Restrict SKU Scan by Offer (H34)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to restrict SKU listings on the SKU Scan screen in Order Entry/Order Maintenance to SKUs which are included in the offer associated with the order line.

Yes/No field: Select this field to have the system restrict the display of SKUs on the SKU Scan Screen in Order Entry/Order Maintenance to SKUs included in the offer associated with the order line.

If you want to use this system control value, you should define SKU offers to override the item offer for each SKU. If you have not defined SKU offers for the SKUs of an item, the system defaults the item offer for each SKU. For example, if item AB1111 is a SKUed item, but you have not defined SKU offers, the system will default the item offer for each SKU, and, when this system control value is selected, if the item is included in the offer associated with the order line, all SKUs will display. If the item is not included in the offer associated with the order line, no SKUs will display. See Create SKU Offer Screen.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to have the system restrict the display of SKUs on the SKU Scan Screen in Order Entry to SKUs included in the offer associated with the order line.

IN03_02 OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC