Fields on Cancel Order Line

Purpose: The following information displays on the Cancel Order Line window.

         Brokered Warning Message: The system displays a message at the top of the window if the order line contains an item brokered to Order Broker for fulfillment. If you cancel the item, the system sends the cancellation to Order Broker; see Order Broker and Item Cancellation for more information.

         Item Description (unlabeled field below the Cancel Order Line window title)

         Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)

         SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item Description)

         Membership Program: The Membership Program field displays only if multiple membership programs are included on the order and the system cannot determine which membership program to cancel.

         Quantity to Cancel: The quantity that will be canceled when you submit the cancellation. Display-only.

         Cancel Reason

For more information:

         Cancel Order Line for an overview of the Cancel Order Line window.

         Cancel Order Line Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Cancel Order Line window.

