Add/Edit Additional Charge Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Additional Charge window when in Add or Edit mode.

         Add An Additional Charge (Add Mode)

         Update an Additional Charge (Edit Mode)

For more information:

         Add/Edit Additional Charge for an overview of the Additional Charge window when in Add or Edit mode.

         Fields on Add/Edit Additional Charge for a description of the fields on the Additional Charge window when in Add or Edit mode.

Add An Additional Charge (Add Mode)

When you add an additional charge to the order, the system updates the Additional Charges total and recalculates the Order Total.

Adding a Negative (Credit) Additional Charge

1.      Select the appropriate additional charge from the Additional Charge drop down box. Additional charges display in ascending additional charge code sequence.

2.      Enter the amount in the Amount (Additional Charge Amount) field. Press - to make the amount a negative value.

         If you do not have authority to the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature, the Amount field is display-only. In this situation, you must select an additional charge that has a default charge amount defined.

         If a default charge amount is defined for the selected additional charge code, the amount defaults to the Amount field. You cannot change the default additional charge amount if the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is selected.

         You cannot add a negative additional charge that would bring the total negative additional charges on the order over the limit specified in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value if you do not have authority to the Override Negative Additional Charge Limit (A60) secured feature. Note: Negative additional charges that are added by the system are not included in the negative additional charge total; also, the total is not decreased by positive additional charges.

         You cannot add a negative additional charge to an order received from Order Broker (delivery or pickup) if the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value is selected.

3.      Select Add Additional Charge to apply the additional charge to the order.

4.      Repeat steps 1-3 to add another negative additional charge to the order.

Entering a Positive (Debit) Charge

1.      Enter the appropriate additional charge in the Additional Charge field.

2.      Enter the amount in the Amount (Additional Charge Amount) field.

         If you do not have authority to the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature, the Amount field is display-only. In this situation, you must select an additional charge that has a default charge amount defined.

         If a default charge amount is defined for the selected additional charge code, the amount defaults to the Amount field. You cannot change the default additional charge amount if the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is selected.

3.      Select Add Additional Charge to apply the additional charge to the order.

4.      Repeat steps 1-2 to add another positive additional charge to the order.

Update an Additional Charge (Edit Mode)

Updating a Negative (Credit) Additional Charge

1.      Update the amount in the Amount (Additional Charge Amount) field. Press - to make the amount a negative value.

         If the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is selected, you will need to use this window to override any default charge; however, you will be able to do so only if you have the proper authority based on the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature. If you do not have the authority to change the amount, you will need to change the charge code itself, or delete the code and add a different one.

         You cannot change a negative additional charge to an amount that would bring the total negative additional charges on the order over the limit specified in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value, if you do not have authority to the Override Negative Additional Charge Limit (A60) secured feature. Note: Negative additional charges that are added by the system are not included in the negative additional charge total; also, the total is not decreased by positive additional charges.

         You cannot add a negative additional charge to an order received from Order Broker (delivery or pickup) if the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value is selected.

2.      Select Update Additional Charge to update the additional charge and return to the Additional Charges window.

Updating a Positive (Debit) Charge

1.      Update the amount in the Amount (Additional Charge Amount) field.

If a default charge amount is defined for the additional charge code, you cannot change the default additional charge amount if the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is selected.

2.      Select Update Additional Charge to update the additional charge and return to the Additional Charges window.

