Default Opt In/Opt Out Flag (G97)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the default setting of the Opt In/Opt Out field when you create a new customer or email address. You need to set this system control value to ensure correct customer creation and update.

Code field: Enter the default setting of the Opt In/Opt Out field to use when you create a new customer or email address for the:

• sold-to customer

• sold to email

• sold to entity

• bill-to customer

Valid values are:

O1 (All emails) = Email is the preferred method of correspondence

O2 (Order emails) or blank = Send only order-related email correspondence

O3 (No emails) = Email is not an acceptable method of correspondence

O4 (Do not ask) = Do not ask the customer for his/her email address; the customer has already been asked and has declined to provide it. The system does not generate any email correspondence to the customer, even if an email address is specified.

Note: The valid settings for this field each start with the letter O rather than the number 0 (zero).

E-commerce catalog requests: If the E-Commerce Catalog Request Message (CWCatRequest) received from the web storefront does not contain a value in the bill_to_opt_in flag, the system defaults the setting of this system control value. See E-Commerce Catalog Requests for additional processing information.

Outbound email API: The opt in/opt out settings controls the generation of the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) using the same logic as the generation of outbound emails. See Outbound Email API for an overview.

You can work with this field in customer maintenance, order entry, and when entering catalog requests.

See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification? for an overview of the part this flag plays in determining whether to send certain email notifications to customers.

IN03_08 OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC