Order Cancellation List by Item

This report lists each order flagged for backorder cancellation that is associated with the vendor, buyer, or item you select at the Select Items for Backorder Cancellation Report screen. If you left these fields blank at the prompt screen, each item flagged for cancellation due to backorder will appear on this report.

How to print: Select Accept at the Select Items for B/O Cancellation Report Screen, or select Print Report at the Work with Backorders Pending Cancellation Screen.

Note: Like Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC), this report does not include orders that would be eligible for cancellation due to backorder, but are flagged for cancellation due to credit card decline. See Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC), for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

The contents on this report are broken out by backordered item.


• Vendor: The number identifying the vendor for the item. Below the Buyer column heading.

• Buyer: The three-position code identifying the buyer for the item. Below the Item column heading.

• Item: The code identifying the item.

• SKU: The code identifying the unique SKU, if any.

• Description: The description of the item.

• Backorder Quantity: The total quantity of the order line that is backordered.

• Total Amount: The extended price (unit price * quantity) of the order line that is backordered.

• Cancel Date: The date when the order line is eligible for cancellation.

• Order Number

• Customer Number: The number identifying the sold-to customer on the order.


• Item Total: The total Backorder Quantity and amount for the item.

• Grand Total: The total Backorder Quantity and amount for all items on the report.

CS12_06r OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC