected. ALL displays if you did not select a pay type.

- Via Priority: The ship via priority you selected. ALL displays if you did not select a ship via priority.

For each hold reason code and ship via priority:

- Reason: The system hold reason on the order. From OHD OHR Sys hold reason in the Order Header table.

- Ship Via Priority: The ship via priority for the ship via on the Order Header. From VIA Priority in the Ship Via table.

The following column headings apply to the data below the Reason and Ship Via Priority.

- User Hold: The user hold, if any. From OHD OHR Usr hold reason in the Order Header table.

- Payment Type Hold: The pay type hold, if any. From OHR Hold Reason in the Order Payment Method table.

- Ship To Hold: The ship to hold, if any. From OST OHR Hold Reason in the Order Ship To table.

- Order Number: The order number. From the Order # in the Order Header table.

- Payment Type Code: The pay type code; MLT displays if more than one pay type was used on the order. From PAY Pay type in the Order Payment Method table.

- Ship Via Code: The ship via code for the Order Ship To. From Ship via in the Order Ship To table.

- Customer Number: The sold-to customer number. From Customer # in the Order Header table.

- Name: The company name for the sold to customer. If a company name is not defined, this is the last name and first name of the sold-to customer. From NAM Company name in the Customer Sold To table or from NAM Last Name and NAM First Name in the Customer Sold To table.

- Telephone/Email: The sold-to customer’s day time phone number, followed by the first 29 positions of the sold to customer’s primary email address. From CS# Phone in the Customer Sold To Phone # table and CEM Email Address in the Customer Sold To Email table.

- Order Total: The total order value. From OST Add’l charges + OST Freight + OST Handling + OST Add’l freight + OST Tax + OST GST + OST PST + OST Merch in the Order Ship To table. Note: This total displays in the order currency, regardless of the setting of the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value.

- Order Date: The date the order was placed. From the OHD Order Date in the Order Header table.

- Authorization Date: The most recent date when the credit card on the order was authorized. From the Auth Date in the Authorization History table.

Total dollars on AT hold: The total order value for the system hold reason. From OST Add’l charges + OST Freight + OST Handling + OST Add’l freight + OST Tax + OST GST + OST PST + OST Merch in the Order Ship To table for all orders with the specified system hold reason.

Final total: The total order value for all orders on the report. From OST Add’l charges + OST Freight + OST Handling + OST Add’l freight + OST Tax + OST GST + OST PST + OST Merch in the Order Ship To table for all orders on the report.

CS06_01r OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC