Fields on Add Order Line

Purpose: The following information displays on the Add Order Line page.

Note:             The Order (Order Number) is indicated in parentheses after the page title.

Search for Items

Use the following fields to search for an item.

         Description (Item Description)


Add by Item ID and SKU

Use the following fields to add an item to an order using the item ID and SKU.

         Item ID

         Item Description: Displays only after you enter an Item ID.


Note: Do not add the following types of items:

         A virtual stored value card item to the order if there is not an email address for the customer.

         An item with a ship via override.

         An item that requires standard personalization, in which you enter free-form text only.

         Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered): The number defined in the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value defaults.

Note: If the specified quantity is larger than the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) SCV and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, a quantity of 1 is added to the order.

         No Charge

         Price (Order Line Price)


         You cannot add the item at price that is greater than the value set in Maximum Order Line Value (E98) if you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature.

         If the exchange item is a warranty item, it is added to the order at no charge and a price override reason defaults. You cannot override the price for a warranty item.

         To add an item at no charge, select the No Charge flag.

         Price Override Reason: Displays only if you enter a price.

         Add Line Reason: Displays only if the Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (D75) system control value is selected or the Required reason code flag for the item offer or SKU offer is selected.

         Membership Program: Displays only if you add a membership item.

         Ship Via: Displayed and required if the item requires a ship via override.

For more information:

         Add Order Line for an overview of the Add Order Line page.

         Add Order Line Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Order Line page.

