About the Application

Purpose: Use the About the Application window to review information about Order Management System, including Modern View.

How to display: In the User Name drop-down at the top of every page, select the About the Application option.

Information on the About the Application window includes:

         Version: The build number installed on the Order Management System application server, as defined in the CWDIRECTCP_VERSION property. The version displays in major.minor.patch format, where major is the major release number, minor is the minor release number, and patch is the patch release number. For example:

         The major release for version 17.0 would display as 17.0.0.

         A patch to release 17.0 would display as 17.0.1, where 1 if the patch release number.

         Operating System: The version of the operating system you are using.

         Operating System Architecture: The processing architecture used to run the Classic View of Order Management System and the Modern View module.

         Java Version: The version of Java used to run the Classic View of Order Management System and the Modern View module.

         Java Vendor: The vendor that provided the version of Java that runs the Classic View of Order Management System and the Modern View module.

         Database Level: The database level used to run the Classic View of Order Management System and the Modern View module. The database level displays in major.minor.patch format, where major is the major release number, minor is the minor release number, and patch is the patch release number.

         Internal Build: The internal build number assigned to the EAR file used to run the Classic View of Order Management System and the Modern View module. The build number displays in major.minor.patch.YYMMDDHHMMSS format, where major is the major release number, minor is the minor release number, patch is the patch release number, and YYMMDDHHMMSS is the date and time of the build.

         Current Order Volume: The order count for the current year. You can also run the Order Volume Report (OVOL) to generate the Order Count report, which provides the total number of orders entered in Classic View and Contact Center broken out by company, and optionally, order type for a specified date range.


         Orders entered in a company flagged as inactive do not count towards the current order volume. If a company is flagged as inactive, the Menu Driver Screen displays a message indicating This company is flagged as inactive and should not be used to process live orders. You can review the Active company setting for a company in the Work with Companies (WCMP) menu option.

         The system does not increase the order count for orders received from Order Broker whose originating location is Order Management System.

         Additional Information: Copyright and legal information provided by Oracle.

For more information:

         Header Components for more information on the components of the header that displays at the top of each page.

